Some neighbors become lifelong friends—but the opposite can be true too. These people had the misfortune of living next to some seriously BAD neighbors. If we lived next to any of these people, we'd be looking up moving companies immediately.
1. Filled To The Brim
We lived next to this big guy in an apartment building, with our front doors inside a hallway. Now, he was a nice enough guy, but he was always cleaning a puddle up in front of his apartment every other day. We'd always ask him if everything was alright, and he'd talk some incoherent nonsense about how he hates management.
So, out of curiosity, I asked management when I happened to be in the rental office. The lady's response made me burst out laughing. She rolled her eyes and said, "This idiot fills up his tub to the brim, and sits his fat butt in the tub. The water, of course floods his entire apartment, and comes out into the hallway, and this idiot has the balls to blame us somehow!"
I pretty much said, "Geez, that sounds rough," and scurried back to my place. If the tub story is really the truth, this guy must be dumb as rocks.
2. Time To Get Rid Of This Cancer
There was this neighbor who pretended to be weak from cancer/chemo so that the landlord couldn't get mad at her when her trash bins were full, and the lawn was filthy. She even went as far as shaving her head and faking a limp, walking with a cane, and everything. After my mom baked her some cookies and offered to take care of her bins and lawn, she spilled the beans about her scam.
My mom, now enlightened about my neighbor's bologna and tired of her trash blowing into our yard, called the landlord. The neighbor wasn't happy and would blast music in the wee hours of the morning to get back at us. My mom would get frustrated because she worked late and left early, so we filed a noise complaint with the authorities.
Officers arrived. The neighbor claimed that my mom, who was a small old lady, punched her in the chest and wanted her taken in. She showed the officers our security cam footage, which showed the crazy neighbor locking her nine-year-old daughter out in the middle of the night. The child was banging on the door at 2 am and was crying. The neighbor was taken away, and the daughter was sent to live with her dad.
3. Leaping Lizards
I lived next door to a pet hoarder. She had an unkempt yard, and a MONSTROUS amount of dung kept in a garden shed on the edge of their property, amazingly right beside our deck. We always wondered what was going on over there. Then, an unsettling flyer showed up in our mailbox. It read, “Lost male iguana. Aggressive and will bite. Do not approach.”
A few days later, animal control arrived with trucks and vans. They went into the house and pulled out hundreds of animals, all of who were sick or injured. There were exotic birds, lizards, cats, dogs—it was insane.
4. A Costly Error
A neighbor messed up when building a home and put his entire home well within my property. It’s a large piece of land with two huge clearings connected to two roads, but separated by a large isthmus of trees. I didn't notice because I had taken an eight month vacation right after he started building. It is a huge property, I didn't go around and inspect it often.
So, I got a real estate lawyer and surveyors to confirm it was on my property. I was going to sell him that clearing for a good price...until I went to talk to him and he was the biggest douche I had ever met. He essentially told me that he is going to sue me for "leading him on" despite the fact that I did not know him, nor had I met him before that day. His wife flipped off my girlfriend and I as we were pulling out of their driveway.
Well, he messed with the wrong guy. Four months later, I filed a lawsuit saying he must destroy the property or turn it over to me immediately. It would've cost him more to demolish it and return the site to original condition, so he signed the house over to me. He was still out for construction costs. I was living in a single house with my girlfriend, then I had a brand new, 2,600 square foot house with all the hookups for water, electricity, and cable for free.
I got the land for next to nothing, and sold it for almost 50 times the value.
5. Serial Psycho
I used to have a neighbor in his mid-40s who lived in a small junk house. It looked like a house that a psycho would live in. He would be in the road screaming nonsense and would go off on angry rants at 1:00 am. He came to my house banging on the door, yelling and threatening to kill my dog for barking when my dog was inside with me, and no barks were heard in the neighborhood.
He would constantly accuse people of stealing his mail and would put cardboard on his utility van window. He would treat everyone like they were some kind of suspect, to the point where no one wanted to be caught by him outside. One time, he showed up at my house out of nowhere with a hammer. I immediately called the authorities and put a restraining order on him.
A month later, I heard some crazy sounds coming from my attic and thought squirrels got up in the space again. I called pest control to see what was up there, but when they came down, they had this horrified look on their faces. They told me, “I can't get rid of what’s up there, but maybe the authorities can.” I called, and a few officers came out with my insane neighbor. I was almost paralyzed with fear.
When he’d smile, he would always have some intense anger behind his eyes. Thank goodness he moved.
6. Ripped Off
A few years back, our neighbors were getting kicked out because they were eight months behind on their mortgage. The week before they left, they ripped out everything in an attempt to sell the stuff off—bathroom fixtures, oven, doors, paving stones, you name it. If it could be removed, it was. When they finally moved out, the only things they left behind were the dog, the cat, and their kid.
7. Double Eviction
My first apartment had a creepy old man who lived on the basement floor and this equally creepy kid in his early thirties on the top floor. Both of them regularly sat out on the porch entrance at varying times of the day and would catch me whenever I came home. I lied to the old man, (we’ll call him George) about my name in a moment of panic.
When he found out that wasn’t my name, he started getting more aggressive in greeting me with my real name to show me how I’d done him wrong. He would circle the building when he realized I started using the back exit, and he'd even sit on the back steps to wait for me to pass by. I told my landlord twice about it and all he did was tell him not to talk to me, which made matters worse because just continued to harass me but with more of a vengeance.
He ended up stealing the wreath that was on my door because nobody else had one on their door and threw it in the trash. At that point, I no longer cared about causing my landlord grief and asked him to pull up video footage. Turns out, he’d been coming upstairs several times to see when I left for work and would stand in front of my door. He ended up getting evicted. But the nightmare didn't end there.
This was all happening while the kid on the top floor was still there. He was weird, but I didn't pay him much mind. After the whole George thing, I wanted to be on good terms with the other tenants, so I started saying hello when I came through the entrance or in the hallways. Bad call. Such a bad call. He started going around telling the other dudes that lived upstairs that he was sleeping with me and how I wouldn’t waste time jumping his bones.
Whatever, I stopped saying hi to him. About two days later, however, I went to take my trash out and I passed my window that was facing the alleyway. This dude was pressed up against it, sliding his face around the glass trying to see me. He saw me and tried to play it off, but the situation was already screwed for him. I called the authorities and it turns out he’d been pegged for"peeing" before on two other charges. He was also evicted.
8. Upstairs Upset
I had neighbors who were the worst kind of evil. I lived on the ground level, with front door access and a yard, and they wanted my apartment. They thought that stomping as frequently and loudly as possible, at all times of the day, was the best way to make me leave. While I would enter or exit my house, the entire family would sit on the balcony above and call me names.
After a while, it inevitably began to affect me. The mother of the family taught her kids to vandalize my apartment and hit my dog. It started to drive me insane, and while I dealt with it, I guess my roommate couldn't. We had been in the apartment for several months before those neighbors had moved in above. It was smooth sailing before then. We had also heard disturbing rumors about our apartment itself.
Apparently, the family that lived there before had burned alive in a fire. We had no idea it was in the actual apartment we lived in because no one disclosed it to us. The landlord pretended it never happened. The room my girlfriend and I slept in had a family burn in it. The combination of that and the harassment from the neighbors got to my roommate, and he had a breakdown.
9. Enough To Write A Book
My constantly inebriated neighbor came up with the brilliant idea that he could collect the leaves in the gravel parking lot with his snowblower! It went so much worse than I even expected. He duct-taped a plastic garbage bag over the discharge chute, and off he went. It actually inflated the bag for a few moments...until the stones started flying.
He broke three windows on his garage door and splattered a bunch of cars in the lot. I lost my britches laughing. I could write a book on all the stupid things I saw him do.
10. The Noxious Neighbor
I was off sick one day, and my roommate came home for lunch and checked the mail. We got a letter with no return address, sent to "the rooftop weed smokers" with our address on it. We knew it was for our next door neighbors, not us, since one of them had a chair on the roof and smoked up there. Since it had no actual name, and our address on it, I was like, “Of course I'm going to open this, it'll be hilarious!" It was more like a nightmare.
As I'm opening the taped envelope, a little bit of white powder sprinkled onto my lap. My roommate and I looked at each other and thought, “Uh, what?” So, I got up and took the letter outside to open it. A ton of white powder came out of the letter when we took it out of the envelope, so we grabbed a ziploc bag and some tongs, and sealed up the letter.
The letter was typed and said random things like, "To the douche who likes lighting up on the roof and yelling at people on the street with kids, you'd better have good insurance because I'll damage your stuff. I'm an ex-officer and have nothing better to do than to watch over you. You angered the wrong guy." But the most disturbing part was at the end: "By the way, the substance in this envelope is noxious, so you might want to get yourself to a hospital.”
At that point, we were half laughing, half concerned, so I called 9-1-1 just in case. They took it very seriously and sent out everyone: officers, paramedics, fire trucks, RCMP, and the tactical unit. The street was closed off, we were quarantined to our garage, and every neighbor who was home at the time came out to take a look.
Everyone was told to go back inside and stay put. The tactical team got suited up in hazmat suits and went into our house to test the letter/envelope. We were in the garage for almost three hours. The tactical guys came back out and said the substance was found to be non-noxious but they still had to do some more tests to figure out exactly what it was.
At that point, we were taken into the ambulance for a look-over and then back to the garage. It turns out the white powder was pancake mix. My roommate and I, along with the officers and tactical guys burst out laughing together. We thanked the response teams and they left. The RCMP officers stayed behind to get our statements and questioned the next door neighbors to whom the letter was supposed to be sent.
A detective followed up with us a couple of times. Since it was a threat and sent through the mail, it was a serious offense. The letter/envelope was sent off to forensics for testing. Unfortunately, nothing was found and the case was closed. The people in that house caused some nonsense the entire time they lived there, such as noise complaints, and trash left everywhere outside, but this incident really takes the cake. Luckily, they have all since moved out.
11. I Made A Ritual Our Of Getting Revenge
I have very religious neighbors. They would hang signs for the local church camp on their property. They kept putting our garbage cans in our driveway. While it was stupid and annoying, their behavior became more and more aggressive, to the point where they would trespass on my property and do damage to my house. However, I could never catch them in the act. So, I did the only thing a sane person would do.
I put on my velvet ritual cloak and made a show of putting a salt circle around my property, chanting and carrying on. They never bothered me again.
12. She Was Doggone Crazy
We had a large fenced-in backyard. My dog wasn't terribly loud, nor was she aggressive at all. She was just the general size of a lab, and my neighbors, specifically the wife, thought that made her evil. They called the authorities more than once, saying my dog was terrorizing the neighborhood.
Officers came, met the dog, and we explained that she was always in our yard. They left saying just make sure she stays in the yard. The neighbor called two more times to complain, and eventually, the officers spoke with her about her ludicrous complaints. Then, she started taking matters into her own hands. We noticed our dog was getting sick a lot—really sick.
We took her to the vet, and the vet said we needed to stop feeding her human food that could be bad for dogs. We had NO CLUE what she was talking about. We went back home and decided to keep a close eye on her. It turns out our neighbor had been dumping a number of vile things over our fence, like food scraps and mop water.
We went and spoke with her about this, and she denied it. Finally, we caught her on video and made sure she saw us recording her. Later that night, her husband came over and apologized and begged us not to call law enforcement. He promised he would ensure our dog would be left alone. We agreed but said if anything happened to our dog again, we would press charges.
Thankfully, she stopped coming after our dog—but she wasn't done quite yet...She moved on to our landscaping. She climbed over the fence more than once to hack our hedges and a few saplings. She even went and pulled all the flowers out of our flower bed that we had just planted. We went and spoke with her husband, as he was the saner of the two. We had the same conversation as we had regarding our dog.
13. On Yours But Not On Mine
I live on a 50 acre New England farm. About two thirds of it is wooded. After I'd been here for about a year, I was walking the boundary stone wall, which is on my side of the land. From a neighbor's yard I hear a bellowing voice, "YOU'D BETTER NOT BE ON MY LAND." I replied, "I'm not. I'm on my own land." He yells back, from somewhere in the trees on his side, "JUST SO YOU KNOW, NEVER STOP FOOT ON MY LAND."
Me: "OK, we've got a deal. And you stay off mine, OK?" I hear a grunt. Then I ask, "By the way, is this deer hunting tree standing on my side of the wall?" At which point he exploded, "THAT STAND HAS BEEN THERE FOR TEN YEARS!" He picked a fight for absolutely no reason, and ended up agreeing to not trespass on my land...and had been trespassing for a decade.
14. Noise Complaint
I lived above a guy in a really old fourplex and I guess the wood floors squeaked really loudly whenever I walked around. It wasn't like I was stomping around or anything, but the dude would constantly come upstairs and bang on my door to yell at me about the noise. I felt bad for him in the beginning because he seemed genuinely frustrated, but he didn't seem to understand or believe that I wasn't intentionally causing a ruckus.
I called my landlord several times asking him for a solution. I couldn't move out because I was locked into my lease, but my landlord was just like, "Buy a lot of rugs." It got to the point that I couldn't take the constant yelling and I was literally either tiptoeing around or hopping from my couch to my chair in order to get out of my living room.
Finally, I went downstairs one day and asked if we could talk about the situation. I felt that maybe if I looked him in the eye when he was calm and explained that I wasn't doing it on purpose, he would maybe understand. After I gave him my spiel, he had a chilling response: "I'm about at the point where if it happens again, I'm going to show up at your door with a really big knife." And then he just stared at me.
I basically ran out of there, called my landlord, and said that I had just been threatened by my downstairs neighbor. A month later the guy moved out, and then as soon as I could, I did too.
15. Not So Nice Guy
When I was a kid, we had this dude living next door who seemed like a nice guy. This is the mid 90s and he had a neon business, so he was doing pretty well for himself. Then, he got together with a crackhead and his house slowly started going down the drain…literally. At one point, his septic system went up and since they were lighting up every dime he made, he decided that he was just going to make a cesspit. I wish I was joking.
We live on the East Coast in the mid-Atlantic, so it gets hot and humid come July. Thanks to this guy, our entire neighborhood smelled like a temporary toilet at a mid-summer festival for about three months. Fast forward to January, it’s nice and snowy, and we come home to our house being broken into. Our computer is gone, the TV is gone, and a bunch of movies and medications are gone.
Officers show up and they start dusting and looking around. They go outside and lo and behold, there are tracks going from our side door back to the neighbor’s house. Of course, they denied everything and are at least smart enough not to keep the stuff around after we got home. They were not smart enough to use different names; they pawned everything though.
Needless to say, we had new neighbors within a few months of this incident.
16. Their Antics Pooped Me Out
After I moved out of my parent's place, I moved into an apartment where the neighbors were hoarders to the extreme. About two months after they moved in, we started getting roaches in our apartment. Then came mice. Then came RATS. About once a month, we would have to call emergency services on them because we'd find one of them passed out in the parking lot, on the doorstep, or on the stairs.
One day, they came over and asked if it was us who kept calling the authorities. Then, they cursed us out because they didn't have insurance and had to take out numerous payday loans to cover the ambulance costs. After "someone" pooped on our welcome mat, we'd had enough. We broke our lease and moved out.
17. Cat Napping Nitwit
I lived next to a foster home that had lots of boys living in it. My mom had allergies to our cats, so we let them outside. I'd go outside every morning, call their names, feed them, and spend some time with them before heading off to school. Everything was fine for about six months. Then one day, one of my cats didn’t show up when I called for her.
I didn’t think too much of it, thinking she was probably out doing cat things. I went to my aunt's house for the weekend to study with my cousin. When I came back home, there was still no sign of her. I started calling her name around the neighborhood and asking around if anyone had seen her. Nothing. Meanwhile, my other cat was suddenly suffering from seizures and was lethargic.
We kept her inside to keep an eye on her. Two weeks later, I had a thought that maybe someone either ran over our cat or took a liking to her and kept her for themselves. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. When my dad opened it, his jaw literally DROPPED. He saw a young boy holding a plastic bag with our cat inside of it! He said she was in their hedges.
He told us he had a feeling the new foster kid, who “wasn't right in the head,” had something to do with it. My dad went over and talked to the head of the foster home because he also had noticed someone throw a fish over our fence a few days before. Apparently, that kid had been causing a lot of trouble for them and was known to poison animals.
Unfortunately, our other cat didn't make it out ok either.
18. Slipper Sniffer
My across-the-hall apartment neighbor is so weird. Like, just overall off-putting. Anyway, I leave my sandals out next to my door every night since I don't wear shoes in the house. It so happens that one night, I had to meet my best friend, who came over in the dead of night at the front since she doesn’t know my place very well. As I opened the door, I caught my neighbor doing the most deranged thing imaginable.
He was caressing and smelling my sandals. I froze and mildly freaked out. He saw me staring, did a weird giggle, said something about his kids calling him back inside, and then yanked me into this weird side hug. Now I leave my shoes in a box inside my house. Ugh.
19. Caught In The Lies
When I lived with my parents, we had a knock at the door one day from our neighbors across the road. They were all flustered, and told us that someone had stolen their car the night before. Apparently, the wife had seen a strange looking man wandering around the street late at night. He had apparently been looking into car windows which were parked on driveways, including our cars.
The next morning, their BMW was gone, including the keys, which were hanging by the front door of their house. They "assumed" the strange man looking in car windows had somehow fished the keys from the house via the letterbox. The whole thing sounded very strange. To not call law enforcement when a man is literally peering through car windows on people's driveways was strange enough.
Months later, the neighbors got a divorce and sold their house. That's when the insane truth came out. Turns out, they'd made the whole thing up, and had dumped the car for the insurance, as they had fallen on hard times. Apparently, their story hadn't held up well, and they were found out. Who broadcasts a story like that? Why make yourself look stupid for not calling law enforcement when seeing a strange man eyeing up cars? And then tell all the neighbors about the man?
20. Saw That Coming
I have crazy neighbors. They are actually very nice as far as neighbors go, but the family is totally dysfunctional. They have two grown up daughters living there, along with their teenage daughters and their boyfriends. One has a kid. There are roughly 10 people living there ranging from five to 70. They keep the yard mowed and keep to themselves mostly, but they are entirely insane.
I actually like them for two reasons. First, they are notorious and crazy around our town, so everyone leaves them alone, so there are not many misdemeanors around us. Second, they are entertainment. One morning, my aunt was visiting. We are on the front porch and I am telling her about all the neighbors. I was telling her a story about how one of the younger granddaughters got in a fight with her boyfriend at two in the morning on a Tuesday night.
They are screaming at each other, walking up and down the street, explaining that something like that happens once a week. What happened next was too perfect. Like clockwork, one of the daughters comes out screaming back at someone and gets in her car. Her daughter comes out and tries to stop her from backing out. She grabs a shovel from the back of the truck and starts hitting the front windshield of the card, shattering it.
They call 9-1-1. Meanwhile, the granddaughter with the shovel calls her biological dad, who lives down the road. He picks his daughter up. Two minutes later the officers show up, but she is gone. I have hundreds of stories like this.
21. What A Bunch Of Bull
I lived on a farm, and we had one guy who was a real jerk. He took sheep from us. In some cases, he had shorn the wool off them, sold it, and returned the sheep, (although we suspect he sometimes ate the sheep too). He demanded that we front the bill to fix the fence despite it being between our two properties and refused to split the costs.
He also had someone else's bull jump into his property and used it to service his cattle for two years. When the owner tracked it down, the guy demanded to be paid the agistment costs, or he wouldn't return it. Oh, but it didn't end there. This guy owned a house on the property that he rented to his farmhand. The farmhand found him there one day going through his things and was told he wasn't allowed to leave the property under any circumstances while under his employ.
Understandably, the poor farmhand quit immediately and wanted to work for us instead.
22. The Worst Solution
My older neighbors across the street are very sweet and like to help out. One morning when my windshield was frozen and I was dealing with it. It was just frost, not solid ice, so I was diligently scraping and had the heat on in my car. Well, the man of the couple pops out his front door with a pitcher of steaming water. It was like something out of a movie, where he's just happily trotting towards me and I'm trying to get around my door around the hood to get between him and my car. I watched in horror, but there was nothing I could do.
I don't make it in time and he splashes an entire pitcher of hot water on my windshield. Miraculously it didn't crack, but it was still cold as heck outside, so instead of a little frost here and there I now had a solid half inch of ice on my entire windshield. I still don't understand how an older fellow like him who has clearly lived around here for a while still thought that was a legit solution.
23. She Annoyed The Living Daylights Out Of Me
There's a particular type of person who seems to feel like they're the only thing standing between society and its complete collapse. About six years ago, my downstairs neighbor was one of those people. She was aloof and paranoid, and she imagined threats from almost everywhere, which made the fact that she thought of herself as some kind of secret agent all the more annoying.
The said neighbor was always trying to find ways of getting me to move out of the building. She would stage loud telephone calls with “headquarters” about the alarming behavior of the other tenants, like my tendency to get home after nine in the evening, which was clearly scandalous. She would also frequently yell at the people who would stand on the corner to smoke.
On one occasion, I heard her shouting at someone over the placement of a flowerpot in their window, which was obviously an indication that they were selling dope. Then, one afternoon, I found a homemade attempt at an official FBI document posted in the building. It had atrocious grammar, a poorly Photoshopped seal, and a distinct absence of any legitimate contact information.
Still, since the notice was clearly meant to scare someone, I decided to return the favor by taking a page out of my neighbor's own playbook. I stood outside of her apartment while staging my own fake phone call. I said, "You should see the notice; it's terrible! Hah, yeah, it's like they didn't know that impersonating a federal official is an offense! Anyway, the real FBI are on their way, and they're going to dust for fingerprints. Whoever made that notice is looking at a lot of prison time!"
I went back inside my apartment after that, and within seconds, I heard my neighbor's door open. There was the sound of hurried footsteps rushing towards the stairwell, followed by an equally hurried retreat. When I went out to check five minutes later, the notice was gone. I've since moved away from that location, but for the rest of the time that I lived there, the lady never bothered me again.
24. The Cows Upstairs
My upstairs neighbors moo at each other. Very loudly. I used to live in the country and it sounds exactly like a cow, and me and my roommate have no idea why they do it. Nobody believes us until they come over and hear it for themselves. We "moo" back at them sometimes now if they get too loud and they usually stop for a while. They're just weird people though.
25. These Guys Belonged On Jerry Springer
When I decided to move out of the city to a small town, I found a great deal on a nice house, so I jumped on it. Most of the neighbors were really cool, and we all got along. However, there was one set of neighbors who were terrible. They had a junkyard yard full of stuff, including a big above-ground pool and kids' toys everywhere.
The woman had no teeth and was built like a foosball man, and the guy was this little mousy, beaten down man. She would stand in the yard and curse at him in her inebriated, toothless lisp. You'd occasionally see him just sitting in his truck at the park for hours just to get away from her. Two weeks after I had moved in, I saw the authorities hauling her off and him bleeding from the head.
She had hit him with some kind of lawn mower part. He went knocking on doors for bail money to get her out. They also went around the neighborhood asking to use our water to fill their huge pool. Naturally, we all said no, so they paid their water bill to get the service turned on to fill up the pool. Then, when the water got shut off again, they let it stay off for nine months and used the pool water to flush the toilet.
They did this on a yearly basis. The guy on the other side of me discovered they were pilfering water from his house when the guy crawled under his house and rigged a hose to his water main and buried it. They did the same with electricity and cable. The cable company came out one day and dug up my yard to find the cable lines that went to everyone else’s house around him.
One day, I was chilling in my pool when I heard what sounded like a shelf full of glass tipped over, and I heard the woman screaming. She had thrown the contents of their kitchen cabinets, the cabinets themselves, and part of the counter in the front yard then injured him. Another time, she had gone around taking Christmas decorations out of other peoples' yards and putting them in her own. Officers showed up.
She tried to hit one of them with a giant plastic candy cane and got pepper-sprayed. It was like living in a reality tv show.
26. I Doubted Mr. Fire Was Sane
My first apartment living away from home was in a small complex filled with retirees. Once I was walking to the bus stop before class, and I saw a garbage can smoldering in front of our building. It wasn't flaming, but there was a hole burned through it, and the plastic around the hole was melting. It had been a dry spring, so we were worried it might start an actual fire.
My ex ran inside and got the apartment manager. When she came outside with the maintenance guy, who removed the can, she yelled at my neighbor's window, "HEY YOU! What's the deal here?" Apparently, this old man, who lived across the hall from me, had beginning stages of dementia. He was cooking a steak in his kitchen.
When the meat lit on fire, he didn't know what to do, so he threw the entire pan in the garbage. However, the can started melting, so he thought it'd be a good idea to throw the whole thing out the window onto a garden full of wood chips. Hence, we nicknamed him Mr. Fire. He'd glare at me all the time and complain whenever I was sitting outside.
He hated my cat and always assumed I was a smoker. He would say, "Young people and their smokes. You better not smoke around here. The lady down the hall from you is on oxygen, and she can smell it." He was eventually taken away to a retirement home after flushing his diapers down the toilet, bursting a pipe, and flooding the laundry room.
27. Feline Vendetta
My neighbor was absolutely fine for about seven years. He was a nice old man who recently remarried to a woman who had a 20-year-old student. She partied from time to time, though she was mostly tame. But then, one day, out of nowhere, we found our one-year-old cat lifeless in their garden. We weren't sure if we could be mad since the cat could have passed of a heart attack or something, so my family shrugged it off as a coincidence.
Fast forward two months later—we had a new cat that was younger and cuter. I came home one day and my cat came crawling to me whilst giving the loudest meow of his life. I couldn't believe my eyes. Turns out, my cat was shot. SHOT. WITH A BULLET. Our gardener told us that he clearly saw the neighbor with a pistol, shooting pigeons or something, minutes before my cat was shot.
So yeah, as you can imagine, we haven't been close to our neighbors since that day...P.S our cat survived with surgery and is perfectly fine, but he only has eight lives left.
28. Kooky? More Like Spooky
It started out that we just thought she was a free spirit; just your average hippie-dippie Scandinavian lady with alternative parenting ideas. But we gradually learned that she was just a horrible person. The first red flag was when she picked up my four-year-old son, claiming she wanted him over for a short visit. She said he was playing with her younger daughter and she said they were playing naked most of the time.
I told her he wasn't allowed to be undressed anymore but I wasn't mad because I knew things were less uptight in Norway where she was from. I later talked to my son about it. Her older daughter, on the other hand, was always misbehaving. Her first time over to our house, she smeared chapstick all over an entire wall. She was like six years old. Plenty old enough to know better.
Another time, she sneaked into our house while I was outside playing with my kids and started eating some brownies I had just made. I mean, she tore a hole right smack in the middle of the plastic wrap over the dish and scooped out handfuls of brownies. She would also "pole dance" on the tree out front, singing "Shake yo money maker." Six years old.
She had birthday parties for her children, to which we were invited and brought gifts. But then, we found out their REAL birthdays were later in the year. When we were invited again, we declined. The lady tried to explain that she celebrated half birthdays. I explained to her that we didn't. Soon, my children were not allowed to play at their house anymore.
Though, we still all ran into each other walking to school. She would tell me how she saw real demons walking around disguised as people, and how God told her that I was really close to seeing the light and becoming Christian. It was during this time that someone called CPS on her and she accused me of it. It wasn't me, but maybe it should have been.
We finally moved, but she caught up with me one day to give me a bag of used clothes for my daughter. But her intentions were utterly twisted: I sliced my finger on the razor blade that she put in the bag, luckily not very badly. That was the last I saw of her.
29. Speed Demon
We had a woman down the street from us that everyone just called "the crazy lady." The speed limit was 30 mph and if you went over 23 mph, she would come running into the street yelling at you to slow down. At all times of the day, she would be watching and waiting. She went to my friends’ parents to tell them how awful their child was at driving, even when they didn’t violate any laws, and how they should have their driving privileges taken away.
She would even follow you home, just to yell at you. She would often call law enforcement and ask them to have radar in the neighborhood or set up one of those speed signs. It became a game of how fast can you drive by her house? I would set the alarm off on the speed sign with my remote control cars, my bike, anything other than a car just to aggravate her. Other people just honked their horn as they drove by, and would give her the one-finger salute.
30. She Was Fast And Furious
We lived beside our neighbors for about three years with no real problems, although we could tell they were a little off. The man kept to himself, but I was friendly with the woman and adored their daughter. One night, the husband and wife began brawling in the front yard, and he slammed her head into a brick post on their porch.
The MPs were there, firefighters—the works. The whole street was lit up with emergency lights, and they both got carted off. I honestly closed my blinds and locked my doors when I first realized there was something going down. It didn't end there. A couple of weeks later, they had both been released from wherever they were. We were out of town and got a call from a co-worker asking if we were ok. Apparently, the lady had come back, and they got into it again.
She hopped into her car, drove straight into the garage/house, backed out, and went on a high-speed chase with the MPs through the neighborhood. She side-swiped a cruiser as she turned onto one of the roads headed towards a gate on the base. They started raising the barriers, but she wasn’t stopping. Never before did I ever deal with craziness like that.
31. This Baby Is Crying No More
I had a neighbor who would bring women back every weekend. I'd hear the bed squeak for about 20 seconds, stop, then silence, followed by laughter. Usually, it was cool, but when he constantly played German house music at 4 am, I started getting mad. After talking to him about it, he essentially told me to take a hike. So, I came up with an excellent plan for revenge.
The next time it happened, I YouTubed "babies crying." I put it on full blast through my speaker, which I had sat up against the wall. Needless to say, it stopped after that.
32. Too Large Of Holes
I grew up on a small farm with cows, and turkeys. Across the street, there was a small produce farm. When I was six or so, we got a new neighbor. He had been a corporate lawyer in New York City and then woke up one day, said, "I really hate my job, I'm going to buy a farm and raise exotic animals." This guy did not know much, but by gods he had a dream and he wasn't going to give up.
He and his wife were both city folk, born and raised in New York City. They moved in during the winter and he asked my dad a lot of questions about pens, fences, vets, and the works. Spring came and I was awakened by frantic knocking on the door. It's the wife, Jen, panicking because, "It smells like poop! Is there a problem with the sewer? Who do we call?!"
My mom starts laughing, which frustrates Jen more. My mom explained that it was spring and the produce farm across the street just laid down their fertilizer. My mom had to further explain that fertilizer is just a nice word for cow poop. After she left, we could hear her screaming at her husband that she hated it here and this was the dumbest idea he's ever had and she wants to go back to the city.
Keep in mind that our houses were pretty far apart, as we were both on six to 10 acre lots. She could really project. They got some emus and llamas shortly after. This is like 1990, when most people had never even heard of an emu at this point. My father is suitably impressed with the livestock, less so with the fencing Arthur chose.
It was wire fencing with pretty large holes in it. Large enough for both the llamas and the emus to stick their heads through...and then they'd decide they were thirsty so they'd snake their heads back through a lower hole and get stuck that way. Arthur would then come running to our house for help getting his animals unstuck before they drowned in the water troughs.
This happened at least once a month for over ten years. Arthur never changed the fencing, despite my dad asking him why he wouldn't change the fencing or at least move the troughs into the center of the pens. They've since moved, but I'll never forget the zaniness of runaway emus and llamas, fantastical escaping pygmy goats, or Jen freaking out because it smelled like poop.
33. Basketball Over Everything
In college, I lived in a big apartment building. I lived in a two bedroom apartment and only had neighbors on one side. They also shared a wall with only us. One day, they just started this constant loud banging on the walls. This went on and off for days and was extremely loud and annoying. Finally, we figured out what it was via one guy's Snapchat story. I could barely believe it.
These guys had installed a full-size basketball hoop on the wall we shared with them and were constantly trying to make baskets. This was especially annoying because the wall directly across from where the hoop was, was not shared with anyone. So, we talked to them about it and asked if they could move it. The next day, we hear loud drilling in the wall and assume they are taking it down. Nope! They either installed a second hoop or made the first one more secure in the wall.
34. Caught Red Handed
My neighbor and my dad never got along. Long story short, he was a grumpy old man who hates kids, including my sister and I. One morning after weeks of bickering over various issues, my dad suspects the neighbor might be throwing some gravel on his car every morning. This car was my dad's first car he ever bought. It is older than I am.
My dad’s a terrifying man, hence my ps and qs are on point. I expected him to do something irrational and full of spite. He simply woke up a little early, lied down in the back seat with a camera and filmed him throwing gravel on the hood. I'll never forget the smirk he had as he got out and just said, "Thanks."
35. No Field Of Dreams
We had one house on my old street growing up, which had just changed owners. A seemingly nice couple and their kids moved in, and they were okay at first. Their kids were a bit annoying, but they were around six and nine, so the rest of us on the block ignored it since we were teenagers. One day, the kids began screaming profanities at us and throwing stuff.
We just started avoiding them because they were nuts. As a result, they told their mom that we were being mean. So, she started riding her bike up and down the street telling parents what their children had done wrong to her boys. None of the parents took her seriously, and they told her to take a hike many times. She was way more dangerous than we'd ever imagined.
We had an empty lot on the street where we would dig tunnels and build paintball fields. Every single morning we would find everything on the field destroyed. We found suspicious attempts at traps made and all kinds of weird stuff. There were boards with nails laid behind my neighbor's tires. I'm certain the mom was sending her kids out on missions to get back at the parents and us.
The unprovable damage went on for about a year. Peace returned when she moved, and we all grew up.
36. Fenced In
When I was a kid, our neighbor built this giant deck on his house that actually went over our fence. We ended up having to go to the city to force him to make it smaller. We went to a family reunion shortly after, and when we came back, he had a sign on his fence facing our front door that said, "Peekaboo, I see you." He had set up a bunch of security cameras on his house that were all aimed at our house.
We pretty much just avoided him from then on until my parents divorced and sold that house.
37. The Very Last Time
The house next to mine became a rental property. The woman and her daughter who moved in seemed nice enough. Through getting to know her over the next few months, it became apparent that she was a little slow and not very together. One day, I was replacing the faucet in my kitchen and the shut off valve under the sink snapped off while I was trying to close it.
As you could imagine, water started getting out all over the new laminate floor. Knowing I had no exterior water shut off on my house, I quickly ran outside to shut off the water main to the house. My kitchen was quickly flooding, and I was desperate to close it ASAP. It was buried under a foot of sand, so I am frantically digging to access it and close it.
Anyone looking would see that I am panicking and very engaged. At this time, my neighbor comes out and stands next to me. She tried to start a conversation with me, but I ignored her as I had no time for that. She continues to talk to me, even though I do not talk back. She tells me how her daughter asks her to make some Chinese chicken.
She goes into detail of how she made it, how it tasted, and what else they ate with it. Needless to say, as I am soaking wet, dirty as heck, and finally got the valve closed, she continues to talk to me as I get up and go back into my house to clean up all that water. As I left, she just stood there and continued to talk as if she had an audience.
My wife and I refer to that as the “Chinese chicken incident.” We ended up moving a few months later, but that was the last time we spoke to our neighbor.
38. Cruella De Cars
We live in a courtyard of eight houses. One neighbor, let's call her Cruella, controls the parking spaces. Having moved in one year ago, she halved our parking allowance from two to one car for no reason. She, at 37 years old, bullied an 18-year-old who lives with his parents. Us other residents collectively responded. Now, she has two parking spaces, down from five, and hides when we're out front. She will never win.
39. Dream House Drama
We had built our house around the same time as our neighbors did. Everything was ok at first, but then, things started to go wrong. It started with the fence. They wanted the paneling on their side. We said whatever; having the supports or on our side meant that my siblings and I could climb the fence. Then, they wanted a more expensive fence.
We came in under budget with the house, so we agreed. Then, they wanted the fence moved a yard or so onto our property. That’s where we drew the line and said no way, which caused them to react. We would get pebbles thrown over the fence when we were in the garden, or the wife would knock on the fence and pretend it wasn't her.
It started escalating when she would yell at us. When we came home from school, we would have to wait for the garage door to close fully before we could get out of the car, or she would be out in the front of our house screaming at us holding a broom or a rake. She was crazy! She even tried poking a hole in the fence so she could watch us. We got out of that house quickly, which was unfortunate because it was the house of our dreams.
40. She Was Loaded With Problems
I used to be good friends with the girl next door from when we were ten until high school started. Her parents had a drinking problem, so I felt sorry for her more than anything. My little brother, who was autistic and could barely speak, came along with me to her backyard one day, and he accidentally tripped and fell into their back-porch door. BIG mistake.
Her mom, who had daily naps from all of her drinking, woke up and stormed outside to scream at him. When he didn't respond, she burned him on his arm with her smoke.
41. Sketchy Dealings
One year in university, I ended up finding a room in an apartment building. It was one of those apartments with five bedrooms on one floor with a shared kitchen and two bathrooms. The landlady ended up renting out each room individually, so I was living with four complete strangers. They were mostly decent guys and we got along okay, outside or normal roommate quarrels.
This was fine until it was time for the roomies to move out before the lease was up. They didn't want to get charged for the month of rent, so they found subletters. My one roommate gave his room to another total stranger. The new total stranger wasn't really vetted all that well. I bumped into him once when he moved in and he gave me a weird vibe.
He kind of seemed like a sketchy dude, but whatever; we were all poor university students, so I thought maybe I was reading him wrong. I didn't even really meet him long enough to really catch his name. Anyway, one night, a few days after he moved in, I was sitting in my room with my girlfriend and we were watching a movie. During the movie, I could have sworn that I was hearing radios going off.
I shrugged it off and figured it was a part of the movie. About twenty minutes later, however, there was a knock on our apartment door. None of my other four roommates was home, so I answered it and was greeted with not one, not two, but five officers. At least one of them was armed with an SMG. Officers: "Does this man live here?" Me: "Uh...Yeah, I think that's the new roommate..."
Officers: "Is he home?" Me: "Uh...I don't think so..." They came in and knocked on his bedroom door. No answer. Curious, I asked them what was happening. The officers all shared a meaningful look and one of them answered that he may have been involved in an incident and may be injured. About five minutes later, the apartment door opened and the sketchy roommate was standing there in the entrance hall to the apartment.
Our conversation went something like this—Me: "Are you okay? The authorities were here looking for you and said you were injured." His response was horrifying: "Oh, I was involved in a drive-by shooting earlier today. It's okay though, I ran away." He then went into his room as if he didn't just drop a bombshell on us. Five minutes later my girlfriend and I were still sharing looks of astonishment.
Then, a knock on the door again! Surprise, surprise, it was the authorities. Now they had some reinforcements and even a few dogs with them. I just pointed to the guy's door. An officer unbuttoned his holster and I locked myself in my room. I emailed my landlady that night informing her of what had happened, saying that I would be moving out of my apartment early, and that I was expecting not to be billed for my last month of rent. She did not argue.
42. A Bad Situation All Around
My neighbor had two big dogs that barked a lot when she was gone from home. Polite requests to do something about it always resulted in, "It is not my dogs barking." Take note that this was often late at night when we're trying to sleep. Sometimes, she would leave them outside all night alone to bark while we tried to sleep closeby. In our county, barking for more than one hour is a unlawful.
We took her to a barking "court," actually a hearing, where parties present evidence in front of a "judge," We took her there four times and she always lost. She also never paid the fines. Finally, her soon to be ex-husband came over and took the dogs to the animal shelter. He was tired of all the neighbors calling him to complain even though he did not live with her.
She could not get them back from the county shelter without paying the fines. But this story has a tragic end. They were ultimately put down. She had never trained them and had no control over them at all. They were basically dangerous and un-adoptable. She eventually lost her house to foreclosure after her divorce. It was a bad situation for all concerned.
43. It Won’t Be Long
We used to live next door to a horrible couple. They seemed nice at first, all smiles, but they soon dropped the façade. There are a bunch of stories that lead to us moving houses, to a much nicer place later on. We decided to get chickens, first checking with our closer neighbours if this was okay, to which they all agreed.
However, when we upgraded from three to six chickens, the couple to our right sent a complaint to the council, claiming we were keeping non-domestic animals. A quick phone call to the council confirmed we were fine to keep chickens, and our reply to the couple included the fact that the Latin name for a chicken is Gallus Gallus Domesticus.
Another time, we received a note saying that after we took our Caravan out for a holiday, they noticed how much light was blocking out, being in our front yard. They asked us to remove it, and also to kill three of our chickens. We obviously refused, so they told us we were going to pay for a fence, taller than the Caravan and blocking out even more light, to be built between our properties.
We also refused. One day, we came back to see builders erecting a fence and tearing up the picket fence on OUR property. Apparently, they had been told they could remove it by the meaner of the couple. My dad threatened to call law enforcement and the builders just left, causing the couple to confront my dad later that day.
After this incident, they started being vile. They would bang cupboard doors and literally laugh like cackling witches, all of which we could hear through the walls of our home. They would drive slowly alongside my mum walking my brother to school and glare at her for minutes at a time, and once, one of them yelled out the window at my dad, calling me and my siblings brats while we were there.
Soon after this, we moved out, but we have in on good authority that their new neighbors are extremely loud compared to us, so I don't think it'll be long before they start on their new neighbors.
44. Karma’s A B—oxer
The next-door neighbor had a small yard with two dogs—a boxer and a rottweiler. She rarely ever walked them, so they were pent up with energy and not well socialized. Whenever people or dogs walked by outside, they would go nuts and jump/tackle the mutual wooden property fence that separated us. As a result, every year, the fence needed to be replaced.
She was never willing to pay for the replacement or even split the cost. My parents would end up footing the entire bill each year for a new fence because my dad did not want to make a big deal. The neighbor also has a very tall tree in her backyard that we tried to get her to trim and maintain so that strong winds wouldn’t bring the cross branches down and damage the surrounding houses and people walking by.
However, she would ignore us. In the end, karma came for her in the worst way imaginable. On one very windy day, a branch snapped from that tree. It crushed her boxer.
45. Just Pivot
One day as I was leaving for work, my neighbors were out front. I locked my door and was walking towards my car when a couch landed in the car park in front of me. They had decided that taking their couch down the stairs was too much effort. Since they were just going to throw it out anyway, they decided to push it over the balcony but didn't think to warn anyone below.
46. Not A Moment To Forget
One evening, while having some quiet time at home playing COD with my spouse, we heard a tentative knock on our door. Not expecting company, I hopped up to discover our neighbor's 14-year-old daughter peeking through our door and looking rather pained. I opened the door to greet her and she immediately started talking like crazy. Her story was probably the weirdest thing I've ever heard.
You see, her grandmother, who was staying with her for the night as her parents were at a wedding, was unclothed. And, she has just peed on the floor. Now, I am not unaccustomed to having very bizarre situations happen. For some reason, I tend to be a magnet for other people's problems that are, in a word, unique. But, I admit that this one had me more than a bit flummoxed.
I then asked 20 questions…"Has she hit her head? Has she taken any medications? Has she been drinking booze? Is she slurring her speech?" Debating between calling law enforcement and going over there to see what is going on, I against my better judgement, took the 14-year-old to go grab some clothes so she could just stay with us until her parents got back.
I also wanted to see if this was a stroke, drunken episode, or mental health crisis. So, yes, the grandmother was unclothed and did not care. There was a puddle of pee on the floor, which I tried to avoid but sadly no luck as it was everywhere. She offered me some pizza, which I declined. We finally got a hold of the parents, and mom was so angry.
She told the 14-year-old to go over there and tell the grandmother to go to sleep. So, as it turned out, the grandmother was a pill popper. I washed my shoes, and rested well in the knowledge that I helped a worried child. But, I will forever have that whole evening burned into my head.
47. Took It To Go
A new neighbor moved in. I go over to introduce myself, and he is friendly. Then, he introduces me to his three rottweilers. No big deal, I like dogs. A couple hours later, I see him pounding in three huge metal stakes in his yard and he chains up the rottweilers. They proceed to bark from about four in the morning until eight.
Within three days, there is no grass on his lawn and it's just a muddy mess. I ask him to do something about the barking nicely multiple times. He gives it a lame amount of effort, so I just kept calling animal control. Running out of options, I gave him $1,000 towards putting up a privacy fence. He did, I sold my house immediately and moved. I heard a short while later he moved and took the fence with him!
48. Where The Grass Was Not Always Greener
The guy next door was a hoarder. He would have so much junk on his front and back porch that the door wouldn't open, and he never cut his grass. After a couple of years of the city not enforcing lawn care, neighbors on either side started cutting the front lawn for him. But we couldn't mow the back for him because he always had two large dogs who only understood Polish.
The grass was always unbelievably tall in the backyard, which along with the trash, meant the mosquitos along the fence were horrendous, rendering our otherwise pleasant shade garden unusable after any rain. At one point, he was stealing our water which drove up our water bill. We suspected he didn't have electricity either.
49. Not So Fragrant Feline
I had a lady that lived on the third floor. She must have let her cat pee everywhere because the entire building reeked like cat urine. The smell entered my apartment frequently. When I passed her in the hallway, I would have to hold my breath because it smelled so bad. I dealt with this for two years, complaining to the management multiple times.
Eventually, I called animal control. The truth was absolutely horrifying. It turns out she had 30 cats in her apartment. They were taken away, and she was evicted shortly after that.
50. No Pets Allowed
I lived in an apartment that didn’t allow any pets, except for service animals. A lady moved in and LIED that her dog was a "service dog." This dog was no service dog, it didn't even have basic obedience training, and she would turn it loose all day long in the communal gated courtyard. She never cleaned up after it, and it would chase and harass everyone because it was starved for attention.
She got tons of complaints, but because she kept claiming it was a service animal, there was nothing that could be done. She eventually got evicted after getting a second dog she let run feral and poop everywhere. When she left, the landlord found out that she was also a hoarder. Her apartment was packed full of all kinds of filth, including bags of clothes she had been taking at night from charity donation bins.
51. Searching For Evidence
When I was in high school, our neighbor had a bunch of baby geese in her backyard. We never found out where she got them. They just showed up one day. Then, a few months later, they were gone. After that, she told everyone in the neighborhood that my dad had harmed her geese. According to her, my dad had scaled her massive privacy fence, fended off her two German shepherds, and used a length of fishing line to cut the heads off of all eight of her geese.
And then, he managed to clean up the murder scene and take all eight bodies back over the fence with him. Now, my dad was not Hugh Jackman. He was 65 and flabby. Obviously, after a few months, the geese just got old enough to fly away. So, we told everyone to just ignore the crazy nutbag. But, that's not where it ended.
The next morning, I went downstairs for breakfast and saw my dad staring out the window. "She's robbing our garbage," he said. Sure enough, our neighbor was taking our trash bags from the curb and dragging them back to her house. Apparently, she was going to search our garbage for evidence. She must not have found anything, because my dad never got incarcerated for goosicide.
To this day, I have no idea why she decided my dad of all people was a goose murderer.
52. They’d Been Warned
My old neighbors didn't have a fence, and we did. We had two dogs who remained fenced. They had one that was primarily an inside dog, but seemed pretty well-trained so they didn't leash him outside. One day, we noticed one of our fence boards had broken on the side of our fence facing the yard. We grabbed an extra board and went out to replace it, no big deal.
The wife came running and screaming up to us about how we need to get off her property and we don't have permission to be there. I told her we lived at that house since we had only been there a couple of months, and she told me she knew who I was and that I had better get off her land or else her dog might attack me. I should add I was around eight months pregnant at the time.
Apparently, this woman had no idea that property almost always goes past a fence line, and we had a survey done when we bought the house. I demonstrated to her where our property line was, which was a couple feet past the fence. I told her I was calling law enforcement if she crossed over that line. They built a fence a few weeks later and didn't get a permit. I knew because they didn't meet code and did everything themselves. You better believe I called the city. I hope they got fined.
53. Living Next To These Guys Was Ruff
I lived in an apartment. I paid my rent on time, didn’t break stuff, and was overall a good neighbor. A guy moved in with his girlfriend, and they got a dog. She decided that she didn’t want to walk or play with the dog, so she would put him out on the balcony all day. The dog barked ALL DAY LONG. This went on for about two months.
The city I lived in had a noise ordinance, but it wasn’t enforced much. The property manager said, "We've talked to him, and the dog isn’t out much during the day.” I was at my wit's end, so I contacted the property owner. I told him I had been here for several years with no incident and that the new neighbors had a dog they kept on the balcony.
I mentioned that the smell of dog excrement was horrible, and I couldn't sit out on my balcony in peace. He contacted my property manager and told them to either evict the couple or move them away from me. To top it off, before they moved out, he got loaded and smacked the girlfriend around. I called the authorities who took him in. They finally moved.
54. This Guy Needed To Get Cleaned Out
A man who lived on my floor was infamous in our neighborhood. He lived with his mother, who, ironically, was our building's janitor. She made moonshine in her bathtub, which often stank up her neighbors' apartments. Her kid began "sampling" the moonshine early on and was a full-blown juvenile delinquent by the age of 16. He soon moved on to harder stuff and began hurting his own mother just so he could get his hand on her tiny janitor's salary.
One time he nearly put her in a coma, but she refused to press charges or kick him out. But the worst was yet to come. He broke into his neighbor's apartment once and ended up behind bars for about two weeks. He would deface the walls of the building and urinate everywhere. The downstairs neighbors actually had severe water damage because of his pee, and his flat was so foul that the next residents had to gut it completely.
Eventually, they fell behind on their utilities and had to relocate to a smaller place elsewhere in town.
55. Just Like Their Own Daughter
I had neighbors who were a pair of 80-somethings and were sister and brother. They lived in the apartment below me in a duplex home, and the landlords despaired of what they were going to do when they finally passed, because their place was like a cave of old people stuff. The sister cooked in their dark kitchen with lots of oil that had been splattering everywhere for years.
So, it seemed like there was a fine, sticky, yellowish brown film of oil on everything, which then picked up all the dust. Basically, if you had allergies, it was the last place you wanted to be invited into. No matter what it was in their place, if it didn't smell of oil, it smelled like pipe smoke and other musty stuff. They decided I was going to be their replacement daughter.
This sounded nice when the brother said he would happily take out my garbage, but then I found out that they were also going through my garbage after I went to work, because they started commenting on what I was eating and drinking. Then, they got wildly offended when I started taking my garbage to work with me and accused me of not trusting them.
This was also somewhere around when I told them I didn't need them to make food and leave it outside my door. It wasn't that they weren't being nice, it was the way they would then make sure I told them for days how grateful I was and what a great cook she was. After we crossed that rubicon, they started complaining about everything from how late I stayed up to my company.
They whispered about my private life to the neighbors and generally made themselves a super PITA. I lasted 18 months there and realized why the landlords couldn't stand them. Apparently, they did this to every normal tenant who moved into the other unit, but because of their age and because they paid their rent, they couldn't be evicted. Really, they were the worst neighbors ever.
56. A Very Particular Lifestyle
My neighbor is a middle aged guy who doesn't work. He’s up at four and in bed by eight and expects everyone else living around him to be in bed too. There are a lot of young working professionals in a condo community, so in the summertime on a Friday and Saturday, people are at the pool or barbecuing until 11 in the night. He would constantly lose his mind demanding people around him cut it out at eight instead. One night, he got so mad he slammed his bedroom window so hard it shattered.
57. Tossed Out With Their Trash
We lived in what looked like a mansion-type house that was rented out to three different families. My family lived on the bottom floor, and a family of six lived above us—a mother, father, and four daughters from four to 13 years in age. Every morning they would stomp around the house like little elephants and make as much noise as possible to wake each other up so they could prepare for school.
After they were ready, more often than not, they would refuse to actually go out the door to go to school. They would screech as loud as they could until their parents decided to let them stay home. Since we were on the bottom floor, we had free reign of the backyard, whereas the other two families barely bothered to use it.
They would frequently dump garbage and other random stuff off of the balcony into the yard and never bother cleaning it up. We would have to tend to it daily since we had two dogs and an outdoor cat at the time. It was a nightmare. The landlord eventually kicked them out, and when he went to inspect their apartment, he made a disturbing discovery.
Their apartment was full of soda bottles, as well as mold growing in multiple rooms with foul odors everywhere.
58. Garden Grump
I moved into what was supposed to be student housing. It was a normal house with locks added to all the rooms to make them separate with a shared kitchen, etc. I shared my kitchen/bathroom with two other people downstairs, and there were about eight other people living on the upper floors. There was a weird couple who lived above me. The guy looked to be somewhere in his 40s or 50s, with a handlebar mustache and very long black hair.
The woman looked to be somewhere in her 70s. I thought she was his mother at first, but apparently, they were a couple. She had trouble getting around and would often be sitting outside the front door in her wheelchair puffing away. It didn't take long after I moved in for things to take a bad turn. When I moved in, I had cleaned up the whole garden. I was hoping to chill in it when the weather was good.
I started finding smoke butts and other little things tossed in it, but there were a bunch of different balconies facing it, so I couldn't exactly accuse anyone unless I caught them in the act. One day, while I was studying, I heard a crunch in the garden, so I went to check it out. There was a whole garbage bag sitting by the door, and I could still hear people rummaging around on the balcony directly above me.
By the time I actually got outside, they were already inside and ignored my yells, so I threw the garbage bag back onto their balcony. This finally got them to come out, only for them to complain that I had all this space that I wasn't doing anything with, so why shouldn't they be allowed to store their garbage in my garden?
I told him to take a hike, and if he did it again, I would call the authorities. He immediately backed off. A day or so later, I invited some friends to hang out at my place for the first time. We were just talking, playing some video games, not exactly being loud, but not super quiet either. Around 9 o'clock, the banging on the ceiling started.
At first, we thought someone was doing some late-night home improvements or something, but the banging came every time someone laughed a little louder. Apparently, they expected us to stop talking after 9 pm, which didn't seem reasonable, but I was willing to discuss it. I rang their doorbell tried to see if they would come to the balcony, but they just kept banging on the floor.
This became a recurring theme over the years. About a week after the first garbage incident, I was sitting on my bed, reading, when I heard a splat in the garden. Again I went to go and see what it was, and to my surprise, I found a whole roast chicken there, with all the bones and some of the meat eaten off. I called up to my upstairs neighbor again. I clearly heard him moving around, but he once again ignored me.
So, I lobbed his chicken back through his open balcony door. He came out mad, but I was already way angrier at having to explain to him again how throwing trash into my garden was not okay. According to him, this wasn’t trash—it was edible food. He'd just had part of it for breakfast, and being the animal lover he was, he liked to share it with the cats of the neighborhood.
This also explained why the stray cats in the neighborhood liked to pick my garden for their fight club. I explained that food scraps attracted all kinds of unwanted things and were even more of a pain to clean up, so if he really wanted to help animals, he should either adopt a couple of cats or go help out at an animal shelter. The next thing I knew, he called the authorities.
Then, one afternoon, I came home from school and found a chicken running around in my backyard. I confronted the neighbor, and he immediately confessed that he had taken my advice. He said he always wanted chickens, but since he didn't have enough room on his balcony, he decided to keep them in my garden instead. I told him I was having chicken that night, and in 15 minutes, I would decide if I needed to go to the supermarket to get it or if it would be fresh.
In the meantime, I told him, I would leave the front door and the door to the garden open. I heard him fumbling around in the garden a couple of minutes later, and he finally stopped throwing stuff down there. Eventually, the old lady got sick and had to be moved to the hospital. He stopped paying rent, so they were forced to move.
Apparently, their apartment was a scene straight from Hoarders. There was garbage stacked to above head height, in some cases to the ceiling. While trying to clean it out, they had discovered all kinds of junk, including phone books from thirty-five years prior. I would regularly hear some of the workers run out onto the balcony and dry heave from the smell. It took them two weeks to clear everything out.
59. They Just Want To Be Involved
My neighbors would come outside every time I did. If I mow, my neighbors will mow at the same time, sometimes a bit after I finish. If I get a delivery, they come outside and say, "Wow, working on another project!" If I have company pull up, they come outside to let their dogs go to the washroom or "check the mail.” There are only five of us on a back road and they are all over 60. I am 27.
Although it's annoying, they are always pleasant and I'm sure they watch my house when I'm at work and would be quick to call the authorities if something happened when I wasn't home. I'll take the annoyance over having pesky young neighbors who party any day.
60. A Strange Electrical Problem
My dad had a neighbor when he was young who played his radio loudly all day, even when he wasn't home or was gone on vacation. But he didn't realize my dad is an evil genius. Every time he left the house and his radio was still on, my dad would go and trip the circuit breaker to his condo. One day, he sees my dad, who was an electrical engineer, and asked him why his breaker kept tripping.
Was it faulty wiring? No, my dad explained, the loud radio was probably just putting too much strain on the circuit when left on all the time. My dad suggested he should try turning it down or off when he wasn't home, and see if that fixed it. So, the man tried it, and surprise surprise, the circuit breaker stopped tripping! He was very thankful to my dad for helping him with that annoying electrical issue.
61. Get A Move On
I had a problem with a neighbor who drove over my lawn with his ATVs and damaged the grass/shrubs. He said he'd pay for damage, but that never happened and he kept doing it. So, I put my huge trailer across their tracks to block their path. They went around it. I put up two other barriers that they also drove around. It took a while, but I finally got my revenge.
I found this huge branch that had fallen in the woods between our properties and dragged it across to cover the third path they were making across my yard. But, the branch got caught on a cable. What is a cable doing over the lawn instead of properly buried? So, I called the cable company to have it buried. They said I was the only registered client on that box and to disconnect it.
So, I did. After the weekend, my neighbor came by totally angry at me for disconnecting his cable. He yelled he was going to call 9-1-1 on me. So, I left. I got a call from the officers. They asked if I disconnected the cable because of the ATV issue. It was interesting because I wasn't even going to mention the ATV issue, but my neighbor already did.
So long story short, the neighbor got a warning ticket for trespassing and admitted to looting cable. I took an offer on my house that very day and moved.
62. Time To Blow This Joint
When I was a kid, we lived across the street from a couple who had teenage children. The sister brought home random dudes at least two to three times a week. They were so loud that my parents called the authorities on her once because they thought she was being harmed, which wasn’t the case. Her brother had a lucrative business selling illicit substances and always had customers hanging out in the driveway waiting for him.
His parents were completely in the dark and kept bragging about how well he was doing with his "construction job" because he bought them a new car and a boat. The sister babysat me once but left after an hour because she had to go get busy with somebody. Her brother showed up to take over, and I made him help organize all of my stuffed animals.
I don't remember if he was high, but he organized the bejeezus out of all of my toys. We left that neighborhood as soon as the drive-bys got more frequent.
63. Double Headaches In That Dump
My first apartment was a real dump in a seedy complex. I had two neighbors that were the worst. The first was the lady who lived above me. She would let her small dog pee and poo all over the balcony, meaning we basically couldn't open our back door in the summer because of the stench. She also smoked weed constantly and asked to borrow money several times.
When they moved out, they had to tear up all the carpet and deep clean the whole place. The other was the guy who lived a few spots down from us. One night I could hear him fighting with his girlfriend through my window. Naturally, my girlfriend and I were content eavesdropping on it until we heard a loud smack. I called the authorities immediately, and he went off to prison.
64. All The Help In The Neighborhood
My neighbor is an overweight middle-aged woman who seems to have a bad knee only when my kids are outside in the summer. It quickly got weird. If they are playing in my fenced in backyard, she'll pretend to fall down so they can help her up. I went from, "Kids, you should help her, that's what neighbors do!" to "She fell AGAIN? It seems like she only falls when you guys are playing. She doesn't fall when I'm working in the garden" to "If she falls again, come get me."
When I started saying that, she seemed to be able to get up pretty quickly. I had to go over there in August and tell her that I can't have my kids helping her get up anymore, they are seven and eight years old and they can't give her medical aid. I get that she is probably lonely, but three or four times a week, I'd hear her yell, "Kids, Kids! help me up, I fell AGAIN."
65. An Eye For An Eye
There’s a couple that lives across the hall from me. They fight often and loudly. One night, the girl found something on the guy's phone that she found objectionable…either photos or evidence of cheating. Either way, she was yelling a lot about skanks and whatnot, so she threw his phone off the second floor balcony onto the concrete walkway below where it shattered.
The guy then goes back inside, grabs her phone, and does the same. The moral of the story is that an iPhone for an iPhone makes the whole world entertaining for the neighbors.
66. They Caused Havoc At The HOA
My mother's HOA, which was for a community of only 41 homes, had some pretty interesting characters in it. About ten years into living in this small community, my mother decided to run for their board to try to get some community improvements done and to take her turn in a board position like most long-term residents. She was elected president of the board.
There was an older family in the neighborhood that included a husband, a wife, and their near middle-aged daughter. They were well known for being extremely nasty and bossy. The wife thought that although she wasn't on the HOA board, she got to determine how the dues were spent. She claimed that she knew the community money wasn't being saved or spent properly and that she could make up whatever rules for the community and her family that she wanted to.
Like most HOAs, ours had a standard for how front yards looked, what could be planted in them, limits on things such as the colors of the house, doors, and trim, and what you could add to the house and yard. This family took water from the neighbors by rerouting their drip hoses and also put in fake flowers and yard decor. When they were caught having messed with the drip hoses, they trashed the waterline and tried to blame it on the neighbors they were pilfering from.
They were harassing the board, the community, and their closest neighbors in person, by phone, and by mail. They stored trash in their yard and planted invasive, unapproved species of plants. To top it off, this family hadn’t made one HOA payment and owed about $7,000 in dues, late fees, fines, etc. When the board found out, they banned them from attending meetings. That did not go over well.
As a result, the wife began harassing my mom, who was President of the HOA board. The woman then served my mother with a summons and notice of complaint. Once we read the notice and calmed down, I decided to do some research. While the company firm, letterhead, and case information led to a real case, it turned out that it wasn't a case against my mom. It was a case against the woman by her former neighbors from the community she'd lived in before.
She had taken the letter, scanned it into a computer, edited the information to make it seem like the case was filed against my mom and to match the circumstances, and had it reprinted in color onto fancy stationery. She had even traced over the lawyer's signature in pen very carefully, so it looked like a proper signature. Needless to say, the firm was not thrilled when we called them and told them what this woman had done.
67. Snatched
We had a beautiful pitbull/boxer mix that was taken out of our backyard by our neighbors and given to a shelter for pit bulls. We looked for our dog for WEEKS, all day and night. Just as we were about to give up, my mom checked the local adoption ads and found our dog. The shelter she was given to was literally a block away from our house.
When asked, they informed us that our neighbors had brought her there. We got our dog back, but the neighbors continued to try and get her taken away from us. They would call the authorities and claim we were neglecting her, even when we were playing with her in our own backyard, and very obviously loved her.
68. Un Bee-lievable
I lived in a suburban neighborhood and my neighbor was a beekeeper. Our backyard had a low fence line as well, so the bees were always around us. For some reason, we seemed to have a lot of aggressive bees in Arizona. One day, before I went to feed my dogs, I noticed something weird on the tiles in the back. There were a lot of random black dots, so I went outside, only to find thousands of dead bees.
I talked to my neighbor and he said that half of his colony was dead. One colony found his and they fought over territory. My backyard was host to a giant bee fight!
69. The Good Prevails
I'm a surveyor. This woman called us with a complaint about her neighbor's garden growing into her property. She was upset at her neighbor and told us all about how nasty she was. We eventually met the neighbor and she ended up being the nicest person ever. She told us she would be willing to move her garden, but only once the survey was completed.
We staked out the line and it went right through the other woman's shed. That's when the horror was unleashed: She screamed at us, pulled our stakes out, and tried to hit us with them. Her neighbor, the one with the garden, was so happy that she was right, she was almost in tears. She made the woman move her shed and then installed a large fence. I love it when the good guy wins.
70. White Flag
I moved into a brand new house. I noticed an old toilet, garbage, and a broken-down hot tub in the neighbors front yard. Nothing special about that. I made cookies and we went over to introduce ourselves. He laughed and slammed the door in our faces. Little did we know, this was the beginning of our worst nightmare. A few days later, I was out landscaping our new yard with my husband, and we just laid some bricks.
He was on his knees, making sure they were level, while I stood beside him and handed over the bricks. Our neighbor then walked by and yelled, “Well, I can see who wears the pants!” My husband and I looked at each other, totally perplexed. Then, a few months later, we got a puppy. Our other neighbor let us know she witnessed the guy's son throwing lit-up matches over the fence at our puppy when he was in the backyard.
We found about 50 matches in our yard. Then she also had to call the authorities because his other son broke the lights on her garage and defecated on her welcome mat (all captured on her home video system). About six months later, I got a complaint about our dog's barking and ended up with a $500 fine. It was ridiculous. Our dog never barked, unless someone walked by or came to the door.
We had letters from all 16 surrounding neighbors attesting that our dog never barked, but the letters were not admissible. We sold the house and moved shortly afterward.
71. Popular For A Reason
Back in high school, one of our neighbors moved away and their house sold to this older woman and her mostly grown sons. She was a strange one. She cut down every tree on her property because of the "bad spirits" in them. The sons seemed to be popular, having people drop by at all hours. All was relatively quiet until one day, while I was home alone, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and my blood ran cold.
Two gentlemen in very nice black suits and dark ties then identified themselves as FBI and asked me if we were ever approached by a crazy lady or her sons to buy anything. I basically replied that they are crazy and we don't talk to them, they don't talk to us. They hand me their business card then proceed on to the next house.
I look out the window and I see five blue Ford Tauruses, three red Ford Astro Vans, and one VIACOM truck that was being loaded with box after box from the neighbor's garage. It turns out the sons were making those special cable boxes that got you all of the channels for free. After this, it was only the strange lady left in that house.
72. Doo Not Use Our Lawn
My neighbor had two dogs, which they let outside twice a day. The dogs were friendly and not very loud, except they always pooped on our lawn. My husband and I actually saw our neighbors encourage their dogs to use our lawn instead of theirs. I finally had enough, so I got my garden trowel and flicked all their dogs' doo onto their lawn.
To make things worse, they acted like nothing was wrong.
73. He Can’t Bail Himself Out Of This One
When I was a kid, we lived next door to an awesome dude and his wife. One day, they lost their house to the bank and moved out. The next thing we knew, a skeezy guy who would routinely fight with his wife in the front yard moved in. They immediately built a fence all the way around the property. After a few years of antics and shenanigans by these people, we got a knock on the door.
My father was taken in for the destruction of private property because they said we hit their fence with stuff and broke it. In court, they presented blatant pictures of a completely different fence as evidence. My father had pictures of their fence, and the judge sent the sheriff out to take his own pictures. They were found in contempt of court for cursing at the judge and falsifying evidence.
They were also taken in on the spot for threatening the judge. My dad immediately sold the house, and we moved out. However, he got the last laugh in the end...We sold the house to the bailiff of the court they were in. So, then his new next-door neighbor was the man who arrested him.
74. The Manager Got Miffed
We had a new property manager move in below us. It was him, his wife, two kids, and a couple of small dogs. We had lived there for a year without any problems. Once football season started, it got really noisy. Every weekend they would have a big game party at their house that would go on well into the night. We eventually complained.
Then, we suddenly started getting letters from the leasing office saying we were making too much noise, which was ridiculous because we were computer nerds. We were either sitting at our computer playing games or on the couch watching TV. We didn’t even invite people over for parties. The only thing that would happen was that the floor would creak when we walked on it.
It was a ridiculous complaint compared to their parties that went on until 1 am. They also started setting up “random inspections” on our apartment and said there were “safety or cleanliness issues” we needed to correct, or we would be evicted. It got to the point that if someone accidentally dropped something, the manager below would start banging on the ceiling and eventually come up the stairs to tell us to keep it down.
He was a very aggressive guy. One day, it all came to a head when they were blasting their music on the balcony until 1 am, and we had to get up for work in the morning. One of my roommates walked out onto our patio and shouted, "It's 1 am! Keep it down!" The next morning, the property manager came storming out of his house, fuming, saying they had better never speak to him like that again.
We responded, "Well, what are we supposed to do then? Call the fuzz?" He replied, "Yeah! Whatever." So, the next time it happened, we called the authorities. They drove by, and the neighbors lowered the volume. Once he was out of sight, they put it back up. So, the officer drove a little ways away, got out of his car, and walked back to catch them.
He talked to them and said he was already filing the paperwork to get us evicted. For the next hour, they were pounding on our floor and shouted insults up to our windows. The next day, I was walking to the store and passed their balcony. They were all on it, and I heard one of them say, "Is that one of them who called the officers last night?" So before going to the store, I went to the leasing office to complain.
They told me one of my other roommates had also made a complaint. The office offered to move us to another unit. When I got back home, I found my roommate recording them harassing us and sent the file to his boss. A couple of days later, there was a big ruckus down below, and they were being moved to a unit two buildings over. There was finally peace and quiet.
75. Neighborhood Creeper
My neighbor would always try to stop and talk to me, usually when I was running late for work, which wasn’t awful. The awful thing was that he would look out the window and wait for me because he always managed to open the door and come outside as I happened to be walking by. He would then promptly go inside after I would tell him I was running late.
One night at 11:40 pm, as I was putting a new decal on my car, that same neighbor came outside, practically climbed in, and insisted on helping me. He then proceeded to try to talk to me afterward. Another time, while I was backing out of my parking spot, he was pulling out of his while in my blind spot. He honked his horn, so obviously, I stopped before I hit him.
Instead of pulling forward and leaving like a normal person, he put his car in park and came over. He knocked on my driver-side window and asked me if I even looked back before I started backing out. He was really aggressive. And the worst part of all? He also jokingly said to me that he had seen me bring a lot of men into my apartment. I really didn’t like that guy. He was very creepy.
76. Time To Bury The Shovel
There's a guy that lived directly behind my parents’ house that was very alienating to all of his immediate neighbors and hated dogs. For some reason, he singled out my mom and dad because they walked their little pooches around the block and inevitably by his house. When he would see them, he would run out of his house and begin cursing at them.
He would yell at them not to let their dogs step on his lawn. My dad tried to reason with him, saying that if they pee it's just the tree lawn and he picks up their poop. It didn’t matter to this guy. He would regularly go ballistic over nothing. It boiled over a few years ago when my dad was walking our old dog, a puffy white Shih Tzu, and our other puppy, who was very friendly.
The puppy stopped and peed in the yard next to this guy’s, and he somehow heard or noticed this grievous action from his garage. He came storming down with a shovel in hand and threatened to "beat the dogs to oblivion if they came near his house again." It really shook up my dad. My mom called law enforcement to talk about how this guy systematically terrorized them for reasons unknown.
My dad is so nice, he talked the officer out of going over to this guy's house because he didn't want there to be more friction. Well, I wasn’t about to let him get away with his awful treatment of my parents. Whenever I would house sit for them and take the dogs around the block, I made sure I linger on this guy’s lawn, spit on his driveway, and let the dogs go wherever. One time he was out watching me walk my hounds by his yard.
I looked up at him and asked if he'd like to bring his shovel down to talk with me. I'm significantly bigger than my dad. I also used to box and power lift six days a week. I have zero problems intimidating people, especially spineless twits that threaten a pair of 13-pound dogs and an almost 70-year-old man. Oddly he didn't oblige and went inside without saying a word to me.
77. No Parents In Sight
This happened a couple of days ago, so I am still rather annoyed. We live in a small block of flats, with six floors and 39 flats. We had just returned from a big shopping trip and were waiting in the garage for the lift. We waited a few minutes, heard it move, and heard lots of giggling and banging. Five minutes more, there was still no lift.
My partner went to see what was going on. The awful kids had jammed the lift open using a screwdriver and were running around like crazy. There were no parents in sight. Now the lift isn't working, I said on the building's Facebook page that we caught the kids messing with it, but did the parents take any responsibility?
No...They just keep saying that there must've been an automatic problem with the lift. Even though we caught them! The joke is on them, I'm on the ground floor, the annoying families now have to drag prams up six floors just because they are unable to discipline their kids.
78. Karmic Justice
This happened to my parents before they had me and my siblings. When buying their first house, which is our current family home, they arrived on their motorbikes to view the house. After deciding on wanting to buy it, they greeted the neighbors. The neighbors expressed how thankful they were that the "biker couple" didn't buy the house, then proceeded to rant about their dislike towards bikers...not knowing my parents were the biker couple.
As you can imagine, it didn't go down too well when the pricks noticed the bikes. But it gets even more interesting—a few months after their initial chat with the neighbors, my parents were sitting in the living room minding their own business when they heard an explosion. They ran outside to find both of their bikes engulfed with flames.
They called the fire brigade who put out the fire. One of the firefighters approached my mom and pointed out that there were matches laying around and that it was more than likely an arson attack. My mom didn't pursue it with the authorities for God knows what reason, but while in her fit of rage, she told my dad: "Whoever did this is going to break their right leg."
Coincidence or not, a week later, one of the neighbors came home with his right leg in a cast.
79. Mr. De Vil
I was 13 at the time. My neighbor tried to take my dog and her puppies. He literally broke into our house one day to do it. Luckily, my mom and I were there at the time—when he realized we had caught him in the act, he dropped the dogs, but also told us that he could break our necks whenever he wanted. Quite a nice guy. We obviously called the authorities after that.
80. An Act Of Hate
I was in a car accident when I was young, maybe eight years old. I had my two sisters—one younger and one older in the back seat with me, and in the front were our babysitters who were very close family friends. We went off a curb on our very own road that was notorious for accidents and the car flipped several times. It was the middle of winter in Northern Vermont.
We had tons of snow and it was cold out. We were all okay as it was a low-speed accident, but the Jetta doors had crunched in and the only way we could get out was by kicking the cracked windshield out. While our babysitters did their best, we couldn't get out. By that time, the person whose lawn we had rolled onto came down. He was very nice, but he couldn't get to us either. He told us he would go get his parents who lived just up the road to help.
He returned with his parents and my babysitters' faces were a mixture of disbelief and concern. You see, my babysitters are Black, and the guy's parents were their next-door neighbors who were EXTREMELY supremacist. They would shoot in the air and in the general direction of the family's home, shouting "American and proud!" on basically every even remotely patriotic holiday.
It came to a head one year when they shot through two layers of the fence that our babysitters' father had installed out of worry for his many kids. Now, while analyzing our situation, the faces on the parents of the guy were a mixture of disgust and amusement. I'll never forget what they said: "We aren't lifting a dang finger for these losers," and how they turned away, chuckling to themselves.
The guy was embarrassed and apologized on behalf of his parents. A few minutes later, a fire truck arrived and they broke open the doors to help us out. I was freezing and confused as were my sisters. That act of hate has always stuck with me. I sincerely hope those two jerks met a painful end.
81. From Bad To Worse
My neighbors bought their house three years ago and they have been working on it since then. No matter what day or time, they are drilling, hammering and screaming around. They even tore down most walls inside so we can hear almost everything they say or do. It drives me nuts. Talking to them doesn't help because my neighbor is a stubborn idiot who just screams at you and tells you to go screw yourself.
A few days ago, a full squad of officers busted into their house. I have no idea why, but I can't imagine it was because of their renovation noises.
82. Brain Full Of Junk
Our bulk trash day is on Saturdays. We were doing a lot of remodeling in our house so we had a lot to put out over the course of two months. The last set of stuff we put out, our neighbors parked in front of it on the curb. I woke up the next morning to find a little tag on my trash that basically said, "Sorry, we couldn't get to your trash."
We were irritated because the junk had to sit on the corner for a whole week because we weren't about to haul it back into our backyard to just haul it back out again. And guess what? They did it again the next week! What made us mad was that they didn't park there at any other time in the week, they did that ONLY on Friday nights, so the trash couldn't be picked up on Saturday mornings.
So, I took the initiative and parked at the spot on Friday night, then got up early Saturday morning to move my car. The trash finally got picked up after three weeks. Fast forward three or so weeks later, the idiot did the same thing to his own trash, so his bulk stuff stayed out there for multiple weeks. I just relocated my junk to the other side of my yard so my stuff could get picked up while his stuff stagnates.
83. The Screaming Banshee
My neighbor across the road constantly screamed at her kids in this high-pitched voice similar to a banshee. She let them race up and down the street all day and literally all night on their motorbikes and let them have rowdy parties. Not only that, but she was so lazy she would drive across the road to her parent's house, which, unfortunately, was right next to mine.
So, I would have to listen to her voice through the paper-thin walls of the duplex we share.
84. She Fought With The Fuzz
My next-door neighbors would constantly neglect their kids. They would never feed them or bathe them. On most days, I would come home to find them playing in the street barefoot and hungry. Then the mother of the family decided to get into an argument with our other next-door neighbor over a parking space. As a result, she threw dog doo over the fence at him. Not the smartest idea. He was a law enforcement officer.
85. Crossing A Line
This is about my neighbor two houses over. We were good acquaintances, probably almost friends; but everything changed in a single moment. I worked for the guy for a little bit—he was actually my boss at the time this happened. I noticed that he's really big on using people's stuff when they aren't around—like one time, he used a guy's woodworking tools while he was gone.
I told him multiple times, "Hey, I'm cool with you borrowing my stuff but just make sure you ask. I also don't like unscheduled visits, so call or text if you want to stop over." I just wanted to let him know where I stood if he wanted to borrow some more tools from me or whatever. I had let him borrow a 17 mm impact socket from me once.
Then, two weeks went by and I assumed the jerk probably lost it. Whatever...I just told myself never to lend out stuff to him again. Well, after another few days, he said, "Hey, you weren't home so I returned the socket and borrowed another." Yes, he hopped over my fence mid-day while I was gone, opened my garage door, returned the socket he borrowed, very scratched and marred up, and helped himself to some of my other tools.
He told me this a week after he did it, out of the blue, as if it was no big deal. That was the breaking point for me. I told him to stay the heck away from me, my house, my family, and my property.
86. Driveway Dispute
We moved into an apartment and our neighbor informed us that she owned half of the driveway. Cool, whatever; it was a huge driveway and it had more than enough room for all of us. After a month or so of living there, she divided the driveway in half with a bunch of rocks. Still fine, as we had plenty of room. But over the course of two months, she slowly moved the rocks closer and closer to our apartment.
It got to a point where we would have to physically move them out of the way to get in and out of our driveway. The landlord finally got a survey done and found out a shocking truth—she didn’t own ANY part of the driveway! From that point on, she was forced to park her car on the road. Serves her right for lying to us and taking advantage of our kindness.
87. Property Pigs
We lived in our house for 40 years. During the height of the boom, the house that shared the same back property line was sold to a couple who paid WAY too much money for it. When the market tanked, they started blaming the neighborhood for their house being underwater. Everyone else in the neighborhood had been there for over 20 years and would help each other out with lawn and house projects.
Over two years, this new couple would randomly stick wooden stakes on our property trying to claim it as theirs. They tried to cut down lilac bushes we had planted and cut down trees on their property that would cause flooding on our property. They put up a fence between them and another neighbor that was not allowed because they said the neighbor's car was ugly.
After we caught one of them creeping through our yard at night measuring things. I knew how to finally get revenge. We called officers and the town council. They immediately told the couple to never set foot on our property again. I ended up paying $700 to get a surveyor out there the next day to map out the property, officially. I ended up gaining six feet, and the surveyor reported their fence, so they got fined. It was the best $700 I ever spent.
88. The Apartment Downstairs
One Christmas Eve, my husband, our one-year-old, and I had gone over to visit some friends down the road and got back home kind of late. As we approached our building, we made a chilling discovery. We noticed the glass door that led into the complex was shattered, with a fair amount of blood coating the frame and a trail of it leading to one of the downstairs apartments.
We called law enforcement, and while we waited, the woman from that apartment came out and started mopping up the blood trail. When officers arrived, the woman and her boyfriend were taken to opposite vehicles to be questioned, as were we. Our neighbors kept changing their stories. He had tripped and fallen into the door, she'd fallen into him, they'd been arguing and he slammed it in a rage, and so forth.
It finally came out that they'd been growing pot in the back bedroom, and had gotten into a heated argument over how much they were going to sell it for. She had pushed him, and he fell into the glass at just the right angle for his elbow to smack it, thus shattering it and tearing up his arm and side pretty badly. We wound up having to crash at a motel for the night while the damage was assessed and the crime scene cleaners did their thing.
89. He Wanted To Fight For His Right To Party
I've only had two apartments in my life. When I was 24, I had neighbors above me that were as loud as could be. They had raging parties until three or four in the morning. They would play drinking games and loud bass music. I asked them many times to keep the noise down, but the dude refused, saying he has a "right to do what he wants in his own house."
Luckily, they finally moved out.
90. Her Family Caused Me Friction
When my daughter was five, we rented the top floor of a two-family house. The owner gave the bottom floor to her sister, who had issues. One day my daughter's tricycle went missing. We found her kids on it an hour later. I confronted her about it, and she said that my daughter was spoiled and my family didn't deserve to have anything that her family didn't.
She continued to taunt my daughter and take her belongings, so we terminated our lease.
91. Make Up Your Mind
Directly across the street from me lived a single male, around 50 years old—and he had strange dating/break-up habits. He would date a woman for about six months to a year, and her car would pretty much be at his house every evening. Around that six-month or one-year mark, he would wave my wife and me down to have a chat when he’d see us outside.
He would say, "If you EVER see my girlfriend's car parked here again, call me and tell me. She is NOT allowed to be on my property." A few days would pass, and he would let us know that it was, once again, okay for her to be at his house. This has happened with about four different women.
92. This Is One Messed Up Neighborhood
Instead of just one person, my whole neighborhood was chock full of THOSE people. At the top of the street was the so-called de facto neighborhood watch leader who had followed my friend's car, honked constantly at my house only to drive away when I would go to see what was going on and sat at the top of the street asking anyone who entered the road if they were going to MY address.
Down the way a little bit, was a couple who minded their own business, but always had their dog outside barking. They also had, presumably, their adult son sit in front of the window naked at night. Across from them was an almost senile elderly woman, who had cinder block sculptures in her yard. The neighbors on my side consistently called law enforcement on my house, ranging from disturbing the peace to accusing my brother and me of taking things from their shed.
When an officer came to investigate, he informed us the neighbors believed we were the thieves, along with accusing us of selling illicit substances and turning the neighborhood into garbage. Well, the next day, the truth finally came out. it was revealed the thieves were some of the family's son's friends. The mother of the household was extremely cocky about the situation and flat out refused to accept her own son's friends did it and refused to apologize for the incident.
However, the worst one of all was my neighbor across the street. He lacked any common sense and spent most of his time revving his motorcycle or driving his just as equally obnoxious truck. When we first moved in, he immediately stated that we were NOT to use his driveway for parking, which was understandable and which we never intended to do because…why would we?
Throughout the months I had officers knock on my door around a dozen times, ranging from theft claims to claims our cars were blocking the neighbor’s driveway. Each time the officers were extremely polite to us and were on our side, realizing what the neighbor said was a lie. He threatened us with a weapon as well as repeatedly told us not to "try anything" as he had his whole yard hooked up with cameras.
He took pictures of my friends' license plates and would call law enforcement to try and dig up ANYTHING incriminating, even something as minuscule as a slightly outdated sticker. We served him with a trespassing notice, and he upped his ante. Now I have officers knocking on my door about once a week and they are just as sick of him as we are.
93. Don's A Dog
My old neighbor used to walk his dog on a leash to let it take a dump in my yard. My mom had me throw the mess back into his yard once and he called the authorities on us. A few months later, my family and I were going out of town and after we left our house, my mom had realized she had forgotten something. We turned around—and what we witnessed made our blood boil.
There's our awful neighbor, standing in the middle of our yard with his dog on a leash dropping a nice present in our front yard. All I remember is my mom winding down her window and yelling, “Screw you, Don!”
94. Black Tie Event
My next-door neighbor growing up had someone in the family pass. On the day of the funeral, he came to our door and asked my dad if he could borrow a tie. My father complied and gave him a nice black silk tie, suitably appropriate for the occasion. He felt bad for the guy and thought it was an easy way for him to help the guy out during his time of sorrow.
We showed up at the funeral and saw the neighbor, strangely not wearing the tie he borrowed. Then we looked at the casket and my dad's tie was being worn by the corpse. Not wanting to be rude, none of us said anything, and as a result, the tie was buried with the corpse, never to be seen again.
95. You Think You Know Someone
I lived behind Bob Berdella, the notorious figure from Kansas City. I lived there for five years and I talked to him daily, as he was the head of the neighborhood watch. Little did I know that he had also been living a secret life, kidnapping people and sending them without remorse. The day he was caught, it was because one of the young gay men he captured escaped and ran down the street wearing nothing but a dog collar.
Because I listened to tapes and CDs at the time, I had not heard anything about it on the radio. I drove home that night to a neighborhood full of officers, and it took me by complete surprise. When I found out the truth, I sounded just like every other neighbor in that type of situation: "But he was such a quiet and nice guy..."
They used excavators and backhoes to dig up his yard, and they tore down my fence as well. Eventually, he was given life in prison, where he eventually passed. His house was later sold and demolished. It was very weird. He had a store in a flea market, plus four skulls in the window with a sign that read "Final Four." One was from a victim.
96. Just Trying To Keep Warm
During hurricane Sandy, my street was without power, heat or hot water for 14 days. It was unbearably cold in the house, and at night we could see our breath because it would get down in the 20s/30s Farenheit. I have the west wing of the house to myself. There is a family that lives in the house proper, and another tenant in the small studio in between us.
I come home from work one day to just swing by the house and get clothes so I can shower at a friend’s house, and my road is blocked off. There were fire engines and officers everywhere. My neighbor approaches me as I'm making my way up the street through the craziness and I ask whose house it was. He said, "Oh, it's yours."
Immediately, I run towards my house because all I care about is my cat. I arrive and find total chaos. Coming down the driveway, I see the people from the main house being carried away on stretchers. I don't see smoke or fire, but my front door is kicked in and my cat is roaming around outside. Basically everyone that lives on my street is congregating in my driveway/on my lawn.
One of the firemen came over to tell me the people in the main house were cold, so they brought their charcoal grill in the house and lit it to heat the house. It filled the house with carbon monoxide, the mom passed out, the daughter felt weak and called for help.
97. This Neighbor Had Some Bad Juju
When our neighbor moved in and we met him, he gave my roommate and me bad vibes from the get-go. There was no reason for it at the time, but our gut feelings said he was no good. For an entire year, almost every time we went out the door, he'd come out to our house to try to hang out. We couldn't even walk across the road to check our mail in peace.
Then he would walk up the road and stand in front of our house staring or pace on the road in front of it. He started knocking on our door in the middle of the night, but there was no way we would answer it. When we would go out, we would come home to find him sitting in a chair in our yard like it was his house. He then started showing up at stores and other places we were at in town and tried to follow us around there.
It got to the point where we hated even going outside and couldn't hang out in our own yard because we felt like we were being watched. We complained to our landlord multiple times, so he warned our neighbor multiple times, but it still continued. Luckily, he got behind on his rent and was kicked out. He messed up the house he was renting so badly that it took months to renovate it.
There were holes in the walls, floors torn up, and hundreds of empty bottles, burnt foil, and used needles.
98. No Parking Zone
I lived in a duplex that shared one large driveway with another duplex. Parking could be tight, but all of us cooperated and made the best of it, except for one woman. She left a note on my car two days after my husband and I moved in, telling me not to park there because she didn’t like that I was "in front of her door."
I was at least 15 feet away from her house and that was the only spot I could park in without blocking anyone else. I left her a note back explaining this. She banged on my door at 11 PM and screamed at us, calling me the c-word, and demanding that I get rid of my car. We eventually shut the door on her. The nasty notes persisted and were ignored.
I confirmed with my landlord that this is where I should be parking and he said yes, ignore her. Then, she started barricading that part of the driveway, so that every day when I got home, I would have to get out of my car and move her stuff before I could park. This became a real pain in the neck when I broke my elbow.
She used her trash can, a pedestal with a birdcage on it, and a bench to block the driveway and I had to move all of them to park. I started just picking them up and gently moving them towards her porch. Then she came up with something else. She started putting Vaseline on them. I grabbed her trash can and got a gloppy handful of Vaseline. Sure enough, everything else was coated in it as well.
I decided to use my foot to push everything up against her house. Mind you, nothing was damaged or knocked over, just moved. She called law enforcement and reported that she saw me vandalizing her things by picking them up and throwing them into her house, kicking stuff over, and smashing them into the ground. The officer was angry.
He thought that I was the teenage girlfriend of the guy who lived there, not the adult leaseholder. So he pounded on the door yelling, "Sheriff's department! Come outside!" We went outside. He pointed to me and asked, "Are you the girlfriend!?" I resisted the urge to say something snarky in response to what I found to be a misogynistic and demeaning statement.
He went off on me saying, "Your behavior needs to stop right now, I don't know where you're from, but in [town] we do not tolerate this kind of disrespect blah blah blah!" Well, he didn’t know what he was in for. 15 minutes later, once we'd gotten a word in edgewise, he changed his tune pretty quick. He realized he'd been misled by our neighbor. We told him we were sorry he got dragged into a petty parking dispute.
He told us he's been dragged into stupider stuff and told us that if she puts up the barricades again, to call them instead of moving it ourselves, to protect ourselves from false allegations. In fact, he wanted us to call any time she does anything to harass us. She also received a mean letter from the landlord telling her to knock it off.
We got a mean note from her saying, "The reason I don't want you parking by my door is because you are trash! Your druggie psychopath girlfriend runs amok vandalizing! I want nothing to do with you," among other things. We called law enforcement and she got spoken to by them, and the landlord sent her another mean letter. Hopefully, that'll be the end of it.
99. This Guy Blows Me Away
Growing up, I had a neighbor who would leaf-blow his yard EVERY SINGLE DAY. Without fail around 3 PM that annoying wail of the blower would start up and go for at least a half-hour. On weekends he would start at 9 in the morning. He would begin on his roof, then blow off his whole yard. One day he couldn't get it started.
He threw it in the garage, got into his car, and bought a new one an hour later. My neighbor's kids glued leaves on his driveway to mess with him. Rain would only postpone the annoyance. Once it had stopped raining for a few minutes, he would be out there. In the summer, when I would get home after a long day at work, I would just want to take a nap.
Without fail, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I would hear that dreaded whir.
100. Blood On Her Hands
Some 15 years ago, when my parents and I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, we ended up befriending one of the neighbors and her two kids. Well, one day, we were all hanging out together when I noticed her son had some pretty bad bruises and a nice size knot on his head. I just shrugged it off and we continued playing. Then, that night, the mother came over and made a shocking confession to my mom.
She said she ended the boy's life. She went into some pretty disturbing details, and she wasn't remorseful at all. When she left back to her house, my mom called the authorities immediately and she was taken to the station shortly after. The worst part is, she vowed that when she got out, she'd do the same thing to my mom. We noped the heck out of Indiana and moved to another state.
101. A Taste Of Her Own Medicine
When my boyfriend was 14, he was living with his mom and sister on a housing estate. It was summer and he liked a bit of light in his upstairs bedroom, so he left the curtains open at all times. That included when he was getting dressed and after having a shower, so if you purposefully stared at his window, you could see him from his waist up (and only his waist up).
Well, their neighbor did not like that one bit. She went pounding on their door, yelling at my mother-in-law that her son was a disgrace, hanging around always naked and exposing himself to her daughter. My mother-in-law told her he had every right to do whatever he wanted in his bedroom, and that if they didn't want to see him all they needed to do was not to look.
A couple of days went by and lo and behold, the authorities showed up at the neighbor’s door. Turned out the neighbor had been filming and taking pictures of my boyfriend to show to the housing people as evidence of his wrongdoing to get them kicked out. Except that the housing office called the authorities on her for taking pictures and videos of an underage kid and kicked her and her family out.
Public Domain Pictures
102. Leave It Well Enough Alone
For the past few months, I've suspected that my upstairs neighbor has been taking some of my mail. I buy a lot of things online like books and craft supplies and every now and then there's been small things that were meant to arrive on a certain day that never did. One day, I caught her wandering around my front door. When I asked her what she was doing she said "Oh, I was looking for something I think I dropped into your yard”.
I got surveillance cameras installed a while ago, which were not noticeable to my neighbors. The camera that's pointed at my front door isn't visible from the driveway. So here comes the trap. I purchased a few postage boxes to set up for her. The first one was a glitter bomb. I set up the box to make sure she would get glitter to the face as soon as she opened it.
I packed it to make it look like a postage parcel, then sat it at my front door. 20 minutes later I saw her walking to my front door. She looked around then picked up the box and walked away. My only regret is that I didn't get to see her reaction when she got a face full of glitter. I haven't noticed any other mail going missing after that, but she will regret it if she does it again.
103. They Say He’s A Real Blockhead
We grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in my state. It was really rough. Anyway, 80s childhood being what it was, we used to ride our bikes everywhere, regardless of danger. Our home street was divided into three parts. The upper and middle parts were relatively okay in the daytime. The lower part was off limits no matter what, because that’s where the creeps and dealers lived.
We moved out finally and went somewhere a lot safer. Years pass. Our old neighborhood makes the news every so often for various outrages. One day, I saw in the newspaper that a woman had recently been found deceased in her house—she’d been sitting there for a month on her couch. It was already sad, but then things took a horrific turn.
When authorities showed up to deal with the situation, they discovered a big slab of cement in a strange place in the backyard. A neighbor told them that they’d frequently seen her at night sitting near and talking to the slab. If you knew how strange the people were in our neighborhood were, you’d have brushed this off as yet another weirdo.
Well, it turns out it was her husband. Only they weren’t officially married, so when he passed on—it was suspected to be natural causes, surprisingly—she couldn’t live without his Social Security check every month, so she buried him in the backyard and kept up the pretense that he was alive and living with his out-of-state relatives.
We used to ride by that house frequently when he was already buried in the yard. Oh, the 1980s.