Modern History

Toni Morrison Facts

Spiritual Facts About Toni Morrison, An American Legend

Toni Morrison Facts. Toni Morrison was a living legend, but how did a single mother turn her spare time into one of the great bibliographies of literature?
July 26, 2024 Christine Tran
Anna Pavlova Facts

Poised Facts about Anna Pavlova, The Swan Of St. Petersburg

People often criticized Anna Pavlova for her thin frame, but she wasn't just a weak little girl—the prima ballerina had a disturbing dark side.
July 24, 2024 Miles Brucker
Nikola Tesla Facts

Electrifying Facts About Nikola Tesla, The Mad Genius

When we talk about a mad scientist, we're talking about Nikola Tesla. Brilliant and eccentric, Tesla revolutionized the world—but hid his dark inner llife.
July 10, 2024 Chameleon
Victor Hugo Facts

Gothic Facts About Victor Hugo, France's Greatest Novelist

Victor Hugo Facts. Victor Hugo wrote multiple masterpieces in his lifetime, but his personal affairs were full of secrets and scandal.
July 5, 2024 Kyle Climans
Titanic Facts

Fatal Facts About The Titanic, The Wreck Of The Century

Over a thousand people perished when the Titanic sank on April 14, 1912. These are their last, heartbreaking moments on Earth.
July 3, 2024 Rachel Seigel
Lord Louis Mountbatten Facts

Royal Facts About Lord Louis Mountbatten, England's Sinister Son

Lord Louis Mountbatten Facts. Chilling conspiracies. Jaw-dropping affairs. Disturbing allegations. Lord Louis Mountbatten’s legacy gets darker every day.
July 3, 2024 Scott Mazza

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