There’s nothing harder to cope with than life coming to an end. But what exactly goes through a person’s mind when they are in that moment themselves, when their life is almost over? As it turns out, there are many answers to this question. From the weird, to the creepy, to the touching, here are 50 personal stories of the most memorable last words people have ever heard.
1. The Last Thing You’d Want To Hear
I was raised by my grandmother and my great-grandmother. My grandmother passed from a swift, but rather excruciating battle with pancreatic cancer. From the date of her diagnosis of stage four cancer to the date of her passing was approximately just one month. This was several years ago, and I was around 21 years old at the time.
I had already been married to my wife for two years by that point. My wife was young when we met, and we both made a lot of bad decisions back then. We had a son together, who is now seven years old. He was only a toddler at the time. The last words that my grandmother ever said to me broke my heart. She said, "Don't trust that wife of yours, darling".
Now, keep in mind that my grandmother was my favorite adult and grandparent for my entire childhood and life. Her comment didn't really affect me much at the time. But now, seven years later, about to have my ninth anniversary and second child with my wife who has never wavered for even a moment in her love for me, nor me to her, it has been really difficult to reflect back and dwell on the fact that my grandmother truly felt that way about my wife.
I loved my grandmother dearly and I still do, but often all I can think about when I try to reflect on my time with her is that last statement. That, and the horrible condition that she was in when I was visiting her in the hospital every day for several hours. Let’s just say that watching someone you are so close to pass from cancer is not a pleasant memory, or something that you can easily forget.
Sorry, but reading all of these stories made me need to get that out. Thanks for listening if you did.
2. Motherly Instinct
I’m not a doctor or a nurse, but when my grandma was on her deathbed, she had no idea that my uncle had taken his own life the night before. Nevertheless, seemingly out of nowhere, her last words were: "I'm going to see my son now". I got goosebumps when I heard her say those words. Did she know somehow? Or maybe had another deceased son that no one ever knew about?
3. Too Many To Keep Track Of
Firefighter and paramedic here. Thanks to these jobs, I've seen way more than my fair share of active passings over the years. Many of these passings involved creepy, strange, or eerie last words coming from the patients. But this one stuck with me. A 36 year old that we coded last week waited till he was on his last conscious breath, and then said, "I'm going down, guys. I'm going down". He went into V-fib and didn't come back out of it.
I also had a man once in the emergency room who coded and we shocked him and got a rhythm back. He then woke up and asked if he had passed. We told him that he temporarily had. Then he started crying and said he had just seen the face of God. Then he coded again. About that fast too.
4. The More, The Merrier
The patient who passed was a 29-year-old male, who said, "I wish there was more," before he went to sleep and never woke up. It left me with such a spooky and dark feeling about life in general.
5. One Last Compliment
I'm a nurse and I was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia and Alzheimer's unit. My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily, so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn't really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.
I finished my medication rounds for the evening, so I went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I'd see him the following day. As soon as I said that, he immediately looked me in the eyes, smiled sooo genuinely, and calmly said, "You look like an angel". I thought it was so sweet, because he had not seemed lucid in several weeks.
He passed the next morning. It really messed with me.
6. He Was A Poet And You Didn’t Know It
I’m not a doctor or a nurse, but I do have a perfect story to answer this question with. My own grandfather's last words while I was sitting with him in the hospital were: "Heh, you know, I enjoyed every minute of my life from the womb until the tomb. Maybe I will enjoy the other side just as much!" What an epic way to go out!
7. Forget Me Not
I’m not a doctor or nurse, and the person in question wasn’t exactly a patient. It was my elederly grandpa, who had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease. We were getting him situated in bed and he had bad knees. We accidentally bent it wrong at one point and he obviously didn’t like the way it felt. He angrily said, "IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN, I'LL PUNCH YOU IN THE NUTS!"
I chuckled and let him go to bed. His blood pressure soon dropped and he passed peacefully in his sleep. He was a hilarious guy overall and so it was fitting that his life came to an end with one of his most ridiculous sentences ever as his last words. Here are some other examples of cute and funny stuff he has said and done over the years.
Like I mentioned, he had Alzheimer's disease, so one of his biggest quirks was saying extremely aggressive things without any awareness of who he was talking to or what the situation was. One day, I left my cell phone on the picnic table and he snagged it as a joke. But he then forgot that he had done so. When I realized that it was missing, I was getting super mad thinking that someone had swiped it.
We decided to call it and see if we could hear it ringing. Naturally, we immediately heard it ringing from grandpa’s pocket. He pulled it out of his pocket when it started to vibrate, and he couldn't figure out what it was. That was when we all put two and two together and realized what had happened. It was a classic Grandpa moment, so I didn’t mind.
Another time, he asked me what I was going to school for. I told him I was studying nursing and he replied, "I knew you looked like a wimp!" Such an unnecessarily aggressive and non-sensical reply could only have come from this individual. Also, he used to always do this joke before he started slipping where he would stir his coffee and then burn your arm with the spoon as a joke.
Well, once he started to slip, he would forget that he had just done it. So every three minutes or so while you sat next to him, he would sneakily burn your arm over and over again until you had red marks all the way up and down your entire arm. And he would chuckle each and every time he did it as if it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen and no one had seen it coming.
My brother ended up putting a spoon in his suit jacket at the funeral as we both laughed.
8. Time Is Of The Essence
My late grandmother's last words to the nurse on duty when she passed was, "Time is not what you think it is". She kept repeating that phrase over and over again, then passed. They pulled me aside when I arrived and told me how strange and alert her eyes were as she kept repeating the statement about time. I still wonder about this to this day. What was she trying to tell us?
9. A Cross-Dimensional Conversation
This isn’t technically about last words per se, but very much related. One night, I was having a few quiet drinks with a friend and some of his friends that I didn't really know. I ended up having a conversation with this girl who told me a pretty creepy story about something that had just happened to her recently. It started off with her having a dream the night before of her grandad, who had already passed about a year earlier.
In the dream, her grandad was sitting on her bed, telling her to "Call Grandma and tell her not to do it. You must not let her do it!" She had no idea what he was talking about. She woke up the next morning, dropped her boyfriend off at work, and then came home. She then dozed off back to sleep for a little bit. Two hours later, her mother phoned her to say that grandma had just hung herself.
The girl was on the verge of tears when she told me this, and it still gives me goosebumps to this day. Even while I'm writing this, I can hardly contain my emotions.
10. And The Angels Sing
This family that I know lost their infant son to cancer when he was only three years old. It was a horrible and very sad story, and I can’t even imagine how much pain these people have gone through. His last words on this earth were: "Mama, papa, I see them. The angels!" He said this and then he immediately went to sleep. His parents held him tight until he passed.
11. Taking Matters Into Her Own Hands
I work in a hospital and very often see patients who are on the verge of losing their lives. It’s a very tragic thing to have to witness, and I don’t wish it on anyone out there. I’ve heard many memorable last words, but nothing compares to this one: the lady who actively and intentionally took off the only thing keeping her alive immediately after saying, "Screw this, I'm out".
13. A Sad Goodbye
I’m not a doctor or a nurse, but I was working as an EMS for a while and responded to a lot of deadly car accidents. One time, a victim of a car wreck looked me directly in the eye as we had just extricated her from the vehicle and said "Tell my daughter". She then immediately lost consciousness. I told her thirteen year old daughter that "Mommy said she loved you very much right before she passed". On second thought, this isn't weird at all. It was just really sad.
14. The Three Magic Words
My grandmother's last words to me were "I love you too". She was in hospice very abruptly. Five days before, she had been up and walking around. But now, they put her in hospice that day and she went into a deep sleep. They didn’t think she would make it. I was sitting next to her, looking at her and trying to etch into my head how beautiful she was so I could keep her memory with me for the rest of my life.
It's scary to think about and I truly hope that I never forget her. She was moving around and I was hoping she would hear me. I told her that I loved her, and she opened her eyes for a second and said "I love you too". I couldn't take it. I walked out, cried, and went home. I never went back. I woke up two days later to my mom sobbing, saying she had passed and that it was time for us to go and say goodbye.
I cherish those last words more than I could ever express.
15. Kicking On Heaven’s Door
The craziest thing that I've ever seen was a skinny woman who went into cardiac arrest and, since it was witnessed, we were able to start compressions immediately. As we compressed her heart, she would wake up and kick us, and also try to scream. The second we stopped the compressions, she would go back out. It was the same cycle over and over again for as long as we could keep it up.
This continued over and over again for a good half hour or so, until the cardiologist finally ordered us to stop. We had a nurse dedicated to speaking into her ear to try to reassure her and get her to stop kicking. It didn’t really work. In her mind, she was kicking for her life. It was incredibly sad and difficult to watch.
16. Cruising Down The River
Massage therapist here. It was my first final massage, although they are called different things in different places so I’m not sure everyone will know what that means. Regardless, my first time was with this little old lady that was known to speak her mind. She was as sweet as they come, but would let you have it if she felt there was any reason to.
I was giving her a massage with a soundtrack that imitated a cruise line, since going on cruises was her passion in life. She was breathing short, ragged breaths. After a while, she simply passed on and I called for our house doctor to come and deal with the situation. Her pulse was checked and was found to be nonexistent. But what happened next shocked all of us.
About five minutes later, as the family was talking to us and dealing with her passing, she suddenly started breathing again, leaned up, and said: "Oh God, they're so freaking happy up there!" Before we even had a chance to react to this development, she passed all over again. It was definitely a strange and memorable experience.
17. Keeping The Guests Happy
I work as a palliative care nurse at a local hospital. One time, my patient was slipping in and out of consciousness and would mumble words, but you couldn't understand what she was trying to say. During her last few minutes of life, suddenly, she opened her eyes widely and looked right at me, fully alert. I suddenly gave her my full and undivided attention.
In a fully serious tone, she said, "Thank you for coming. I am sorry but I am going to be poor company. I love you". All I could do was kiss her forehead and tell her that I loved her too. She passed later that same day, not too long after this incident. I am not sure who she thought was standing there, but I am pretty sure it wasn't me.
18. Two Very Different Stories
I’m an ambulance worker. While I was attempting to save a man’s life who was burning to his demise in a car accident, he sputtered out "Please God, not like this". I wish this story was fake, but tragically it really did happen and the poor guy didn’t make it through. On a lighter note, though, I've been told that Sam Houston's last words were to his wife.
On his deathbed, he allegedly said: "Texas, Marie. Texas!" Because, Texas!
19. False Hope
I was a lifeguard for a long, long time. The worst words I ever heard were from this one kid who passed at my beach. I pulled him out of the water with a few other lifeguards, and we took turns performing rescue breathing. He eventually became conscious and began to cough up his water. He was alive and active for a few minutes, and even said "Thank you" to me.
Then, he sat up and immediately fell back down. We thought he had just passed out, but it turned out that a few minutes later he passed from something called "Secondary Drowning" that they don't cover nearly enough in the training for lifeguard certification. This kid’s passing still haunts me to this day. I wish I could have been able to save him.
20. Everything Can Change In An Instant
I’m not a doctor or nurse, but I don’t care. This is my story. When my mother passed, her last words were: "I can't breathe. I don't want to die. Please. I'm scared". Then came a raspy, choke, scream gurgle thing. She was so pale. Her eyes were so big. My mother’s passing was just four months after she was first diagnosed with Stage Four ovarian cancer.
Before her final words, she was very in and out of consciousness for weeks. Her level of awareness and actions shifted drastically during that time. She thought I was an angel. She threw a bowl of food at me. She told me, "Tell your brother..". before she slipped into her last sleep before the last words thing. Yeah. To all who said it already, I concur. Screw cancer.
21. More Than Words Can Say
I'm not a doctor or nurse or anything like that, and I know this isn’t exactly an example of last "words" per se, but I do have a very interesting story that I feel is worth sharing here. When one of my grandpas passed, he let out a series of three loud, hoarse, and dry screams that I will never forget for as long as I live. Thank you to those of you that have offered your condolences.
It happened a few years ago, so I'm mostly over it. It was just the end of a long, painful fight for him. Cancer is a terrible thing.
22. What More Can You Ask For?
My grandmother's last words to me were: "I love you too". I'm not a nurse, nor am I a doctor. And the words weren't weird, creepy, funny, or anything else like that. I just wanted to share this story with someone and express how lucky I feel I was to have had that farewell. I know not everyone gets the opportunity to say goodbye like that.
23. Little Darling
My nanny always called people "my darlin". It was kind of her thing. She was laying in her bed at the hospice facility, pretty unresponsive to anything anyone was saying save for a few head nods when asked if she needed more meds. I was leaving to head back to my university soon, and I kind of had a feeling like it would be the last time I ever saw her alive.
I held her hand and told her I was leaving, and she didn't say anything. I teared up a bit and just kind of laid my head over on her hands and just said "I love you Nanny". To my shock, she immediately replied, "I love you too, baby darlin". As soon as I got to school that night, I sat down at my desk, and my mom called to tell me that she had passed. I couldn't have asked for a better last conversation with her.
24. What’s In A Name?
I am a nurse and I work in a local hospital. I have had sooo many patients over the years say the exact same thing just before they pass: "I just don't feel so good…" Then BAM, they’re gone. The one such memory that bothers me the most is a guy who was having a big heart attack. It was really hectic and my partner and I were trying to get some information.
For whatever reason, we kept forgetting his first name. After asking him for a third or fourth time, he looked me straight in the eye and said "You guys really don't listen to each other, do you?" Cue instant seizure, coma, v tach, and passing. I felt absolutely terrible about that one. I now actively ensure that I listen to patients a whole lot better.
25. A Little Behind Schedule
I’m not a nurse or a doctor, but my grandpa was once told by his medical caregivers that he would likely pass in his sleep that night. When he woke up at around 6:00 in the morning, he awkwardly looked around the room and said: "Wow, I'm still here!" He then promptly fell back asleep and never woke up. What a legend that guy was!
Rest in peace, Grandpa!
26. Plot Twist
The last words that my grandpa ever said to me where, "I never.. ate.. enough.. burgers.....". Wiser words were never spoken. Life advice: eat more burgers. Actually, just kidding. This post is total nonsense, even though I wish it were true. His actual last words to me were really harsh and I never expected them. It made me feel like absolute garbage, so I posted this dumb comment instead.
27. The Days Of The Week
I don't care that I'm not a nurse. This was said by my dad to the nurse as he was passing, so close enough as far as I’m concerned. Backstory: my dad had MS. He'd had it since he was 18 years old. It was diagnosed when he was twenty, he married my mom at 24, had me at 29, and passed just fifteen days days short of turning 45.
Six months before that, he was put in hospice. He and my mom were discussing funeral arrangements, and my mom jokingly said, "You know, Tim, the best thing you could do would be to pass on a Wednesday. That way we can have the body prepared on Thursday, the viewing on Friday, and the memorial on Saturday, so that more people can come".
The morning we got the call that it was time, my mom, two sisters, and I were about five minutes too late. After we said our goodbyes, the nurse pulled my mom aside and asked if that day had any significance. It wasn’t even 6:00 in the morning yet, so our mom didn't even know what day it was, much less whether it was important. The nurse tells her it's May 21st.
No, nothing was coming to mind. The nurse told her that the previous day, he kept asking what day it was and they'd tell him it was the 20th. He'd look irritated but accept it. That morning, he asked what day it was, and they said, "It's Wednesday, May 21st". That was when he smiled, squeezed his favorite nurse's hand, and was gone almost immediately.
It was Memorial Day weekend, and we did just as he and my mom had planned. And despite many friends being out of town for the holiday, we had over 250 people show up at the memorial service for him, overflowing the tiny church more than it had ever been filled. To his final day, he was trying to make things easier for our family. I miss him.
28. So Much To See
I remember my aunt warning me what was happening as my grandpa was passing. Basically, he had mesothelioma and started coughing up blood. Moments before the end, he just turned to my grandma with a scared look on his face and said, "No, I'm not ready!" I came to find out after the fact that what he was most upset about with passing was not being able to watch the grandkids grow up.
My brother and cousin were barely out of diapers, and I was the next youngest at the age of eight. That broke my heart more than anything.
29. Wanting A Do-Over
I’m a nurse. An elderly woman that I had cared for looked me straight in the eyes and said "I've wasted my entire life. I have nothing to show for it. And now it’s gone. I have nothing left". The look she gave me was so hollow and hopeless that it made me question everything about my entire life. She passed later that night.
30. Planting The Seeds Of Curiosity
I had a patient who was fighting a losing battle with cancer. His last words to me were "I need a tree". I have no idea what he meant by that, but the words have stuck with me ever since.
31. Waiting For Permission
I’m not a doctor, but right before my late grandfather passed, he asked his doctor: "Is the order given?" And without missing a beat, his doctor immediately replied with: "The order is given". My grandfather passed about five minutes later. He was a proud Trekkie right up until the end. Rest in peace, Grandpa! We all wish you were still around!
32. Getting Away With It
I once had a patient cryptically say to themselves, "And no one ever figured me out!" right before he passed. Who knows what on earth he could have been referring to. He must have had one heck of a secret. Part of me wants to start looking into his past out of curiosity, but that’s probably not something that’s ever gonna happen realistically speaking.
33. Always Leave ‘Em Laughing
My girlfriend just told me the story of her grandma's last words. Her grandma had a stroke, and could barely talk anymore. Shortly before she passed, she motioned for my girlfriend to come closer to her. She mouthed words, barely audible, and my girlfriend couldn't understand them or make out what they were. So she leaned in closer, but still nothing.
Finally, she leaned closer again, at which point her grandma smacked her in the head, laughed, and said "Got ya!" And those were her last words to my girlfriend!
35. Say It With Music
I once had a patient call me over to his bedside just moments before he passed, in order to tell me that his "saxophone was broken". It felt so strange and surreal. As far as I know, this patient was not a musician and did not play the saxophone. Nor did he have access to any saxophones or other instruments while in the hospital. I still have no clue what he meant…
36. Not What You Had Hoped For
You always hear really nice and almost poetic words from people on the verge of passing. Something about the last moments of people’s lives just brings out something different in them, and I don’t know how to explain it. But in my grandmother's case, her last words were: "This is so degrading". Pretty grim and sad, if you ask me.
37. The Nature Of Things
When my grandpa was on his deathbed, my dad and I visited him in the hospital. My dad brought him a nature book one day since he loved nature. When he was healthy, he would literally spend hours sitting outside watching birds and other animals. My dad just held the book up in front of him and flipped the pages as my grandpa silently looked at the pictures.
He didn't make a sound the whole time, until we reached a page that had a picture of beavers on it. My grandpa, in a frail, weak voice, said: "Stupid beavers". Those turned out to be his last words. He passed the next day, and we all still miss him very much. At least we can look back on the fond memories that we shared together.
38. Calling It A Day
My grandpa called us into his bedroom as he was going to sleep after his birthday party. When we were all in the room, he calmly said: "I think I've had enough. 92 years is plenty. I won't be here in the morning. I love each and every one of you, and you have made my life a joyous one. Good night, everybody!" We all thought he was just losing it.
But he didn't wake up in the morning. He completely called it.
39. A Personal Request
I was once the nurse for a chronically ill man who was around the age of 97. He woke during a code and, to our surprise, started speaking to us. He said: "Please, just let me pass. It's okay. You can stop now. I'm ready to go". He looked right at me when he said it. Our eyes were locked together. We stopped our efforts to save him at that point. He passed peacefully and in his own way, on his own terms. There was something very redeeming and peaceful about that.
41. Resting In Peace
My mother is a nurse. She was in my grandmother's hospital room at the moment when she suddenly roused from her comatose state and said, "Oh God, it felt like I was in a coffin. How terrible!" Immediately after saying that, she shut her eyes and fell silent again. She passed about an hour later. In light of her last words, we changed her funeral arrangements so that she would be cremated instead of buried. Seemed like the right thing to do.
42. Following Doctor’s Orders
I have a humorous story from one of my favorite patients. He was a hilarious man who passed about three years ago. He was obese, had diabetes, and for years I was advising him on getting into better shape. He was charming and always joked about his problems as opposed to actually addressing them. That was just the way he was.
Eventually, he developed bad leg ulcers as a complication of diabetes and underwent a below-the-knee amputation. When I saw him in the intensive care unit when he was extubated after his operation, he struggled to talk, but had to get his typical greeting in. He said: "Good news doctor, I've finally lost weight!" The poor guy passed just ten minutes later from a massive myocardial infarction.
43. Oh Well!
I'm not a doctor or a nurse, but I feel like this story belongs here. As my mom was passing, she was reaching out and calling for her mother who had been deceased for more than thirty years. She was speaking in her native language, so I could only understand her mom's name. However, the last thing that she said in English was, "Oh well!"
She repeated this dozens of times, all while laughing. I'm not sure I could sum up life any better than that. Oh well! Screw cancer.
44. Two Of A Kind
I work in oncology and in hospice care. If any of you have ever worked in the medical field, then you'll know that passings often seem to happen in groups of three. I’m not even joking, it just always seems to be the case. This one lady was going to be our second passing of the evening. I was sitting with her while her family took a break.
She kept on looking at the corner chair where no one was sitting. I asked her what she was looking at and she said "Oh, it's just Charlie! He's waiting for me. We're going to go together". She never said another word and passed shortly after. It may have seemed like a normal thing, because many people "see things" before they pass, but here's the detail that unlocks it all: Charlie was patient number one who had passed earlier in the shift…
45. Sugar In The Morning, Sugar In The Evening
I can't remember my grandma's final words. But when she was passing, I sang a song for her that she always sang for me as a little girl. The song went "I love my baby sugah," except I sang it as I love my granny sugah. She was in a totally unresponsive state with her eyes frozen open and dried out. When I finished singing to her, a giant stream of tears just flooded out her eyes.
I'm glad those were my final words to her. The tears said more than any words possibly could have. My grandpa, on the other hand, went into a coma and woke up. He then promptly demanded that I bring him some "tacas" from "the bell". I explained that this wasn't becoming for a severely diabetic man on dialysis with massive organ failure. He got mad. I got him tacos. He left this world happy.
46. Identity Crisis
This is my dad's story. He and his fire engine rush to respond to a kitchen fire that was started when an older woman caught her pajamas on fire with a stove. She apparently ran back and forth in her kitchen, on fire, and set the entire kitchen on fire in the process. By the time they arrive, she is extremely burnt, including on her face.
This, on top of her age, causes one of the firemen to mistake her for a male. He stands beside the gurney saying things like "It's going to be alright, sir. We're going to take you to a hospital, sir". What's left of her eyelids open, and she rasps out: "I'm a lady!" And then she passed right on the spot. It was such a sad thing to hear about.
47. Beanie Baby
One day, many years ago, my family and I were all eating dinner together when my grandfather suddenly told me to "eat my green beans," and then passed moments later. It all just happened out of the blue, with no warning signs whatsoever. It was a shocking and tragic experience to go through. But let’s just say I eat the heck out of my green beans to this day…
48. Playing With High Stakes
I worked in hospice for a while and always had my nurses call me when one of our patients passed, regardless of the time. The only time I ever heard one sound shaken up was when she went with our chaplain to check on a patient with lung cancer who was actively passing. For those who don't know, lung cancer patients typically suffocate as their lungs fill up with fluid.
Their energy is so sapped from shallow breathing that they don't usually communicate much a week or more before they pass. This one patient was no different, except that right before he passed he became completely coherent. He hit our chaplain with a thousand-yard stare and said "If you've screwed this up, I swear to God I'll haunt you".
If there is a heaven, I hope he got in. Our chaplain was a nice guy!
49. A Warning To The Wise
My grandfather looked up at me from his deathbed and said the following cryptic message: "July 21st, 2016. Don't do it". Then, he didn't say a thing for about two hours, after which he passed. Everyone always has a lot of questions when they hear this story, so I better tell you guys how it all went down. Some people go really crazy over this story when they hear it.
No, my grandfather wasn't insane. He was an awesome, fully sane person. He just passed from lung cancer. No one knew he was going to pass that day, but he just called my family over and requested to see us. We didn't have anything to do, so we went. He was at his little trailer. I remember it all perfectly. We went over there and he was in his bed.
He asked to speak to me alone and for everyone else to stay behind. I went into his room. He looked at me. He was so happy to see me. I was not sure why, but he was happy, so I was cool with it. He told me to come closer. He grabbed my hand with a cold, fragile grip and then looked at me straight in the eye. His smile was completely wiped at this point, and he spoke in a low tone".
Listen to me. July 21st, 2016. Don't do it". Then, he just sat there, like he was sad. So I left the room after about thirty minutes of awkward silence. My family and I sat there for two hours, waiting around, listening to him fidget in his bed. We heard all the creeks his bed made, and then it all stopped. So I went in to check on him.
It was 7:36 PM. He was in his bed, with wet marks under his eyes from crying. He was no longer alive.
50. Creepy
I once had a man witness his own heart stop. He was having an arrhythmia. I'll spare you from the gruesome details. Basically, I had the defib turned towards him in the ambulance. He was watching the monitor as I was treating him and his heart stopped cold. He looked at me with a panic, put his hand on my knee, and went down.
The poor guy literally watched his own heart stop when he passed.
Sources: Reddit,