Facts About Strange Burial Customs Around The World

December 3, 2024 | Miles Brucker

Facts About Strange Burial Customs Around The World

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. When you are gone, you rejoice, and the world cries. —Old Proverb

Passing is the final act of life, but many believe burial to be the opening act to the afterlife. Many different traditions have developed throughout the world, from dealing with the spread of disease to properly respecting the passed. Some of these conventions may seem crazy, weird, or unusual, but there is always a logic—well, usually. 

In old Fijian traditions, if an elderly family member was found to be too much of a burden, the solution was either to be strangled by their children or buried alive—if that’s not bad enough, what happens to their loved ones afterward is even worse.

Burial Customs Msn Single

1. Tower of Silence

The Zoroastrians believed that if a lifeless body touched anything, that thing was now spoiled (and bodies are indeed one of the most common ways disease spreads). The body would be cleansed in Bull urine before it was placed on top of a circular tower, called the Tower of Silence, for vultures to have their way with.

burial customs

2. Crossroads

In ancient England, self-immolation was seen as a unlawful deed, and suicided bodies were buried at crossroads. This was done to confuse the spirit of the passed, as suicidal spirits were believed to return home and haunt their village.

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3. Lama’s Guidance

In Mongolia, the traditional burial ceremony is an intricate process led by the local lama. How the ceremony unfolds is up to the  lama's discretion, but they’re the only one allowed to touch the body. They pray, place blue stones in the bed of the body, and a white veil is placed over the face to prevent evil spirits from penetrating. When the body is ready for burial, it is passed through a small hole or window to prevent evil from slipping through. At the grounds, outside the village, the body is outlined in stones and dogs may consume the remains. Afterwards, the stones are kept in place as a memory of the passed.

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4. Pit Burials

Though the traditional burial is now outlawed, before European contact, the Haida of the Pacific Northwest simply placed their bodies into a large pit behind the village for animals to eat. If a prominent figure in the community passed, then the body was crushed, placed in a wooden box, and fitted atop a totem pole outside of the tribe’s longhouse. The totem acted as a guardian for the journey of the spirit in the afterlife.

Burial Customs FactsFlickr,Archive Book

5. No Life After The End

For the Maasai of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania, burial is reserved for chiefs solely as a sign of respect and given to no one else. The body is seen as harmful to the soil, and corpses are therefore left for scavengers to consume. The Maasai do not believe in an afterlife: once your journey in life is over, it’s over.

Burial Customs FactsFlickr,Dylan Walters


6. Skull Burial

Kiribati is a sovereign island nation in the Pacific where the traditional burial custom is for people to lay their passed bodies out in their homes for up to 12 days, depending on their status, before interning them. Months after the internment, the body is dug up and the skull removed, cleaned, polished, and placed in their homes. Custom says the presence of the skull allows for the spirit to be welcomed by the native god, Nakaa, to the northern end of the island. Shocked lawyer in front of orange background looking at the cameraViDI Studio, Shutterstock

7. Eternity in a Cave

You’re in Hawaii, it’s beautiful, you’re walking on the incredible beaches, and then stumble into a cave. Next thing you know you're face to face with a body. Don’t fret, it’s just a traditional burial site. The custom is to bend the body into the fetal position and then cover the body with a cloth made from mulberry bark. Many caves along Maui still have these burial sites.

Question Reality FactsPixabay


8. Ghost Man Standing

El muerto parao has arisen in Puerto Rico in place of traditional wakes because why not freak out family and friends? Instead of having the body in a casket, the body is propped up on a chair with its eyes held open while an elaborate memorial is staged around them.

Photo of a Shocked GirlKoolShooters, Pexels

9. Ring Around The Rosie

LifeGem is an American company that presses the ashes of loved ones into diamonds and places them on a ring for you to wear. Uhh...

The Bachelor and The Bachelorette factsWikipedia


10. Beaded End

Korea has had an issue with burial space recently due to its extremely mountainous territory and 50 million people. The solution? Cremate corpses and then compress their ashes into beads. You can choose the colors and numbers of the beads and display them throughout your home.

Burial Customs FactsPxHere


11. Six Feet Under

When the plague was running rampant in England in 1665, the mayor of London ordered that "all graves...be six feet deep," birthing the phrase we know now.

Death FactsPexels


12. Painful Mourning

A tribe in Fiji would mourn a tribal chief's passing with a nine-day period of having the women lash the men with whips, while the men shot hard clay through bamboo at the women. Self-inflicted wounds were common, and they often cut off their toes or burnt themselves. As we learned in The Princess Bride, life is pain.

Burial Customs FactsShutterstock


13. Where The Sun Rises

Western burials often face the east; this goes back to the Pagan desire to have the passed face the rising sun.

Burial Customs FactsPxHere


14. Idle Hands

The last remaining kingdom in the South Pacific, Tonga is a nation of Polynesian islands. Their kings are considered untouchable during their lifetime, and after their passing only a few “sacred hands” are allowed to handle the body. These people, known as nima tapu, are forbidden from using their hands for any other task during the period of mourning, which lasts 100 days. Luckily for them, they are given servants to wait on their every need. Hm, every need?

Fred Astaire FactsWikipedia


15. Adult Club

Some people just want one more lap dance before they’re in the ground forever. In Taiwan, a tradition has developed of dancers being hired for burial ceremonies, where they spice up the ceremony.

Burial Customs FactsShutterstock


16. Old Family Recipe 

The Philippines are home to some interesting burial customs. The Apayaos of the island Luzon will fill the coffin of a body with protection for the body's journey, and then bury them below the kitchen of their homes. This way you’ll never lose grandma’s recipe.

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17. Tree of End

Trees breathe life into us, so why not return the favor? The Caviteño people live near Manila. When reaching the end, a person will choose a tree, which is then hollowed out in anticipation of their passing. For burial, they are entombed vertically inside of the tree.

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18. Blind Welcome

Still in the Philippines, the Benguet people keep the custom of blindfolding their passed relatives and placing them at the entrance of their home for eight days. How’s that for a welcoming?

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19. Fuming body

Close to the Benguet live the Tinguian people. They dress their corpses up in their best attire and sit them in a chair for some days, sometimes with a cigar hanging from their lips.

Portrait of emotive  shocked woman vintageAnton Vierietin, Shutterstock

20. Dance With Family

Turning over in your grave, or as the Malagasy of Madagascar call it, Famadihana, doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Once every few years, a body is retrieved from its resting place and a celebration is thrown for them by their family. The turning of the bones, as it is known, is basically a big party where family members wrap the body in cloth and dance to music with them. The custom is based on the belief that the soul doesn’t exit the body immediately, but rather takes its time.

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21. Vulture Feed

Many people believe in the process of renewal, where the soul moves on from the body, and many Vajrayana Buddhists of Tibet and Mongolia have sky burials to aid the process. After someone’s end, the body will be placed atop a mountain and left to naturally decompose and, you know, get eaten by scavengers. Instead of wasting the body, they use it to feed the rest of the surrounding life.

Poop FactsFlickr


22. Self Made Mummy

The Japanese Vajrayana Buddhists outdo the Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhists with the act of Sokushunbutsu, which was an ascetic attempt of self-mummification while still alive. Yup, real, live, mummies. Considered an act of enlightenment, only 24 priests have been able to properly execute the act of starvation and mummification.

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23. Joint Funeral

Though now obsolete, Sati was a funeral custom of ancient India. If a man passed leaving a widow, he would be burned on a pyre and the widow would have to jump in and join him in his end. Though Sati was often seen as voluntary, other cases involved forcing the widow to immolate herself.

Burial Customs FactsWikipedia

24. Hang On

Various locations in southern Asia feature a true sight to see: hanging coffins! There were a few ethnic tribes, most notably the Bo people of China, who hung coffins from the face of mountains and inside caves. They believed a soul would be blessed eternally by this burial—and that it would prevent beasts from taking the bodies.

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25. FUNerals

Carpenters in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana have embraced building coffins as an art form. Tradition has developed for people to be buried in coffins which represent what they loved in life, and an artful figurative coffin is built specially for them. They can be anything, from roosters to battleships to a pack of stogies. In recent years the art world has taken notice, and a few carpenters have achieved international success.

Burial Customs FactsWikimedia Commons


26. Clean Bones

In Taiwan and parts of Vietnam the act of jiǎngǔ or boc mo is performed, where new generations of people dig up their ancestors' remains and care for them by cleaning their bones.

Burial Customs FactsShutterstock


27. Chilling With Family

After burial, the Torajans of Indonesia celebrate their ancestors with the Ma’nane festival. During the festival, they will dig up relatives, care for their remains by cleaning them, and then take them out into the village for a walk. Ma’nane is a sort of second funeral, and families will hang out with their beloved passed relatives and even light up a smoke for them if they are craving some after-end nicotine.

Burial Customs FactsFlickr,Niek van Son


28. Meh, Parents...

In Fiji, a sort of contained self-immolation was practiced by one tribe. If a family member found their parents to be too much of a burden, they would approach the parents and tell them so, beginning a process in which the parents decide either to be strangled by their children or buried alive. Two wonderful options.

Upset elder couple are looking at camera with shocked faces.wayhomestudio, Freepik

29. Join Your Partner

Another funeral tradition in Fiji was to have someone accompany the deceased in the afterlife. Meaning, someone else would have to die too. Usually, the "chosen one" would be the spouse, as it was frowned upon if the wife of a deceased man didn't offer to accompany her husband. The chosen one would also be strangled or buried alive. 

This culture believed that you entered the afterlife in the state you were last in while alive, so it was best for the loved ones to end their lives sooner before any potential disfigurements befell them.

Shocked teacher with opened mouth holding her head in front of a boardPavel Ilyukhin, Shutterstock


Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

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