Bachelor parties are the best opportunities to go all out, let loose, and get wild. They often generate amazing stories that are retold for years to come. Sometimes those stories are hilarious, but other times they can be tragic. These Redditors did not hold back as they shared stories of bachelor parties that took a hard left turn.
1. Coin Toss
We had an ongoing rule through the bachelor weekend that if you were holding a pint and someone managed to toss a coin into it, you had to down it immediately. It was, I think, a Brazilian Real—whatever it was, it was a big old coin. It had a significant diameter and a good, sturdy thickness.
Anyway, one of the chaps ended up swallowing the coin along with the beer. I'll never forget the look of realization on his face. And I can imagine the other look on his face a couple of days later.
2. A Bad Combo
For my wedding my best man and I hit up a local bar the night before. The plan was a low key night, some pints and some pizza, and then head back to my place for video games. The best man proceeds to get absolutely smashed on Jagermeister and Dr Pepper, and eats a pizza slathered in ghost pepper sauce.
He has to clog the bar sink with toilet paper to dunk his head in cold water, and then he pukes all over himself and passes out in my bathtub. We still made the wedding on time and I have some great blackmail pictures.
3. Toothless
The whole party got inebriated, and the best man (who was his brother) admitted to having slept with the bride. A massive bar fight followed, and the groom lost one of his front teeth. The wedding still happened, but he kept his mouth shut in all the pictures, the best man was nowhere to be seen, and instead the title was given to the groom's other brother.
4. Change Of Plans
It was a Las Vegas bachelorette. The bride-to-be meets a guy at a club who is a groomsman at another bachelor party. They exchange numbers and hang out several times the rest of the weekend. She texts him a lot and the groom finds the text messages. He calls off the wedding and the girl ends up moving to Colorado and marries the guy she met in Vegas. True story.
5. There’s Nothing Concealer Can’t Fix
A buddy of mine went old school and had his bachelor party the night before the wedding. Right around 1:00 am I get a call from my husband, who was a groomsman. "Babe, you need to come get us. Now". "Why"? "Eric got punched by a dancer". The groom had a large T-shaped bruise right above his eye where the girl's ring hit him.
The next day it was worse. Once again I got a call for aid from the husband 15 minutes before the ceremony. To date that was the best makeup I've ever done.
6. Propellor Problems
I went to a bachelor party on a lake and one of the guys jumped off the backside of the boat while the propeller was moving. He got his legs sucked into the propellers and torn apart. They were able to save his legs but the guy had to relearn how to walk. It was a looong process. I don’t keep in touch with him but I found him on Facebook and he looks like he’s doing okay now.
7. Wheelchair Wedding
We were at this bar and the smoking section was on the third floor, so we went up to have a smoke out on the balcony. When we stepped out we saw a bachelor party going on. The poor bachelor was so blasted at like 9:00 pm already. That's when I was witness to a horrific accident.
The dude was so smashed he fell backwards off the balcony and broke both legs. There is a photo of him now up in the bar at his wedding in a wheelchair with a not so happy wife.
8. Jumped
After a few drinks and a curry, we were on the way to the bar for drinks. Well, the future brother-in-law suddenly decided to jump on the future groom for a piggyback. Except his hands were in his pockets, so he lost balance, and fell face down on the ground. His glasses pretty much cut the top of his eyes open.
With his shirt now covered in blood, needless to say we could forget about going into any bar that night.
9. The Diver
First night at the Airbnb, the groom-to-be dives head first into the pool and cracks his head open. He goes to the ER and gets 12 stitches in his skull. Fortunately he’s okay and is able to be released after a few hours. He tells the bride-to-be the next morning and we’re all in hot water for the rest of the trip.
10. Dune Disaster
I was invited to my brother-in-law’s bachelor "party". The day was planned to consist of ATV riding on the beach and drinking/eating and watching football all day. Just hanging out with the guys. Fast forward to the first five minutes of ATV riding. The bachelor’s brother flips his ATV going down a dune. The ATV rolls over his chest and cracks a bunch of ribs and punctures a lung. Day over.
11. Change Of Plans
My friend lost his life on his bachelor weekend. He fell out of the cab at the end of the night and hit his head on the sidewalk. The authorities put him in a cell overnight. But they didn't know the horrible truth. It turned out he had fractured his skull. They let him out in the morning, but he went into a coma and perished a week later.
The wedding was supposed to be three weeks later. We ended up having his funeral then instead. I am completely broken up by it still.
12. Money Problems
I had a friend hit $250k on a $5 slot machine at a Shreveport casino at his bachelor party two weeks before the ceremony. It actually destroyed his life. With his newfound wealth, he decided to ask his fiancée to sign a prenup. She refused. She had referred to it as "our money" from the first moment she heard the good news.
And so, he walked away. Everyone hated him for it. He was practically excommunicated from all our social circles. 10 years later and she's filed bankruptcy twice. In hindsight, he made the right decision.
13. Burger Blow Out
My buddy's bachelor party was set to be pretty tame. No clubs or casinos or anything like that. He just wanted to get these massive burgers from the local burger joint that was walking distance from his condo and play Mario Kart 64. So after we had all stuffed our faces from these ridiculous burgers, we sat down and divvied up the teams.
We decided that each person would drain one beer per lap, then exchange controllers. Then chaos broke loose. Every single person ended up puking immediately. Once the toilet, sink, and kitchen sink were full, people were throwing up all over the place, running around looking for the least damaging spot to spew. It was obscene. Food poisoning: Not fun.
14. He’s A Fox
My brother-in-law was dressed as a fox for his bachelor party and the rest of us were country gentlemen. Tweed, flat caps, etc. It was a good theme to be honest. It was a boozy weekend, but nothing particularly crazy went down. Until, at about 3:00 am on the second night, before we were going to go home, the groom went for a dance in a fountain.
He slipped and smashed his head on the ground. Really bad. Some paramedics arrived and had to, of course, cut him out of his all-in-one hooded fox costume, by now covered in blood. He went to the hospital and had the wound glued up. We can laugh about it now as thankfully there was no long term damage. Apart from perhaps his pride when the blood-soaked half-shredded fox costume was brandished in the best man's speech.
15. Watch Your Stuff
My friend invited an absolute jerk to her hen party about seven years ago. Her reputation was that she was trash, but she showed up like a different person and was actually very nice the whole night. She was on her best behavior, buying rounds of drinks, showing a genuine interest in conversations, the whole works.
She even offered to look after the coats and bags while we got up to dance. Halfway through the first song, she showed her true colors. We all turned around to find her rifling through everyone’s belongings. She locked eyes with us while she had one hand full of bank notes and the other full of someone’s cigs. She wasn’t invited to the wedding.
16. The Big Loser
The bachelor party was in Las Vegas. This actually turned out to be the worst idea ever. See, nobody knew that the groom had a problem with his gambling. First night we were there, we're all in the casino having drinks and playing cards. The groom gets up to "get a drink" and never comes back to the group.
After hours of searching for him we finally find him sitting on the bathroom floor of his hotel room, crying his eyes out. He lost over $10,000 in just a few hours playing blackjack. We were there for three more days and he pretty much didn't even leave his hotel room and was terrified to go home and tell his fiancee he gambled away most of their savings.
17. Boy’s Night
I was the best man for my younger brother, and I set up the bachelor party as was my role. It was in Miami, and I'm from a small town, so I did my best to find good recommendations on Google. I chose a salsa club, a very lively place based on the pictures, with hot women in scanty clothing but no actual dancers.
Saucy but tasteful, basically. Or so I thought. We get the entire group in the front door of the club, and on stage is a muscleboi in a speedo, gyrating intensely. Everyone turns to stare at me, "What did you do"?! Turns out the club's rotation of performers had a one in ten chance of muscleboi. We still had a good time.
18. The Impaler
After much drinking, there was a race around the block where the groom-to-be and a few others took a shortcut through a couple of backyards. Apparently as they jumped one of the fences, several of them plummeted into a pool under construction, and tragically the groom was fatally impaled on the exposed rebar.
This was something that changed everything for everyone who knew him and all his mates. After this terrible event, anyone who had Bucks Parties after this event made them decidedly more low key and uneventful. My friend still gets really upset when it’s ever mentioned.
19. Cheater’s Chat
All the attendees of the bachelor party were in a group chat. Some of the guys were being "less than faithful" to their significant others, and were bragging about it in the chat. Karma came for them in a brutal way. One dude left iMessage open on his iPad back at home, and his fiancée (not the groom, this guy was also engaged) was reading everything that was happening in Vegas.
Long story short, when he got home all his possessions were in the yard. His fiancée had also contacted another guy’s wife, and his stuff was also outside. Immediate break up for one couple, and divorce for the other. The bachelor (my friend) is a stand-up dude and kept his junk in his pants, so he’s married with two kids and doing great.
20. Prank Gone Wrong
During a wedding in Belgium it's common that the friends play a trick on the house of the newlyweds, like fill the house full of balloons or something. Short summary: A good friend of the groom removed a cover that was covering a hole that led to the basement window near the front door of the house.
At night they came home from the wedding party, and neither the groom nor the bride expected this. The bride stumbled into the hole and fatally broke her neck. Hard to forgive such an incident and lifelong scar.
21. Dock Disaster
It was a bachelor party at a lake house. The house was right on the lake and had a dock that went right into the water. We were all drinking, having fun and running around being stupid. We decided we’d jump into the lake. The groom's brother ended up slipping on the dock and fell head first into the railing on the side.
It knocked him out and we all hurried up and ran to him. He had a gash on his forehead. We put him in the car and rushed him to the ER where he ended up getting stitches. But there was a twist. At the end he was mad that the party ended early because he didn’t get to see the private dancers.
22. The Golfing Groom
We did a cabin in a local park and everything went great the first night. I set up a round of golf for a few of the guys including the groom the next day. It had been raining for a few days but it let up perfectly for the round. We got out there and the course was super hilly, and we were all too hungover from the night before to even drink on the course.
We’re coming down a hill into like the seventh hole and I heard a loud bang behind me. I turned around and the groom's cart had flipped and landed on his ankle. It snapped his fibula. He had like two or three surgeries and it got seriously infected. Luckily he’s fine now but he was on a scooter for the wedding and did his first dance on a peg leg.
23. Not A Nice Guy
I took a buddy who was getting married out to the bar that a separate friend group haunts. His plan was to have a few pints at his place, but he seemed excited to go out instead. He proceeded to get blasted and hit on every girl in sight. I told him to calm down twice. He then groped a girl while I was in the bathroom and quickly left before he got himself beat.
I apologized profusely to everyone for bringing him around. He was normally a level-headed guy, but he just went off the deep end that night. The wedding the next day was so awkward. I was a groomsman and we dipped out early from the reception. I never talked to him again. His wife left him a year later. I still have an engraved pint glass with my name on it from the whole ordeal.
24. Born On A Train
I was at a friend of a friend's bachelor party where some of the guys went a bit overboard. They got the groom super blasted. When he passed out they undressed him. They left only his undies on and they put him on an overnight train with some cash for the trip back. The only problem was the wedding was the next day.
The bachelor's poor parents had to drive like six hours to go fetch him and bring him back in time for the wedding. Everyone who was at the bachelor party was not allowed into the church for the wedding. The bride's father chased us all away. Turns out it was the groom's own groomsmen that did it.
25. The Princess And The Partiers
I threw my buddy a bachelor party on August 31, 1997. It was pretty standard: club, limo to NYC, hit Mcsorleys for a ton of rounds. We then went to a bar famous for its hot wings. We walked in, and saw that everyone was glued to the TV sets behind the bar. We didn't pay any attention to them.
We sat down, ordered tons of wings and pitchers of booze and were partying up a storm. After about 45 minutes we realized we were the only group in the bar having any fun. I glanced over at one of the TVs, and my jaw dropped. Princess Diana was in a car accident and didn’t survive. That ruined the rest of the night…
26. Smooth With The Ladies
The groom at this bachelor party is not a party kind of guy, normally quiet and reserved. He doesn't want anything crazy, so we hit a bar or two. In the third bar, he suddenly changes. He becomes the world's most charismatic man. He charms his way around all the women in the place, and a couple of them return his interest.
The best man does his best to run interference but the groom is irresistible. Eventually, he heads home with a woman on his arm. Luckily, the Best Man has already sabotaged the groom by filling his bed with tortilla chips. We get back in time to call the lady a cab while the groom rages and curses. But he thanks us all later.
27. Dirty Dancing
Our group arrived in Vegas for some pre-scheduled debauchery and drinking at a racy club. The groom's best man decides to get a dance in the champagne room. He comes back and we head out to gamble and drink some more before retiring to the hotel room.
The next morning, while recovering from our collective hangovers, the best man's right eye was red and puffy like a souffle. The truth was even more disgusting than I imagined. He told us the dancer had rubbed against his face, and he had somehow gotten crabs from her.
eedless to say he didn't play the part of best man. We still haven't allowed him to live that down, and we won’t stop bugging him about it any time soon.
28. The Hazards Of High Heels
I was at my buddy’s bachelor party in Montreal. His thing was relatively tame. HOWEVER, as we’re walking from the club to the bar, we end up behind a bunch of college girls who came up from the States to drink. They’re all dressed in their club gear and completely hammered. I see one particularly wobbly young woman wearing incredibly high heels.
She takes a misstep and rolls her ankle so bad her shin touches the sidewalk. She straight up broke her leg but was so inebriated she just kept on trucking. I run up to one of the more sober-looking members of her group and am like "your friend just broke her leg". It backfired very badly. Unfortunately, she and her friends think I’m trying to pick them up.
I’m like, "I’m married and 10 years older than you, but you should probably take care of your friend". Meanwhile the injured woman’s leg is already swelling up.
29. Just The Tip
A cabin was rented in a state park the night before the wedding. The bride-to-be was also there with a few friends, as we were a very close knit group. We drank, smoked, the usual. Later in the evening, the groom-to-be was casually impaling the picnic table we were all sitting around with his Swiss Army tool. His future wife tells him to stop, that he's going to cut his finger off.
He says the sharpest parts are locked, nothing will happen. Of course, on the very next hit, what happens? The lock releases, it folds, and cuts his pinky off. The pinky was recovered and put on ice, the groom was rushed to ER. Miraculously, he doesn't bleed out, but at the altar the next day, we have to hold him up due to pain meds.
That very afternoon, he goes into surgery and has the pinky reattached. He ended up being a pilot in the service until he lost his life a few years ago. Turns out the lock on the tool was faulty, and if you squeezed it in the right way, it would release. The groom got a very nice settlement from the company. He regained most of the function of that pinky also.
30. Gotta Bounce
We went to Montreal to St Catherine’s Street. Lots of racy joints. The groom and the best man, his younger brother, weren’t the most experienced in these clubs. They get a private dance with two dancers and are gone for a long time. I’m worried they lost track of time. Meanwhile, the other guys are doing their thing in the club.
I’m outside having a smoke and I see the two of them, shirt collars stretched out, hair disheveled, and it looks like they’re covered in lipstick. The real story was nearly unbelievable. It was blood. They got in a dispute over how much they owed the girls.
The bouncers showed up and just started beating on them. Best man had a boot print on his back, busted face, and he lost his two front teeth. The groom was similarly beat up, swollen eye, lip, etc. We spent the night in the ER where the best man got an emergency root canal.
We called authorities and to their credit they investigated. They took the bouncer’s shoes as evidence. He was eventually prosecuted. Local authorities paid for the guys to fly back a couple times to testify. It didn’t ruin the trip though. We stayed away from those joints the rest of the weekend and the groom won some money at the casino.
The wedding was a few months later so everyone had time to heal. But there was one last twist. The best man sneezed a couple days before the wedding and his front teeth flew out of his mouth.
31. The Unexpected Gift
This was the aftermath of my boss' best friend's bachelor party. They decided he'd sleep at our house (I'm a nanny and live with him and his kids) so that he wouldn't see his future wife before the wedding, which was the next day. The night of the bachelor party, they inform me that the groom's jerk frat bro brother-in-law is sleeping in the house too.
Whatever, it's not my house, so not my rules. Anyway, I hear them being so loud when they get home and go upstairs to tell them to shut up because there are three kids sleeping and it's 3:00 am. The brother-in-law and groom won't stop yelling at each other.
My boss tells me it's been like this all night, and when I ask why, he explains that the brother-in-law bought the groom a backpage "professional" if you know what I mean, and had her show up to the party because he thought the groom "deserved" it. The groom freaked out and told him off, and it completely ruined the night.
We manage to get them to shut up, and the groom goes to sleep in the guest room, the brother-in-law sleeps on the downstairs couch, and I go back to bed. Half an hour later someone opens my bedroom door, which I leave unlocked if the kids need something in the night. What happened next absolutely infuriated me.
It's the brother-in-law and his lady "guest". When I ask him what in the world he thinks he's doing, he says he didn't realize that it was my room and then something like "I'm not going to waste my $700" and I tell him to get out. I was so creeped out that I locked my room and went and slept upstairs in one of the kids' rooms.
32. Into The Woods
On the first night of what was supposed to be a crisp fall weekend of camping, cookouts, and whitewater canoeing, the groom's older brother and future brother-in-law got blackout and started fighting. At first it was just yelling and tipsy stupid talk, and the rest of us blew it off.
They'd never really gotten along and we figured that it would blow over. But instead it escalated so fast. The brother-in-law drew a .45 cal from his backpack, pointed it at the groom's brother's face, demanded the keys to the equipment van, climbed in, locked the van behind him, and immediately passed out, still clutching his .45.
At first we were relieved. Sure, we were angry and in disbelief at what had just happened, but at least the situation was resolved and nobody was hurt. Our relief soon turned to horror. We realized our sleeping bags, warm clothing, personal belongings (including car keys), and most of the food were still inside the locked van, underneath the groom's unconscious, idiot future brother-in-law.
Nobody was really thinking straight, but we at least agreed we didn't want to break into the van for fear of getting hit with his .45…which he was still holding. We were able to keep the fire going, but what followed was still one very cold, hungry night in the woods. In the morning, we discovered that future brother-in-law had capped off his private festivities by (1) vomiting in the back of the van, all over our backpacks and sleeping bags, and (2) leaving the dome light on all night, draining the van's battery.
The groom was so angry he simply bailed and went home. The rest of us sat around freezing our butts off in the morning fog while the brother-in-law cleaned all our gear. Once he was finished, we jump started the van, abandoned our plans, and got out of the woods.
33. Not Caught In The Act
We got together for my friend's bachelor party. We all hated his wife-to-be but he said he was happy. We'd made it clear she wasn't good for him, but we still loved him, so what could we do? it's the evening of the bachelor party and we're chilling at our friend's house. Sitting around joking, freestyling, just being dumb.
We literally had nothing planned other than drinking and hanging out. Suddenly there was a huge bang on the door. My friend thought we got private dancers and was angry. My other friend who organized it said he didn't know who it was. We open the door and it's his freaking wife-to-be with her friends.
She was sure we had girls there and private dancers. Most of us were just watching TV. We got really mad at her and kicked her out, and she spent the rest of the night texting him as he chilled over in a corner while we watched TV. You'd never believe it, but they divorced a few years later.
34. What’s That Smell?
I was invited to a bachelor party where they had planned to rent an RV and drive from Minnesota to the Kentucky Derby. They rent the RV and get on their way. Near the border of Iowa they pull over to get some food and use the restroom. One of the guys goes to find something in one of the bags and opens the lower storage compartment. What he sees makes him recoil.
There is a blackened foot sticking out and a horrible stench. They immediately realize it was a body and call the authorities. The entire crew spent the whole time being questioned by the authorities. Turns out the body was that of a young man who had been possibly mugged one night in the middle of winter.
He found this RV and decided to get in the storage compartment in an attempt to get warm. He had been missing for months. I believe it was in the paper and all over the news at the time.
35. The Pacifist
Years ago I went to a bachelor party for a work colleague who I don't actually know that well, but he is a nice guy and his best man (who I only met a time or two at the bar) that invited me said he didn't have a lot of friends to come. I wasn't doing anything that night, so I said why not, I'll come.
I am American, but this was overseas in a place full of expats so we're all different nationalities. I soon regretted ever coming. The inebriated best man (English) picks a bar fight with a bunch of Irish guys that were in town on vacation or something. I nope out as soon as it starts because I a) am a huge wimp and b) don't want to end up locked up.
Anyway, the best I can piece together from what I heard is that a young male bar employee tried to get between them to break up the fight and got mildly beat up, but had some undiagnosed clotting disorder and didn't make it out of there alive. Witnesses were inconsistent with reports of who actually hit the poor guy.
The authorities got there pretty fast, this place is maybe 1,000 feet away from a station, so EVERYONE on both sides of the fight got locked up. I was in no way involved and haven't been in a fight since I was a teenager but I was a regular in that bar and didn't want someone to misremember that I was involved, so I returned to the USA as soon as I found out what happened to the guy.
I'm no longer in contact with anyone in that country but last I heard was a year after the event and all those guys were still locked up.
36. Lost In London
I was on the tube in London, on the way home from a day out. There was a bachelor party on the tube. They were normal guys, not the "lads lads lads'' type at all. They were all very very inebriated but good naturedly, not overly bothering other passengers, and even then, only the most truly grumpy Londoners got annoyed.
They got to their stop, all got up and staggered their way off. But this is where the problem started. They had mistaken another passenger disembarking as the groom-to-be, and only noticed as they were nearly off the platform (they were following said random guy), just as the doors closed.
The bachelor, meanwhile, was teetering on blackout at that point, but stayed with it enough to get off the train two stops later and wander out of the underground. It wasn't over yet, though. I realized when I looked up again that he had also left his phone on the seat.
Judging by their accents and snippets of overheard conversation, it was a trip to London, and no one was actually local. So they had lost the bachelor in the big city, none of them knew where he had gone and had no way to contact him. I wish I knew how it all turned out for them.
37. A Somber Occasion
This was years ago, but an old friend of mine was set to get married to a really good guy. Now this guy, as kind of a man as he was, also was very troubled. One day, roughly a month or two before the wedding, she wakes up and finds he has taken his own life. So, that’s a big mess. Despite this, she decides she is still going to go on her bachelorette trip to Vegas, which has already been paid for.
She was just going to treat it like a celebration of his life and stuff. She was trying to be positive about it. Now, because I live close enough to Vegas, she invited me on this trip, and I hadn’t seen her in a while, so I agreed. Everyone arrives, has loads of fun drinking the first night, and then she inevitably remembers why she was on this trip in the first place.
Needless to say, the mood changed quickly and the rest of the long weekend was all of us dealing with all the feelings. She was comatose for the rest of the trip and the rest of us just treated it like a chance to hang out, but it was really tough. Just days and days of crying and talking, it was truly exhausting.
38. Everybody Wins
So on the last night of my bachelor party, my best friend finally arrives. He was in the service at the time, and couldn't get to Vegas until then. He called me and asked if he could bring a friend, I said yeah of course. So he and his friend, who I had never met before, showed up at like 8:00 pm.
The plan for the night was bottle service at the club in the hotel we were staying at, which was one of the hottest clubs at the time. My friend and his friend throw on suits, and say we're going to play craps at ten and then we'll go to the club at midnight. I was like, ok sounds good.
Well, this guy I've known for like two hours wins like $2,500 in the two hours playing craps. We get in line for the club, and he drops his casino host's name to the bouncer and we are immediately brought into the club. We get a huge table right by the main stage.
The guy throws all of his winnings on the table, and orders bottles and drinks and who knows what for everyone. He basically paid for the entire night for all of us. It was insane.
39. Up A Creek
It was my bachelor party about eight years ago. We drank a lot and were out on the lake driving around two pontoon boats. We bottomed out on a sandbar. My friend, who ended up blowing three times the lawful limit, insisted that I had broken the boat, which I hadn’t. I lifted the motor up and showed him it was fine.
There were a couple of lily pads wrapped around the fan. He was convinced this would break the engine and leave us stranded on the lake. I told him relentlessly that this was not the case and that I had been boating since I was a small boy. He belligerently told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and said he was going to fix it.
I told him we were fine and to not get out of the boat. As he was taking his shirt off to jump off the boat, I continued to tell him we were fine and he shouldn’t get out of the boat. He looked at me again and said he was sure I broke the boat. I reminded him it was turned off. It ended in total and disgusting catastrophe.
As he jumped off the boat the wet skin on his hand somehow caught on to a piece of metal and degloved the skin off of his pinky finger. He got out of the water screaming and his hand looked like the T-1000 from terminator. He was bleeding profusely and had to go to the hospital.
They didn’t have the ability to fix it at the hospital and he ended up having to have his finger surgically implanted into his side to regrow the skin. His hand was in his hip for two months...and it didn’t grow back. He ended up having to have his pinky finger amputated.
To this day he claims he gave up a finger for my marriage. I was the best man in his wedding and we’re still good friends, but all in all this more or less ruined my bachelor party.
Unsplash, National Cancer Institute
40. Guard Down
My husband was deployed to Afghanistan during our engagement, so I asked him if he wanted to have a combined bachelor/bachelorette party. I planned a combined party at club where I knew the owners so we could get the VIP treatment. A good friend of mine offered to chauffeur us and he insisted on being our "bodyguard".
Anyway, he was keeping people out of our velvet rope area and whatnot. I'm buying dances for my fiancé (now husband) and my brother (who was giving me away, since our dad was no longer around). I'm buying rounds for our guests. We were having a blast. Next thing you know, our bodyguard, who hasn't had a drink all night because he was also the driver, starts swaying.
The guys that he had kicked out of the velvet rope area got up and left really fast. It was really suspicious. We had to rush him to the ER. Turns out they found traces of GHB in his system. To this day, I never found out if they were trying to get him or me because his Sprite was on the table next to my drink. He survived, and I got lucky.
41. Lightweight
First night of the bachelor party, we had a casino night booked with a meal. Everyone started drinking at about 5:00 pm, and the meal was at 7:00 pm. By the time we were all grabbing drinks to sit down for food, we noticed the groom had disappeared. We spent 20 minutes walking around looking for him.
Eventually we decided that one of us should check the bathroom. Just to clarify, the groom was not a big drinker. What we saw made me want to both laugh and cry. It turns out he had passed out on the bathroom floor covered in his own sick after an hour and a half of drinking.
We called a taxi and he was in bed by 8:00 pm. Everyone else ended up going out without him. I remember tucking him into bed and him mumbling, "best night ever"! We still bug him about this night to this day.
42. Saw It On Craigslist
I had my bachelor party like a month before my wedding. My friends and I are a bunch of nerds (we play League of Legends), but we decided to be cool and go out to some bars. We hit up the karaoke bar (nailed it), went to a local college bar (cheap drinks), and accidentally went to a gay bar (I had never felt like a raw piece of steak before then).
Anyways, one of my buds texts me and says, "Yo man, I'm sorry I can't make it, but what's the address"? Naively, I sent him the address. The boys and I go back to my friend's apartment, watch some tv, take some shots and chat about life. The doorbell rings. An extremely large man (6'6", 250 lbs at least) shows up and says, "Yo, this where the party at"? But that was just the beginning.
Over the next two hours at least 10 random dudes show up at the door, "ready to smash". Finally, some guy curses at us for being "jerks for denying him the hot women that were posted on Craigslist". Turns out my friend had posted my other friend's apartment as a house party with random pictures of some chick.
I guess it's kind of funny, but the dudes that show up "for a party" at 2:00 am are not like the nerds I play League with. They were a little scary.
43. Evacuation Notice
For my sister's bachelorette, we had rented a beach house for a five day vacation in North Carolina. On day four, the owner of the house showed up and barged into the house and screamed at all of us that we had to evacuate. None of us had been paying attention to the weather or news or anything, so there was a crucial thing we didn't know.
The hurricane we were vaguely aware of was about a day out from hitting the coast. The woman thought we were ignoring the evacuation notice and told us that if we weren't out within the hour she was going to call the authorities. She was the one who was supposed to tell us considering she lived there (there being the town) and owned the house, so her aggression was really confusing.
We had to pack up and clean the whole house in about an hour and cut the trip short by about a day. I have no idea how we were supposed to know about the notice. There were still other people in the neighborhood lounging around their houses, and no preparation measures were being made by any of them for the potential storm.
It turned out that when the hurricane hit, it barely skirted the town and everything was fine.
44. Somewhere In Kansas
My father-in-law was the best man for his best friend, and he planned the guy’s bachelor party the night before the wedding. The bride-to-be was not a nice lady, and he had a strong dislike for her. After failing to talk the guy out of marrying her, he was looking for a way to sabotage the wedding. He took the groom out bar hopping in Chicago and got him completely toasted.
He put him on a late night train, telling him it would take him home. The groom woke up nine hours later somewhere in Kansas. All he had with him was his ID and enough cash for return fare. By then it was a few hours before the wedding and the bride was freaking out.
My father-in-law played dumb until the groom finally called, then he admitted to it. It took the groom pretty much the entire day to get home. My father-in-law was not invited to the rescheduled wedding a week later. The marriage lasted maybe a year. My father in law and the groom are still best friends, to this day, though.
45. Fights And Face Tats
I used to bartend at the local college club bar. You know the type. Cheap and horrible and loud and dirty but pretends to be a classy establishment, but is more concerned about making all the money possible so lets in really questionable people. It became the go-to bar for the street groups from one city over because we would let them in and no one in their hometown would.
One week after I quit working there a wedding party was in town for their wedding. They were out for drinks the Friday night before the Saturday wedding. The bar lets in a whole group, including a 20-year-old (I'm in the USA, so they were not of drinking age) with his face absolutely covered in tattoos.
A fight breaks out when this guy starts hitting on the bride-to-be. The groom's brother intervenes and is SLICED IN THE NECK by the 20-year-old with face tats. He bled out in the bar kitchen while my friends who still worked there desperately tried to stop the bleeding with bar rags.
From what I heard they still had the wedding the next day because everything was paid for but it was very somber. Friend of mine quit on the spot after the ambulance had taken him away.
46. Leap Of Faith
The day before my brother got married we decided to have a really small bachelor party with just a few guys and go skydiving. We knew of a small place that had a small hangar outside of a small city and decided that this would be the place since we could do it for a small price.
It was me, my brother, my sister, and another friend that was coming from upstate, and we had an appointment at 5:00 pm for our jump. It was a disaster from the very beginning. Long story short, the other friend left hours ahead of time to make sure he would arrive on time, but had major car problems and then got stuck in traffic, making him about an hour late instead.
We were communicating during all of this and trying to decide whether we should wait or just go ahead and jump without him. Finally, we decided to ask the staff if there were any groups after us that we could trade appointments with so we could wait for our friend. Well as fate would have it there was a group of exactly four just after us.
So after the other party agreed to swap they just switched times with us and we had the later appointment. They were excited to be able to go sooner than they thought. My brother and I had gotten there early and we were having a great time watching the planes go up and the jumpers come down.
They would go up four at a time (two jumpers and two instructors jumping in tandem) and would land right in front of the hangar. It was fascinating for me to see how they would come in so fast, then just at the last minute they would pull up and land like a...bird..or a parachuter.
Anyway, the first two of the group we swapped came in just fine, and my brother and I went out to watch the other two jump before it was our turn to strap into the harnesses. I still can't believe what I witnessed. We saw them jump, and we saw one of them deploy their chute, but the other fell way further.
I remember thinking "Wow I hope I get an instructor that lets me fall that far..that looks way more fun". Eventually their chute deployed but as soon as it did, they started going into an uncontrolled spin. They were coming in hot and I was waiting for them to pull up like all they others had, but they never did.
I heard a scream, they slammed into the ground, and a cloud of dust shot up about six feet into the air. They were out in the weeds nowhere close to the landing pad. The weird thing is that there was no staff outside watching and my brother, my dad (who was there to watch us jump), and I were the only ones to see them hit.
I ran and told the staff what happened and then we ran out into the weeds to find them. They were broken, both unconscious, face down in the dirt. They had cuts and gashes, some big enough that I could see bone, but there wasn't a lot of blood anywhere. That's when I realized the sickening truth.
This was I assume because their hearts stopped so quickly. We wanted to start CPR but their bodies were so tangled in the harnesses that we had to get the seatbelt cutters from their packs and start cutting the straps apart so we could roll them over. We performed CPR on the jumper and the instructor until ambulances arrived but we learned later that both were confirmed deceased at the hospital.
This was the group that we had swapped. The four in that group were a mother and her three daughters. The mother didn’t make it. The father had bought them the tickets as a Christmas present a few months earlier. Needless to say we didn't end up jumping that day.
Anyway, the wedding the next morning was nice. We should probably just hire some private dancers next time. It definitely wasn’t the "tame" bachelor party we were hoping for.
47. Family Matters
This happened about 10 years ago. It was my friend's bachelor party. We’d organized for a shirtless waitress through a party company to attend for two hours and serve drinks. She arrives late and can only stay for one hour, but to make up for it she agrees to take off all her clothes for the hour.
She walks out of one of the bedrooms after taking her clothes off and gives the groom a big hug. From the back of the room a guy goes "What in the world"?! That's when we made the most shocking discovery. It’s the best man's sister. No clothes, in front of all his friends.
She runs off crying and we just all stand there for like 10 seconds in silence before we laugh our butts off. She lives about an hour away and apparently told the family she worked in hospitality, but nothing more specific.
48. Here’s To New Experiences
A girl in my grade 11 class married her dad's best friend. I was the only person who went to the bachelorette besides her family, and I mostly went because I felt bad because she didn't really have friends and I wanted her to know I was there FOR HER, not anybody else, in case she ever needed help. The party was in her auntie’s garage.
Me and the bride-to-be were both 16. Also there were her two aunties, her mom, her grandma, and three of her mom's friends. Nine people in total, and the closest way I can describe the scene is if everyone there was related to Honey Boo Boo. It was also a dry party, because of the underage bride.
We're playing dumb bridal games, and then it took a turn for the worse. They pull her chair into the middle of this garage floor, and music comes on. A racy male dancer comes in and everyone starts hollering except the bride and myself. We lock eyes and are both...utterly...horrified.
I know that she's still a virgin, and heck, so am I. Both very innocent kids. This sad awkward male dancer is also blatantly horrified at the scene in the garage. He's doing everything he can to avoid the clearly underage bride, including grinding up on grandma. I'm freaking out because I know that if my parents find out about this, there will be heck to pay.
Plus, it's the most sad awkward cringe you've ever not wanted to be a part of. Grandma AND mom are stuffing $2 bills down his undies and grabbing him all over. They try to drag him over to the bride and he's resisting with all his might. The song ends, and the guy stops dancing and has to beg for his pants back from Aunty #1.
They then refuse to pay him because he wouldn't give the bride a dance, and he and Aunty #2 have it out, outside the garage door, where we can all hear them yelling. To this day, my parents don't know that the first time I saw a man's junk was at Penny's bachelorette in grade 11. And here, I thought I'd repressed that memory until now, yikes.
49. Dude Dance
This was about 10 years ago. I was working at a club as a dancer when a bachelor group of about 10 came in, including the groom's best friend since high school, the best man. So they are doing the typical "bachelor party" thing, but are very polite and decent dudes...mostly just drinking and enjoying the risqué atmosphere and catching up.
The club was near the airport, and I'm pretty sure most of them had flown into town from around the country. All of them were telling us how the bride had implicitly stated "no clubs" like this when talking to the best man. The groom and his best man were telling a story to me and another girl hanging out with the group about how they did a talent show in high school together.
They had this whole dance routine choreographed to "It Takes Two" by Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock. They were so excited to relive it, and it was obvious that they hadn't been able to tell this tale to fresh ears in a while. Their faces were all lit up like kids on Christmas, and they kept jumping up and showing us parts of the dance.
They kept explaining how it was awesome because "they both remembered the whole routine after all this time" and they even ended with them both doing a jazz split at the same time. So eventually they get the idea that they want to perform it on the main stage together. They excitedly asked us if we thought they could get up there and do it.
Now, I thought it would be wild to see, so I went to ask the manager, who promptly said and liability issues. fair enough. I gave the news to the dudes, who had been talking with the rest of their group, and now everyone was very on board with this performance revival plan.
So when they hear the bad news, they start offering cash. As we all know, money talks, and it was a particularly slow evening...not many patrons to bear witness. So, I go back to the manager and explain they are willing to pay. "Fine," she says, "$200 to rent the stage for the one song, and they have to tip the DJ to play it".
$200 is pretty steep for a five-minute song, but you know, booze and dudes reminiscing...the guys are HAPPY to pay. It gets even better. Now, this is mid-summer and all the dudes are in cargo shorts and those Tommy Bahama leather sandals (the club wasn't big on a dress code aside from no hats).
So these two guys get all ready to take the stage, and the DJ puts the song on...These two nailed it. We all sat together watching in complete, genuine delight. I was laughing and clapping and cheering them on. We all were. It was just like they had so exuberantly told us it would be. You could tell they were just having the time of their lives up there.
And with the final moments of the song, came that jazz split. The jazz split that only the groom decided to go ahead with. I'm assuming the best man (they were all mid 30s) had second thoughts on his body's ability to not wrench itself in pain. We all watched in awe. Then we all looked on in horror.
Suddenly, the groom's face bounced off the stage like a basketball. My hands clapped over my mouth and everyone just froze for a second in disbelief. Then we all rushed the stage. The dude slipped on his sandal on the come down and knocked out his two front teeth. He had to be rushed to the ER. He was getting married the next day.
I still wonder to this day what ever happened to him and his group. And if they were able to explain themselves out of that one. Still...what a performance!
The Hangover (2009), Warner Bros.
50. On A Heater
My bachelor party was in Vegas. I had like 20 friends from different groups (work, college, home town) come. We were there for four nights. On the first night a bunch of us head to a racy club. Me and my best man go back to the hotel at like 1:00 or 2:00 am. I grab a quick bite then head to bed. I wake up hungover at like 8:00 am.
I go down to the casino to find a cup of coffee. Friend One sees me and goes, "dude you have to see this". Friend Two is still completely blasted and at a black jack table. He's sitting at a corner seat and has over $3,000 of chips of all denominations in front of him. They aren't stacked nicely, they are in a massive pile taking up like a quarter of the table.
I walk up and he grabs like $150 and puts it up to bet. He gets a 17, and hits. One other guy is playing at the table, and says to my friend "What are you doing"??? Well he gets a three and wins with 20. Friend Two just looks at the other guy at the table and says, "screw you". The guy gets up and walks off.
Friend One says, "He's been doing this all night. He can't lose"! So I sit down at the table, and watch this go on for like another hour. Friend Two eventually gets up to go to the bathroom. This is where it went really wrong. He never comes back. We go to security to see if they know what happened to him. They said "Yeah, your friend passed out in the bathroom and we took him to his room".
The casino wouldn't let us touch his chips, so we needed to find him. A third friend goes up to his room, brings him back down to the casino, we cash him out, and he goes back to bed. We didn't see him again for 36 hours. He slept from Friday morning until Saturday afternoon.
Sources: Reddit