Daily run-ins with strangers are part of everyday life, and these interactions usually go by without a hitch. However, sometimes an encounter goes beyond two people just crossing paths, and a chance meeting leaves a lasting impression. These people share their experiences with strangers who, as Nat King Cole would say, are “unforgettable in every way".
1. It’s A Small World
An entire year had passed since I graduated from a small college in Idaho. I found myself at Disneyland alongside one of my friends from high school. To my surprise, I was sure I spotted Adam, a friend from college, waiting in line for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. I tried to grab his attention by waving at him—but he responded with a puzzled look.
My high school pal attempted to convince me that the person I was so desperate to connect with was not Adam. He had no clue who I was. My friend insisted everybody has a doppelganger somewhere in the world. Eventually, the winding queue led me right next to "Adam".
Without a moment's hesitation, I gently tapped him on his shoulder and inquired, "Hey, you're Adam M, right?" To which he swiftly replied, "No, I'm his twin brother, Aaron". It's been over three decades, and I still love sharing this amusing story at parties. It was the only time I crossed paths with Aaron, but each year, on their birthdays, I make a point to extend warm wishes to him and Adam on Facebook.
2. A Case Of Double Vision
I was at the hospital, accompanying a patient, waiting for their medical ride to fetch us, when I spotted someone who looked just like my husband across the road. But this didn't add up, my husband was supposed to be at work, so I was baffled.
I waved and yelled his name, but to no avail. The patient and I decided to approach him. Yet, as we got closer, a niggling doubt crept in, suggesting that perhaps this man wasn't my husband after all.
Upon closer inspect, the man's clothes weren't the usual ones my husband wore, and he was helping another person—a scenario that my husband wouldn't normally be involved in. The man caught my quizzical stare, so I explained the situation and even flashed him a photo of my husband on my phone.
Insisting that the picture showed an image of himself, he believed it was some kind of amusement joke. To make him understand, I had to display several photos of my husband and me together. Only then did he realise he wasn't the subject of these pictures.
The resemblance was uncanny; he could have passed off as my husband's twin! I often revisit this peculiar event and marvel at the odds. Not just with my husband having a look-alike but the fact that we had lived in the same city for some time and had crossed paths.
3. A Passing Grade?
Back in my college days, a fellow student suddenly started crying during a lecture. This was hard to miss as she was positioned right up front, near the teacher. As this unfolded, everyone began to feel uncomfortable because we weren't sure what was happening.
Though she and I weren't acquainted, I later learned through the grapevine that she was struggling mightily with this particular subject. In fact, this was her third attempt at the class. Imagine the pressure building up, to the point that she had a panic attack, being aware that failing the course more than three times meant being expelled from the program.
Eventually, she collected herself and exited the room. But the question that always nags at me, even to this day, is whether she passed the class or not, especially since the final exam was known to be challenging.
4. She Melted My Heart
On a day that was particularly challenging, I decided treating myself to some ice cream might lift my spirits. There I stood in queue, when an elderly woman gave me a concerned glance and inquired if I was alright. Despite my assurance that I was just weathering a bad day, she graciously stepped in as I approached the counter to order.
Her treatment of me took me by surprise: "Let me take care of this youngster who's been having an off day," she warmly told the staff. Handing me my treat with a reassuring smile, she wished me to savor my ice cream. These days, every time a tough one hits, my thoughts drift to her and I send all the positive energy her way.
5. Culture Shock
I can still picture this guy I bumped into at Walmart a few years back. My mom and I were hanging out in the yogurt aisle because I absolutely adore the stuff. So, I was scanning all the kinds they had.
As I'm doing my thing, this older guy, maybe mid-40s to early 50s, joined me in the great yogurt hunt. He was tall, and sort of looked like me—same body type, complexion, hair color, the works. Casually, he mentioned he was on the lookout for the ultimate flavor, and I totally vibed with that.
We turned it into a fun quest, just digging through all the brands and varieties together. He asked about my top pick, and, surprisingly, we had the same favorite. I thought that was really neat. We carried on our hunt, and then he shared his name, which was a shortened form of mine.
Finally, he discovered his wanted choices, which were from the same line I usually buy. He tossed them into his cart, flashed me a smile, and rolled off. I haven't bumped into him since, but every time I recall this encounter, I entertain the amusing notion that I may have met my future self. It sounds absurd, but who knows?
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6. She Was A Whole Other Kettle Of Fish
I once took my usual route to work and happened to pass by a spot where the homeless often gather. On this particular, sun-soaked midsummer day, there was a petite woman standing on the footpath. She was oddly attired in rain boots and a yellow rain jacket, the entirety of her small frame swaddled in a blue vinyl tarp. As I sauntered by her, she leaned towards me, our eyes meeting. She uttered the words, "Fish monster?" That bizarre encounter has stuck with me.
Sometimes, I ponder about the meaning behind her question. Did she mistake me for this so-called fish monster? Or perhaps she was worried that I had encountered one? Or could it be that in her cryptic fashion, she was warning me about the possibility of such creatures? This strange, multifaceted exchange, wrapped up in just two words, continues to intrigue me. One thing's for sure; if there was any threat of these fish monsters, she was the most equipped among us to deal with it.
7. The Most Important Meal Of Her Day
The elderly woman living next to me mistakenly held a key from the previous tenant. Under this confusion, she entered my apartment and cooked us breakfast, believing I was the former resident. She overlooked the fact that I was a new face. We chatted about her grandson enrolling in the academy, a topic that stirred mixed feelings of concern and pride in her. Sadly, she passed away that same night.
8. A Total Angel
After graduating, I drove a long distance for a job interview and wound up in a poor situation. Only a few strides away from the office, my car was involved in an accident and got completely wrecked. A kind-hearted woman, who was close by at a stop sign, parked her car and approached to see if I was alright.
Physically, I was unharmed, but my anxiety spiked causing a panic attack. I burst into tears and struggled to breathe. This generous stranger stayed by my side throughout, encouraging me to breathe, offering comfort and assistance.
She hung on, beckoning the police, helped me relay the incident to them, and got in touch with my mom for me. Remarkably, she also informed my prospective employers about the mishap and assured them I'd reach out to reschedule the interview.
But that's not all—she really went above and beyond. After finding out my distance from home and the long hours my mother would need to reach me, she missed her own appointment, which she was already late for, to drive me halfway. She didn't see it as a big deal; she just naturally stepped in to aid me.
I would've been totally lost and alone that day without her. Honestly, she was a godsend. Unfortunately, I misplaced her business card amidst the documents from the accident, and I've been kicking myself for it ever since.
All I desire is to reconnect with her, to express my gratitude, and to let her know she's been in my thoughts since. Roxanne, if somehow you come across this, I can't thank you enough. Please, I beg you, send me your surname so I can return your kindness with some flowers!
9. A Would-Be Steamy Encounter
Just before closing time, I dropped by a Starbucks where I ended up being the sole customer. There was this particularly charming girl who took my order and brought up the band featured on my t-shirt. This sparked a light-hearted chat between us, during which we discussed music and recent happenings in our town.
It felt like casual small talk, until she drew my attention to the heart shaped design she made with the steamed milk in my coffee. Regrettably, I was too shy and clueless to grasp the hint she may have been dropping until my ride home on the train.

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10. Lifted Spirits
When my brother was just 24, he tragically lost his battle with leukemia. Despite being my younger sibling, I always viewed him more as my own child—I was 13 when he was born and my love for him knew no bounds. He shared an exceptional connection with my son, one that was not diminished by the fact that my brother left for college before my son's first birthday.
They formed a unique bond, so much so that my brother even gave my son his nickname. When my brother passed away, my son was five years old, and my daughter, 10. My biggest worry was that they might forget their uncle, whom they loved dearly.
A year later, at a family scouting event, a surprise was awaiting us. As we approached the archery section, I spotted a boy who was the spitting image of my brother at 17 years old.
A wave of joy washed over me, and my first instict was to hug this stranger. He looked so much like my brother, even the ways he moved and spoke echoed my brother's mannerisms. Seeing him was a moment of utter happiness amidst my grief. As my daughter was packing up her gear, my son quietly said, "Mom, that guy over there, he reminds me of Uncle M."
His words warmed my heart, they confirmed that my son remembered his dear uncle. Not long after, as we were leaving, my daughter mentioned, "Mom, that guy is just like Uncle M, it's so unusual but cool at the same time."
For a moment, I was tempted to rush back and take a photo with him. Later, my son and I returned to the camp during winter, but we didn't see him again.
11. Father-Son Duet
I once had a job at a bustling Italian family eatery. We had a special deal on, half-price spaghetti and meatballs, both for dining in and takeout. A fellow by the name of Dave walked in and asked for a table, but we let him know there was a 45-minute wait time. When my colleague asked him for his name, he cheekily countered, "What will folks refer to me as if I give you my name?"
His response was a little offbeat, but Dave clearly had a good sense of humor, cracking jokes as we chatted. Strangely, he tried to guess my co-host's name but ended up guessing mine correctly. As Dave settled in to wait, another man approached and asked if he might join another table of diners. We had to explain that wasn't allowed, and when he suggested serenading the other patrons, we had to gently turn him down.
Before long, we managed to seat Dave, and the rest of the evening went without a hitch. The dinner rush began to wane, and I was helping clear out some booths when I heard the distinct sound of traditional Italian singing, almost like opera. To my surprise, it was Dave and his father, serenading the table beside them with their songs! Dave's uniqueness definitely made him an unforgettable character in my memory.
12. A Ride On The Struggle Bus
When I was around 16, my friends and I were heading home from school on the bus. It would always be packed, and sometimes, we had to let several buses pass before finally boarding one.
On this particular day, we lucked out and crammed ourselves onto the first bus. Behind us, a woman pleaded to be let onboard, urgently needing to reach a job interview. However, citing safety regulations due to the overcrowded bus, the driver regretfully denied her request.
He continued to urge us to make space, but it was impossible. The passengers were getting agitated and told the driver to just move along. The woman then started to cry. This was during an economically tough period and jobs were scarce.
Seeing an adult in such public despair, I felt a deep sense of empathy. My friend and I decided to step off the bus, allowing her space to board. We didn't say anything or make eye contact. For us teenagers, bus rides were free, and the only thing we gave up was an extra half an hour, which we usually spent waiting anyway.
Even now, I occasionally remember that woman and wonder if she secured the job. The desperation she displayed that day was poignantly human and unforgettable.
13. Sugar-Coating The Sadness
I was out doing last-minute Father's Day shopping with my son, looking for something nice for my husband. We saw a young woman in the greeting card aisle crying heavily—it was clear she was heartbroken. I looked over at her, thinking to myself, "Bless her heart, I hope she's doing alright."
We wrapped up our shopping and got in line to pay, and noticed she was still there. She would pick up a card, read it, and then dissolve into sobs before setting it back and attempting to pull herself together, only to start crying again.
My heart truly ached for her at this point. I asked my son to get a box of chocolates while we paid for our things. We quietly waited outside the store until she exited. I took the box of chocolates from my son and walked over to her and, trying to be sensitive, I told her, "I'm not sure what you're going through and it's really none of my business, but I wanted to give you these. Just remember, it'll get better."
She started crying again, gave me a big hug, and explained, "My dad died two days ago." We sat down and she shared stories about her father and how she wanted to place a Father's Day card in his coffin along with a gift she had bought for him.
She had to leave once she realized the time, and we said our goodbyes. To this day, I still think about her and hope she found some peace during her first Father's Day without her dad.
14. Hospital Helper
Back when I was just a kid, my mom fell seriously ill. It was a terrible sight; she was in so much pain, crying out as she somehow managed to drive us both to the hospital. The moment we arrived, she lost consciousness in the car. In a panic, I dashed into the hospital and grabbed a wheelchair. She was able to muster enough strength to get herself into the chair before she passed out once again.
The hospital was located up a slope and with my puny strength, I couldn't push her; she was simply too heavy for me. Suddenly, a complete stranger appeared, as if out of thin air. This person took control of the situation, pushing her wheelchair inside and causing such a commotion that she was attended to immediately.
It turned out that her small and large intestines had lost their connection, resulting in her needing to stay in the hospital for the subsequent two months.
I never bumped into that man again, but his kindness has stayed with me. My thoughts often drift back to him, and I hope to have the chance to express my gratitude to him someday.
15. Apology Accepted
I was involved in a hold-up once, and the culprits were swiftly apprehended. About nine months later, at the court hearing, the judge recited my victim statement, which I'd penned the very next day detailing my fear. Once the court session ended and I was poised to depart, a young lad approached me.
He was keen to talk, and as it turns out, he was the son of the man involved in the hold-up. He assured me that I need not fear anymore and expressed sorrow for his father's actions. Even now, a decade later, the memory moves me to tears. I hope he realizes just how deep his words touched me, both then and now.
16. Disaster Relief To The Rescue
Before getting my latest car, I was always making do with old clunkers that were just about roadworthy for my daily commute. That habit came to a halt one day when things went seriously awry. My rusty, orange 1996 Chevy Corsica started giving trouble, with its brakes failing when standing still too long and the entire system shutting down.
I coasted over to the side of the road, phoned my folks and workplace to update them on the situation, and found myself waiting for assistance. There was no verge to park on, and cars were speeding past, rocking my vehicle. I was stuck inside a sweltering car with no air conditioning.
As I watched the traffic stream by, I was surprised to see a couple of police cruisers pass without even slowing down, despite my obvious distress and the hazard lights on my car. But then, an unmarked vehicle pulled over, and I got chills. A kindly gent in his middle years wanted to know what the problem was.
I told him I was waiting for someone to give me a hand to push the car across the road where there was a shoulder. He double-checked that moving the car wasn't possible without help and offered me the shelter of his air-conditioned car in the meantime.
Just to be on the safe side, I left the door slightly ajar. Inside, the dome lights were on, and police chatter was crackling from the radio, it seemed legit. Turns out, he worked in disaster relief. He mentioned he had been on the scene when Sandy struck, and voiced his dissatisfaction about the officers that had driven by without even a glance my way. He said he would be reporting them.
He was just a really laid-back guy. I couldn’t help but question why he’d stopped, considering his main role was disaster relief. His reply was genuinely heartfelt—he hoped someone would offer the same kindness to his daughter if she was stuck. Eventually, my help arrived and the situation was resolved. I thanked him abundantly but even now, I often think of him. It's a pleasant reminder that some people carry out acts of kindness simply for the sake of being nice.
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17. Dude Got Burned!
When my girlfriend and I were teenagers, we went to a local festival and were just looking for a place to park our car on the street. We were outside the fire station when I stopped at a stop sign, but then unexpectedly, our car got rear-ended, busting my tail lights. The man driving that car, who was middle-aged and accompanied by his daughter, was so angry that he got out of his car, started yelling at me, and then actually pulled me out of my vehicle.
Luckily, the police showed up and with his raging behavior, the man soon realized he was in big trouble. He was ticketed for a traffic violation, assault, among other things. Meanwhile, his daughter looked absolutely horrified by what she had just witnessed.
It's funny how all of this happened in full view of the firefighters who were just out front of their station, joyfully partaking in the festival. Unsurprisingly, they ended up being the perfect witnesses to the whole incident. That guy who rear-ended my car, I wonder about him quite frequently.
18. One Look Is All It Took
While working my shift at the local grocery store's cashier counter, I had the privilege of observing something truly extraordinary. A woman, who I could best describe as being wonderfully carefree, walked into my line.
Her baby sat perched in the shopping cart seat and began to cry. Normally, one would anticipate the usual comforting noises parents make, like "Shh, shh, it's alright. Mommy's here. I'm so sorry." However, this woman's reaction defied the standard response.
Instead, with an air of tranquility, she simply shifted her gaze towards her son, offering him a look filled with love and reassurance. The sight of their silent communication silencing his tears was a sight to behold. The mere fact that with one caring look she could assure her child that everything was going to be alright... I had never witnessed anything so genuine and touching in my entire life.
This encounter made me pause and reevaluate everything. It also served as a humbling reminder that there are some truly amazing individuals out there. Whether or not I'll be lucky enough to cross paths with someone like her again is uncertain.
19. This Guy Left Me Stumped
In my early twenties, when I was still craving attention and smartphones hadn't made an appearance in my life, I had few friendships to rely on. So, sitting outside Starbucks with an iced tea and my journal became a habit. Yes, I was genuinely writing, but more than that, I was hoping someone would join me in conversation. And someone did—a much older guy with bright eyes and intriguing conversation skills, albeit a little weathered in appearance.
I was unashamedly self-involved at the time, so when he asked about my preferences—men, women, or otherwise, I tossed out an edgy response that suited my artsy persona: "I'm into men, women, and trees". The transformation in his expression is something that I'll forever remember. His eyes widened in surprise, his eyebrows hitched a notch, and his mouth opened slightly with his tongue slightly over his bottom teeth.
He responded in shock, "Trees? You too?" His seriousness took me off guard, so, I played along leading to a thirty-minute tale of his unique relationship with trees. After that encounter, I retired that response for good. Here I am, eight years later, taking a trip down memory lane at least once a week, recollecting this anecdote.
20. She Found Peace On Earth
Back when I was 16, I was having a pretty rough day. All I had was some spare change in my pocket, so I decided to get a bite at McDonald's. The place was packed, so I ended up at a table meant for just two people. With no other spots left, an older lady asked if she could share my table.
We ended up talking, and she shared her incredible story with me. At 16, she ran away from home, and a convent took her in, asking for only chores in return until she managed to marry. Years later, her husband died. Left without any kids or any family to go to, she returned to the convent and managed to make the same arrangement.
Three decades have gone by since that encounter, and I'm still amazed at how calm and collected she was when I think back to our conversation.
21. Psychological Perspective
One evening following classes, a couple of my teachers and the school principal held an information session about a new research-focused course at my high school. It was similar to a college-level class, where students basically write a senior thesis and learn in-depth about conducting research. Another student and I assisted in leading the presentation.
My own research was focused on psychology, despite my dad not being initially supportive. I may have shared a bit too much about this, but I tried my best to keep it professional. After the presentation, as most people were heading out, one parent from the audience approached me. She sincerely reassured me that majoring in psychology in college had transformed her perspective on life.
She declared that anyone who dismisses the value of social sciences simply doesn't know what they're missing. Her words were hugely comforting to me as I had been grappling with my own desire to please my father. I had to stop myself from crying. While it may not have seemed significant from her end, her supportive words moved me deeply. They meant the world to me.
22. An Exercise In Futility?
While I was shopping at Trader Joe's, I noticed an elderly gentleman seemingly fascinated by an incredibly muscular man. I couldn't help but observe the scene, curious about how it would unfold.
With a determined stride, the older man approached the muscular guy, gave him a tap on the shoulder and announced, "One day I'm going to be as fit as you are." What happened next was truly surprising—he began to pump out push-ups right then and there, much to everyone's astonishment. I had to leave with my folks, but not before he had cranked out an impressive 30 push-ups without pausing for a rest. I have my fingers crossed that he is well on his way to achieving his fitness goals!
23. There Were No Words
I had just begun my overseas studies in Japan when I had a mishap with my bicycle. I didn't know any Japanese, and I wasn't sure how serious the accident was at first, but soon realized I couldn't walk or even stand up. Some bystanders tried to assist me, including a lady in her middle age.
There was a younger girl nearby who could speak a bit of English. She suggested I get checked out at the hospital but warned me against calling an ambulance due to the high cost. I spent a good deal of time waiting on the pavement while the middle-aged lady called a friend with a car for help.
The good Samaritan drove me to the hospital and even bought me a warm, milky coffee from a vending machine, holding my hand till I was whisked away by the nurses to tend to my injuries. We didn't converse much as my vocabulary was limited to just the word "Arigato", which I said over and over to express my gratitude.
Hours later, when surgery was done, she was no longer there. Even now, I often think of her and marvel at her kindness towards a total stranger who spoke a different language. It's a heart-warming memory and I only wish I could have thanked her more generously.
24. She Saved My Neck
I found myself solo at an EDM concert, nestled amongst the crowd, trying to dance the pain of a recent relationship split away. Despite being in the thick of it, I was grappling with a nagging neck pain. Whenever the music slowed down, I'd reach up and knead the tension out of my neck, hoping for relief.
This routine carried on until out of nowhere, a girl took over the massaging task. I could sense immediately that it was a female. She had an intoxicating gardenia whiff to her, suggesting she'd spritzed herself with the fragrance earlier. Her hands were gentle yet adept at identifying the spots that needed pressure or a gentle pull, resulting in my neck and shoulders feeling soothed.
Around a minute into this impromptu session, I tried to glance at her, intending to express my gratitude. But before I could form words, she whispered in my ear: "Just relax and enjoy it" into my ear.
After a few minutes, I spun around, embraced her warmly, and uttered, "Thank you so much; you've helped more than you can imagine." With a playful smile, she detached from the hug and disappeared into the huddle of her friends. I often find myself revisiting this incident, wishing I'd offered her my contact details, but in that moment, I was somewhat dazed and she seemed eager to rejoin her friends in the crowd.
25. Divine Intervention
There was a time when I was stuck in a really deep pit of despair. Life was so devastatingly bad that I actually thought about ending it all. I'd recently lost my job and had to drop out of university. My daily routine was to visit the library, sit for hours on end researching different methods to end my life, and summon up the bravery to do it.
One day a middle-aged man approached me, saying I seemed familiar. He thought I was about his daughter's age and wondered if I was her friend.
I didn't recognize this man at all, yet he insisted that he knew me. He revealed that he was a pastor and was actually in need of a part-time secretary for his church. He suggested I could apply if interested, gave me his contact details scribbled on a piece of paper and left. Despite his offer, I never called him. I felt too embarrassed and unworthy, but this unexpected act of kindness stuck with me.
Gradually, I managed to crawl out of my dark depression. I truly believe that man was sent as a form of divine help. It's been over 15 years, but that little piece of paper still remains safe with my important documents. Every time I see it, I recall the reverend's kindness and remind myself that whatever happens, I'll be just fine.
26. Her Kindness Made A Dent In My Life
As a teenager, I mistakenly reversed into a woman's immaculate luxury car at a fuel station. Although I only made a dent, I was terrified and upset. I decided to speak to her and intended to share my contact details. I was breathing heavily as I'd never found myself in such a situation previously.
She pondered for a while before saying, "This car was due for a dent anyway". She declined to accept my details and just drove off. Her generosity towards my naive teenage self occasionally crosses my mind to this day.
27. Stranger In The Night
One evening, as I was heading home, a man shouted at me from his car. I chose to ignore him, though this only led to him exiting his vehicle and tailing me. It was unnerving, but for some reason, I didn't reach out to the police because I felt like I'd be burdening them. My steps quickened significantly, and I soon found myself sprinting, yet the man was persistent in trailing me.
A mile into this harrowing pursuit, I heard footfalls rapidly closing in. I spun around, ready to confront the man, only to face a dread-inducing 18-year-old boy instead. He revealed that the man tailing me had disclosed his intent to "kidnap" me and that the sick individual was filming me. This teenager kindly offered to see me home safely. I took him up on his proposal and reached home unharmed. I hold in high regard the assistance he provided me.
28. A Rendezvous With Destiny
During my high-school years, I often dreamed about a particular girl, very pretty. She wasn't my girlfriend or anything. She just popped up in my dreams occasionally, making my mornings brighter. I didn't make much of it, oblivious to the exciting surprise that awaited me.
Fast forward to my sophomore year in college, there she was. With her short bob, bangs, and a face so stunning it looked like it was straight from an exotic artwork—a Chinese version of Mona Lisa. Reality made her even more captivating than the girl in my dreams.
Our paths would often cross at the university, always seeing each other but never seeming to head the same way. I yearned to strike a conversation but never figured out what to say or whether I should even utter a word. Your guess is as good as mine—in my last year, she happened to walk into my English seminar on British literature from the 1800s, finding a seat right next to me.
I was absolutely astounded—we shared a major! It was apparent we had a common passion for literature, and here she was, seated beside me. It felt like fate was nudging us, yet, I spent my entire final semester without uttering a single word to her.
And that was the end. I never laid eyes on her again, nor did she appear in my dreams. From time to time, I can't help but wonder... what might have been.
29. Spring Break Bump-In
During my spring break, I caught a flight to China for a heritage tour. At the check-in queue, I ran into a bit of fuss. Suddenly, a charming young Asian lad lent me a hand and then moved along. I didn't think much of it, until, surprisingly, I found him on the same flight as me. Even more coincidentally, he also happened to be on my return flight, two weeks later.
The realization didn't dawn on me until we were aboard the shuttle headed back to the airport. He recognized me and exchanged brief pleasantries in Mandarin, grinning before he ambled off. Being an adoptee unfamiliar with the Mandarin language, I was left a bit perplexed. Even to this day, I'm not quite sure what he said.
30. Fool To Think He Was A Regular Guy
When I lived in Nantucket, I'd regularly visit a local bar by myself during weekday evenings. The bartender there and I became pretty good friends. One particular evening, I stopped by and realized it was just me, another patron, and the bartender—nobody else. It was a naturally comfortable situation and we all started having a chat.
We spent the night shooting the breeze, sharing laughs about marijuana and sports, and even bought a couple of rounds for each other. As the evening was winding down, my curiosity piqued and I asked the other patron about his profession. Would you believe it? That guy was Dave Mathews.
31. Best Of All, They Were Finally Gone
When I was around 12 or 13 years old, I had quite a frightening experience. It was late in the evening as I headed out for my regular appointment with my psychiatrist, a peaceful half-hour walk through my safe neighborhood. That night, though, was far from peaceful.
Nearly halfway into my trek, a Cadillac rolled down the street, filled with young men and women likely in their late teens or early 20s. Halfway out the windows, they started jeering and mocking me as the car passed me by. Rather than engage, I chose to ignore them and continue my walk.
However, a minute or two later, the same car came around again. The same things happened—the mocking, the jeering—but still, I decided to ignore them and kept going. Soon enough, a minute or so later, the car circled back yet again, and alarm bells started going off in my head. I understood then that their target was me.
The moment they vanished from my sight, I hid behind some bushes in a front yard and watched as the car cruely cruised by. They didn't see me hiding, so no jeering this time. I thought that since they hadn't seen me, they'd assumed I’d reached my destination and they gave up, but they hadn't.
Emerging from my hiding spot, I went back on my walk. They spotted me again. Fearing they would catch up with me, I decided to take cover behind another set of bushes in front of an apartment building. Suddenly, the apartment's owner emerged, puzzled by my odd behavior.
He initially assumed I was a troublemaker, but I explained the situation and it was clear to him from my frightened expression and anxious tone that I was in trouble. Just then, the car rolled up and stopped right in front of us.
Seeing me with the owner, the individuals approaching on foot quickly got back into their car and drove off. My unexpected protector offered me sanctuary in his apartment or to stand guard while I waited. Feeling confident that the harassers had left for good, I thanked my rescuer but declined his offer and headed off to my appointment.
I managed to arrive at the therapist’s office unscathed. Wanting to report the scary incident, my therapist called the authorities and had me give them an account of what had happened. Thankfully, that was the last of it, and on my way back, I took a different route, and I never saw that car or those guys again.
32. Almost Taking It To The Street
During my first year of college, I had a chat with a street performer. He nearly persuaded me to ditch my studies and accompany him. He suggested I was unique, like a square peg, and that my education was merely smoothing my edges to make me conform to society's standards, like a round peg. And he didn't stop there...
He assured me he was never starved and seldom went without a roof over his head; he even enjoyed sleeping under the night sky occasionally. I nearly took him up on his offer, and I often ponder about the different path my life could have taken if I had decided to join him.
33. My Mouth Blacked Out
Once, back in my late teens, I was hanging out at a goth nightclub in Providence, RI, with some buddies. One of them was pretty popular in that circle. I spotted a girl that was totally my kind of gal and mentioned to my friends how I would love to have a simple chat with her. My famous friend acted as wingman, went over to her, pointed me out, and she strolled over casually to sit with me.
She opened with, "Your friend mentioned you wanted a chat?" I was totally taken aback. I didn't even utter a "hello" or get any words out before it dawned on her that I was just an awkward guy. With a shrug, she stood up and walked off. I felt so out of place and unnerved in that scene that I stopped returning to that club. I wasn't humiliated, just didn't feel like I fit in. That girl, she's the one I often ponder over; she was my perfect 10.
Flickr, Onasill - Bill Badzo - OFF
34. Those Emerald Eyes…
In the past, I was employed at a cancer treatment center. About a year into my tenure, we had a patient who came only once. The doctor had to break the disheartening news to the patient and their family that the aggressive cancer had worsened since the initial scan, indicating they didn't have much time left. There were tears shed during this conversation, after which the doctor and I left the room.
As the patient was preparing to leave, they crossed paths with me in the corridor. In that moment, they gently placed their hand on my shoulder, locked eyes with me, offered a tender smile, and then continued on their way. Sadly, they passed away a week later. The memory of their deep emerald gaze coupled with their serene smile still resonates with me to this day.
35. She Is Always In My Good Books
When I was just a youngster, our family budget was tight so we often frequented thrift stores. What fascinated me about these places was that just one dollar could get you a neat pile of 10 books. I'd always find myself drawn to the book section, creating mini stacks of books I took interest in. Once I skimmed through them all, I'd begin my decision-making process on which to buy. One beautiful day, an elderly woman noticed me hovering over my book stacks and inquired if I was an avid reader.
I enthusiastically confirmed her assumption and even showed her some of the titles that piqued my interest. What happened next was simply unforgettable. She beamed at me, reached into her bag, graciously handed me a dollar, and said, "Promise me you won't stop reading". Overjoyed, I immediately sprang to my feet, vowing aloud that I would never abandon reading. She gave me a satisfied smile and walked away, leaving me with the privilege of adding another 10 books to my collection.
To her, it might have been a minor act of kindness. But for me, a random lady's endorsement of my passion for reading and her insistence on me making a commitment to it played a huge role in nurturing my enduring love for books. It's been two decades since this occurrence, yet every time I pick up a new book, my mind takes me back to that unforgettable exchange.
36. Vacation Buddy
Back in '94, my family took a trip to Disney and decided to stay at Port Orleans. There was this unique pool with a dragon-shaped water slide. Someone had actually defecated at the top of the slide, resulting in a soggy mess. Thankfully, another kid ascending the slide with me ensured I didn't step in it. That day, we ended up spending the majority of our time swimming in the pool.
Later on, we reconvened and continued swimming till the pool's closing time. We learned a lot of interesting things about him in that time—he was a New Yorker who shared a lot of my interests, and he reminded me of a pal from school. It was incredibly fun hanging out with him, granting me a refreshing change of pace from my little sister and parents.
Unfortunately, the next day he either went back home or didn't come to the pool, because I never saw him again. Now, whenever Port Orleans is mentioned, it triggers memories of that spirited kid, and our day of unexpected fun together.
37. Danger In Full Swing
When I was just a little tyke, around six or seven, I attended a summer day camp. It was held at a community center with large grounds, complete with a sandbox and swings located in the far corner.
Past the sandbox, the terrain took a steep plunge. It was blanketed with trees and grass for about half a kilometer (or a quarter mile) until you reached a barrier and a highway beyond. If you took a right turn, you seemed to be able to walk endlessly.
Being an early bird, I was often one of the first kids to arrive. One such early morning, I was enjoying the swings when an older man came by and offered to give me a push. So, there we were, just the two of us in that gigantic park, chatting away while he pushed me on the swing.
A few moments later, one of the camp staff burst onto the scene, yelling for me to come inside. She was in a panic, yet, oddly, also seemed annoyed with me. She lectured me about the potential danger, stressing that I didn't know the man, that he could have potentially endangered me and so on.
I attended that summer camp for roughly five or six years, but that day was the only time I ever encountered that man. To this day, I sometimes catch myself pondering whether I had a close encounter with an abductor, or if the gentleman was simply being kind, offering to push a kid on a swing.
Freepik, wirestock
38. Dear John
During a vacation my spouse and I took to Hawaii, we stayed at The Royal Hawaiian in Waikiki. Every day started with a complimentary breakfast and a few exclusive social events sprinkled throughout. A couple of days in, we noticed an elderly man who had breakfast alone.
On our fourth evening, we attended one of the social gatherings and happened to see the same gentleman again. After seeing each other often during breakfast, we plucked up the courage to introduce ourselves. His name was John, he was a sprightly 94-year-old.
Although a little frail, John was fiercely independent—no canes or walking aids for him. Back in the day, he ran a hardware store in the Midwest and had been happily married. However, he and his wife never had children. They both loved vacationing at The Royal Hawaiian so much, they came nearly every year. But, tragedy struck and John's wife passed away a few years back.
John had sold his store long before this and, with his savings, decided to live out his remaining years in the place that brought him and his wife the most joy. So, he became a full-time resident of the hotel, loved and adored by all the staff. His kind nature was evident, and his stories about vacationing with his wife in Hawaii for over six decades, and the evolution of the island, were truly captivating.
From then on, every morning was spent enjoying breakfast with John. What a wonderful new friend to have, and he seemed equally thrilled to have us. Leaving was hard, and full of promises to return soon to see him again. Unfortunately, it took us another 12 years to return to Hawaii and The Royal Hawaiian.
At that point, none of the staff recalled John. Despite this, he remains a constant in our memories of Hawaii. Whenever we think of our charming vacation, our thoughts always land on John, and how he chose to spend his final days in such a serene setting.
39. A Stranger’s Sweet Words
I lost two buddies, practically brothers to me, in a very short time—within a month. Right before the memorial service of the first one, I had bought two beautiful dresses. I wore one of them to the memorial, and that very night, my other friend also passed away. Later, about a week or so, I decided to wear the other dress I bought, but I felt really sad since my departed friend would never get a chance to see it on me.
On one occasion, as I was killing time waiting for a friend in the lobby of a restaurant, an unknown gentleman approached me on his way out. He then complimented me saying that I looked beautiful in my dress. Suddenly, it felt as though time stood still. Although I don't think about it very often, it's a memory that warms my spirit whenever it does cross my mind. I prefer to think of it as if through this stranger, my departed friend was reaching out to me.
40. She Was Right In The Swim Of Things
Once upon a time, when I was only six years old and unable to swim, I found myself on a lazy river ride. I was all by myself, with no idea where my parents were. I gotta tell you, it was a disaster waiting to happen. All of a sudden, I fell off my tube and got submerged underwater.
Quite understandably, panic set in. But then, out of the blue, the most amazing thing happened—this kind elderly woman came to my rescue. She plucked me out of the water, put me back on my tube and off I floated, never to see my savior again.
41. A Real Conversation Piece
So, I bumped into this gal at an airport in Kuala Lumpur, right? We got to talking and realized we both liked straightforward, genuine chats. You know, the sort that covers taboo topics for typical small talk like faith, government, and even the pro-choice vs. pro-life debate, and so on.
Interestingly, our views aligned like day and night on basically every issue. But here's the deal: no one's feelings were hurt; we could hear each other out, appreciate different perspectives, and also give our two cents. Unfortunately, we had to go our separate ways when all was said and done. Gotta say, that was one of the most memorable and deeply satisfying conversations I've ever had with someone I had just met.
42. A Lost Treasure
While staying at a hotel, I found myself lost and happened upon a girl dressed like a pirate. Turns out, she was part of a children's event, leading a group of youngsters on a fun-filled treasure hunt around the hotel. I sought her help for directions and instead of simply telling me, she personally guided me to my destination.
During our walk, we engaged in interesting conversation, where she mentioned her part-time job at a comic store located near our current location. She was due for work the following day and suggested that I should visit. We then bid each other farewell and I was quite eager to meet her again the next day.
However, my plans unexpectedly took a turn and I was unable to visit the comic store. Regrettably, I had failed to obtain her name or contact information in our brief encounter.
43. Little League Lookalike
Back when I was a seven or eight-year-old kid playing little league baseball, my dad had me meet an old buddy of his and that buddy's son, who was 20 at the time. They enthusiastically exclaimed that I was the spitting image of the son when he was at my age. Now, fast forward to my late teens, I occasionally find myself pondering if my appearance mirrors his when he was this age. Though we only crossed paths once and his face isn't etched in my memory, our conversation has remained etched in my mind.
44. The Big Cheese
On the Fourth of July, my family and I were strolling through Chicago when we witnessed something quite extraordinary. We came across a man, completely engrossed in eating his can of cheese nachos. Cheese was smeared all over his chin, carelessly dripping down.
But here's the thing—he seemed absolutely indifferent to what anyone thought of him. The man was thoroughly tuned into his nacho feast, seemingly oblivious of any onlookers. As we walked past this man, indulging in his cheesy delight, we couldn't help but feel like we were intruding. I find myself often reminiscing about that nacho-loving man. Surely, those must have been some impressively delicious nachos.
Freepik, wayhomestudio
45. Quitting Time
After a long day working at the airport, I was waiting for the bus when a friendly stranger pulled up in his car and offered to drop me home. He seemed to be about my age and gave off a safe vibe, so I accepted his offer. During our drive home, we started chatting.
Casually, he asked me if I was studying. I confessed that I wasn't, feeling that school just wasn't my thing. His response was surprising. He said he felt exactly the same when he started college. He confessed to stumbling and failing more than once, but he'd stuck with it and recently, managed to earn his degree. His proudest moment, he confessed, was not giving up. He suggested I think about his story.
Even though it's been 20 years, and his name or face escapes me, his words still echo in my mind. Every time I feel like throwing in the towel, I recall the car ride with the stranger and persevere.
46. Women Stick Together
After a lengthy night shift, I'd parked my car a block and a half away due to a packed parking lot. As I finished and started to leave, a thoughtful woman observed I had an unwelcome tagalong.
Swiftly, she dashed over and linked arms with me as if we were old friends. She accompanied me, safeguarding my walk all the way to my car. Even though our paths never crossed again, her kindness was palpable. The care and guidance she showed that evening was an unexpected, cherished gift.
47. Flight Of Fancy
When I was younger, I experienced my first solo flight. As I approached the check-in counter at the airport, I noticed an older lady studying me. Initially, I was worried that I might have accidentally bumped into her, so I inquired if she needed assistance. She declined. I didn't think much of it, just continued with my check-in process and made my way to the plane.
Later, aboard the flight, I recognized the same woman struggling to find her seat. I offered to assist and asked for her seating number. She handed me her ticket and it read "B37". The coincidence gave me chills as my seat was "C37". She was assigned the seat right beside mine.
The situation made me nervous as I was just a child not accustomed to such coincidences. Once we landed and we were waiting to disembark, she broke her silence, "You know, you really remind me of my daughter. For a moment, I even mistook you for her!
"But, my daughter passed away five years ago. Silly me. Here, this is a photo of her with my grandchildren." She showed me a picture on her phone. As I saw her daughter's face, I was struck with shock. She bore an uncanny resemblance to me, only she was 28 and I was a mere 10. I was left speechless.
Now older, every year on my birthday when I glance at myself in the mirror, I'm reminded of the woman and her photo. I feel like I'm a living representation of her daughter. Each passing year, I feel as if I resemble her more and more.
48. An Open Letter
Returning from Disneyland Paris, I found myself sharing airport space with a man engrossed in his laptop. Intrigued, I stole a glance at his screen, shocked to see his document titled: "The Last Letter I'll Ever Write".
I was rooted in place, unable to react. At 24, it felt like uncharted territory. I feared he might just be an author and I'd embarrass myself. Eventually, I gathered the courage to ask if he was okay.
It's then that I discovered his story. His long-term relationship had ended, this was to be a shared vacation, now spent with his father. He held himself responsible and was attending therapy to conquer his sorrow. Some days were brighter than others.
His therapist had advised him to pen these letters. We then shared stories about his ex, our lives, his father, and even touched on his brother who lived nearby and often visited a local coffee shop where I used to hang out. Soon, my flight's boarding call interrupted our discussion.
We exchanged a heartfelt hug. I wished for his healing and shared the pleasant experience of our conversation. As we went our separate ways, I wondered how he is doing now. I just hope that he found happiness, though certainty forever eludes me.
49. In-Flight Fright
On a lengthy, overseas flight, I experienced one of the worst days of my life. An elderly woman was seated right behind me. Her granddaughter noticed she was having trouble breathing and called over the flight attendants, pleading for help. Even with the plane fully booked, the flight attendants insisted that she could not lie down anywhere.
They sarcastically asked if she wanted the plane turned around, joking it would cost her everyone's fare. The granddaughter was desperate. Her English wasn't fluent and though they had earlier announced that a bilingual flight attendant was available, nobody fetched him.
They asked if they should fetch oxygen, but the granddaughter didn't understand and requested a doctor. The flight attendants rebuffed her, saying it should've been her duty to ensure her grandmother's fitness for the flight. Still, they promised to have an ambulance ready upon landing—eight long hours away.
I regret not speaking up, but it was my first time flying alone and I was only 17. I never saw any of this coming. I heard the grandmother's labored breathing and coughing. Eventually, the granddaughter seemed to settle down.
When I returned from the restroom, the situation had escalated. Among the trio of flight attendants was the one who should've been there from the start—her language-speaker. I heard gasps and then the unforgettable words from a flight attendant, "She's not breathing". I returned to my seat, praying they could solve this.
Behind me, the granddaughter was in tears. They finally called out for a doctor. Passengers craned their necks and even moved closer to see what was happening. Stricken, I hoped for the best. A retired doctor and an off-duty nurse responded. The doctor offered guidance, and the nurse started chest compressions.
I later learned that the nurse, with a newborn baby in the hands of her neighbor, was trying to save a life. The passenger next to me offered his seat so the granddaughter could sit while the nurse attended to her grandmother. I held the granddaughter's hand throughout, offering what small comfort I could.
She whispered continuously in her language, no longer crying. The sensation of my seat shaking from the chest compressions and the nurse's declaration of the grandma's coldness were eerie and unsettling. The defibrillator came out on the doctor's orders.
Hearing "all clear", just feet away, punctured my hope. I fought to keep composed, clutching the granddaughter's hand in an attempt to be a source of stability. The behavior of the flight attendants, who were both loud and disrespectful, didn't help.
After 15 minutes of trying to revive her, one bluntly announced, "She's gone. We need clearance from the pilot and the ground to pronounce". Regulations required the nurse to continue until official declaration. A doctor on the ground directed the pilot to have the on-flight doctor pronounce.
Three and a half hours in, the woman was finally declared dead. They covered her with a blanket and enlisted some passengers to move her to the back of the plane, a sight reminiscent of a coffin procession. I don't know where they placed her as the flight was full.
In her absence, I was left shaking. Her death triggered the pain of losing my own grandparent the year before. I wept quietly and sat in shock for the remaining hours of the flight. I can't recall anything after that, apart from my efforts to process the tragic event.
A flight attendant did rounds, offering water and asking the nearby rows if we were okay. For much of the plane, the drama went unnoticed. Every so often, I wonder about the granddaughter and what became of her and her grandmother after the flight.
50. Rubber Duckie Was The One
My boyfriend was preparing to head off to Iraq and I decided to fly to Hawaii, where he was posted, to spend one final weekend together. After our farewell at the airport, I couldn't help but sob all the way to my departure gate. I sat down still weeping, then a woman approached and sat beside me, carrying a unique carpet bag.
Without uttering a single word, she began to unpack a variety of items from her bag – an hourglass, a handful of plastic stars, and a lime green rubber ducky that glowed. The sight of the rubber ducky drew out a spontaneous laugh from me. She gently placed it in my hand.
After that, she packed up her stuff, stood up, and left with her carpet bag. I swear, I must've met Mary Poppins that day. I can't recall if she spoke to me at all, but I still keep that little rubber ducky!
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