“When women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even out virtues.”—Honore de Balzac.
Men’s endless efforts to find out what exactly women want have been going on for as long as men and women have existed. Trying to solve the mysteries of the opposite gender is just one of those things that comes with the territory of being alive. Some men have driven themselves crazy in this pursuit to no avail while others have seemingly figured it all out with hardly any effort. What is it that some men have and others are missing? That is the million-dollar question if there ever was one.
Well, today is a lucky day for many men out there—we’ve finally been given a little glimpse of an answer. Women were asked what are some things that men do which they secretly find attractive, and they did not disappoint in sharing everything one could ever hope to know in their answers! Now the only challenge is successfully putting this newfound information to good use.
Whether we think we’ll finally be able do that or not, here’s what some of these women had to say.
27. The Whole Shebang
When they smirk or pass a half smile.
When they're considerate or thoughtful about small things, especially if it's with someone they don't need to impress.
And when guys try to drive safely and calmly. Speeding or driving aggressively just to show off is such a turn off.
26. Is the Smile Half Full, Or Half Empty?
Half smiles. I don’t know why. But yeah.
25. Getting a Tad Scientific, Are We Now?
When they are sweet to kids or pets. It's just biology, I guess!
24. That’s Some Serious Thread Inception
The fact that they don't know they are doing something sexy.
23. To Each Their Own
What about doing donuts in the snowy empty parking lot because sliding around is fun…
22. A Little Word to the Wise
Clue to guys... when your wife says something is hot like this don't do it ALL THE TIME or you will just ruin it and make it funny. Keep it sane.
21. Can Anyone Here Relate to This?
So I asked my husband to deposit a cheque into our joint account because I was busy with work yesterday. For some reason, it didn't come out, so we had to call our bank to find out why.
When he was asked for his card number, he was saying it so precisely and I was surprised he had it memorized. I was just staring at him and found that incredibly hot. I kind of mumbled "that was hot..." and he was like, "what?" I said, "nothing..." and looked away. LOL!
20. Step On a Crack, Break Your Wife’s Back
I was breaking up the sidewalk in my yard with a sledgehammer. My wife confessed to trying to get as many glances of my sweaty hard labor as she could.
She could only steal glances because we have 3 small kids and they otherwise were preventing her from just setting up a lawn chair and getting all hot and bothered. If my wife finds something I do sexy I will gladly do it for hours. I love her so much.
19. Subconscious Is the Best Kind of Conscious
Run their fingers through their hair. Especially when they’re doing it subconsciously, like while thinking, or after working out to get the sweat off their forehead. Hnnng…
18. Don’t Go Stretching the Facts
Stretching, especially when lying down. God yes, show off those muscles!
Also, I have a really strong attraction to my boyfriend immediately after he gets out of the shower. I'm not sure why, since it's not like he has hygiene issues or something. He's generally pretty clean all the time unless it's very warm out and he's been stuck in traffic.
17. Every Girl’s Crazy ‘Bout a Sharp Dressed Man
Wearing a suit well. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a sexy man because he won't stop wearing suits and he looks darn good in them. If I saw him and he wasn't wearing a suit, I'd be thoroughly uninterested—no offense, Joseph!
16. Not All Body Hair Is Bad Body Hair
When they yawn and stretch or reach for something high up and their shirts come up a little bit and you can see their stomachs and their happy trail.
15. Lend a Helping Hand
He does something, like clean the snow off my car without mentioning it, I fall deeper in love.
14. Oh Yea, I Keep Forgetting There’s Also This Thing Called a Brain
Being knowledgeable, but not in an arrogant or boring way, about something they’re interested in and willing to share their thoughts on the subject.
Although some of you guys are joking, most of these topics sound interesting. I enjoy hearing about history, new anime, and I am a gamer so in the right situation you never know. And who doesn't want to hear about the tragedy of Dank Meme the Wise?
13. PETA and the Humane Society Will Love This Girl
When I see my husband gently tending to our pet rabbits it's so freaking hot. Like when he has one in his lap, is lifting up their front with one hand, and giving them a light washcloth wipe down if they got a little dirty UNF. It's the best sight. So…kindness to animals?
12. The Shoulder Is Definitely the Spot
When they’re letting you know they’re squeezing through a crowd by touching your shoulder or the small of your back.
Personally, I don’t mind when a man passing by in a crowd does this to me, but that’s not to say everyone is cool with that. Do this to your lady and your lady only to avoid upsetting anyone.
This is, after all, a personal preference. Something I PERSONALLY find sexy. I am not demanding anyone else to like it. If you don’t like being touched there, then no, this isn’t a sexy gesture for you. Most of the time, in my experience, this is just something guys do to move past me in a crowd. This is not a grope. This is not a butt grab. It’s an “excuse me, squeezing through” with a light hand on the small of my back or shoulder while they move past.
11. The Tough Side Comes Out
My wife recently mentioned that it got her riled up to watch me discipline our son. Not physically or anything, but sitting him down and explaining to him that if he knocked things off a coffee table he had to pick them up, and stood there until he put everything back the way it was. She said it was "super hot." Was a good night.
10. It’s The Little Things That Really Make a Difference
Smell good. I don't even mean wear cologne—just don't stink. The smell of my husband's deodorant—even after a long day—can do it for me.
9. Starting the Day Off On the Right Foot
My wife is all over me in the morning when I stink, my hair is disheveled, and I am yawning and trying to wake up.
I prefer to be bathed and groomed before I feel sexy... but hey.
Her favorite thing is to put her face in my chest hair when I stretch.
8. Music to Some People’s Ears
My Significant Other is a firefighter and I've been conditioned to the sound of his Velcro belt being ripped open...so Velcro does it for me apparently.
7. When It Comes to Wardrobe, Keep It Simple Stupid!
Wearing a plain black T-shirt. No idea why, but man do I love my husband in a plain black tee.
Those of you who asked about what dandruff shampoo my husband uses, the answer is, he doesn't have dandruff. Sorry dandruff sufferers :(
6. Aww, That’s Actually Pretty Sweet
Honestly, being supportive. Whenever I'm having a bad day or worried about something my boyfriend is always there for me telling me that everything will be fine or just letting me vent to him. Even when I'm in a bad mood I get a little turned on, lol…
5. It’s Not the Action Itself, It’s the Message It Sends
That hand at the small of your back though. I love that, it's a sign he's aware of you in proximity to himself and wants to make sure you stay together.
Apparently, it needs to be said that you do not do this to strangers. Do it for your girl, she will melt. Don't do it to a stranger, that's creepy.
4. This Sounds Like an Awesome Relationship
When he washes his hair. When he is being a pest and has this mischievous grin and giggles. When I'm being a pest and he gets this grin that just says, "You're gonna get it if you keep this up." When he whispers in my ear... and he doesn't even have to be whispering anything sexy! When he rides his motorcycle. When he wears a suit. When he is asleep and he reaches out for me and squishes us together. When I'm sick or hurting and he takes care of me. When he is dancing like a loon just because he can. When he gets insanely excited for something and gets really passionate about it.
3. Whisper Sweet Somethings in Their Ears
The first time he told me he loved me, we were at a crowded place on a busy room. He was hugging me and whispered into my ears that he had fallen in love with me. It was the most erotic thing I have ever heard. It was glorious.
2. There's Still Hope, Fellas
To you chunkier guys that are about to ask "does this still apply even if I've got a bit of a tummy?" Yes, some women really like that. I personally don't, but I'm not all women. I fall on the opposite end of the spectrum, where skinny guys get all my love. Not beefy, not super fit. Skinny. Women go for all sorts. Same goes for the amount of tummy hair.
1. I Guess Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine
Laugh. Ugh, something about unbridled laughter is amazing.