We can all agree that getting fired sucks. But there are some shrewd people among us who managed to turn getting let go into a golden opportunity to get even. From leaving behind a trail of destruction to putting their boss behind bars, these people took to Reddit and Quora to share stories of satisfying revenge.
1. A Slick Send-Off
I used to paint commercial buildings, but then I got let go out of the blue. They told me to go to the boss's place to get my pay. So I drove there, parked in his drive, and knocked. When he opened the door, he had this sneaky grin on his face. He gave me my pay, but not before telling me he deducted some cash for the tools he'd lent me.
I got back in the car and started to reverse. Then I hear this guy shrieking. I hit the brakes - he looked absolutely horrified. He'd just had a fresh layer of concrete put on his drive; it was all dry, but it turned out my car was leaking oil like no one's business. I must've left a good quart of the grimiest, darkest oil right smack in the center of his brand new drive. Oh no I feel teeerrible...
2. The Devil’s In The Details
I used to work for this architect who totally ignored all the little stuff, and he made a ton of stupid mistake because of it. One day, I didn't sign off on this plan I knew was bound to fail—because he'd just dismissed some small things, as usual—and I got fired. My last task was to oversee the printing of company letterheads, business cards and big A0 design sheets.
They were meant to say, "McDonald, Sweet and Partners, Chartered Architects". I decided to get a bit of revenge just before I left. I changed the details to say, "McDonald, Sweet and Partners, Chartered Artichokes". Obviously, since he's not big on details, he approved it and thousands got printed.
3. Checkmate
I used to work at this little gaming firm. Sure, they had their issues and we all knew it, but they kept us in the loop, so no big deal. They'd even skip paydays sometimes but would always make good by the next one. We liked the gig, so we stuck around hoping for better times. But one day, we roll in and bam! Doors locked.
Turned out, things were way more messed up than they'd admitted. They shorted me two salaries, about $8k's worth. I call up one of the bosses and he's like, "Sorry, we're broke. We sold off everything to settle debts. Nothing left". Umm, you didn't settle ALL your debts!
Fast-forward a month, my phone rings, it's one of the bosses asking me about some computer. I'd borrowed it to do some work at home one weekend, then got canned when I came back on Monday. I'd stashed it under my desk and forgotten all about it. But, that's not what I told him. I say, "No clue where it went, just like my paychecks. Maybe you sold it too? But hey, if those checks magically appeared and cleared, I might be able to find it."
It had all sorts of important stuff on it like the game codes, design files and story maps. Boom, three days later, FedEx delivers an envelope with a check for the full amount and a note, “Just the hard drive works,” plus an address. Once the check cleared, I shipped them their drive.
4. A Dish Best Served…Greasy?
When my sister was a student, she worked at this super busy diner in NYC. Once, she asked a cook if he'd put the right cheese on a burger, and he chucked a plate at her! Upset, she spoke to the manager, but he just took the cook's side. She was fed up—so she made them regret ever messing with her.
Her friends, who were also waitresses, decided to back her up. Picture this: a crowded diner, pre-computer days, no table numbers on bills. They took all the orders, raised them all at once, grabbed their stuff and headed for the door together.
The manager ran after them, begging them to return to their jobs. My sister simply said, "You and the cook can do it". The diner had to close for a week until they found new staff. It probably cost them a lot of cash.
5. Called In The Cavalry
After getting the boot from a big finance firm, the HR honcho basically told me to pack up and scram. I had been included in a bunch of high-level pay programs, and they were showing no signs of paying me out. I had seen other folks who left getting the same treatment.
I rang up my old boss, the former company president who'd been sacked two weeks before, and asked his advice. He said, “Call your friends in the field. They love you. They'll vouch". So at about 10 am, I called every top salesperson I knew, asking them to hit up the CEO for me. All I wanted was what I was owed.
By 2 pm, the HR chief rang me back saying that the CEO got my memo and my "tiny crusade" worked—I could "pull back my squad". So I negotiated a fair goodbye deal, and even a transitional job within the firm. I guess friends sometimes bail you out when you’re in a tight spot.
6. Up in Flames
Fresh outta the army, I ended up working for this total dirtbag. Dude was married four times and had questionable pics of each ex-wife. He'd pull 'em out to show how macho he was. I memorized the spot he hid the envelope full o' these snapshots. When I peaced out, I got my chance for the perfect payback: I torched all his pics and left the ashes in the envelope with my goodbye note.
Figured if he's gonna be dumb, shady, and a total waste space, he had it coming. Ended up running my own business with 60+ folks working for me for the past 40+ years. Got to give him credit though, he started me on this path.
7. Sound Familiar?
I got sacked from a sports gear company because I didn't quite fit their mold. The CEO axed me, while my coward manager just silently ushered me into the room without a word. I'd been there a long time, and it felt terrible. Fast forward a couple of years, my spineless ex-manager shows up at a conference where I'm the star speaker.
There I was, in the thick of my talk, sharing the tale of my outrageous firing, when I spot her in the crowd, shrinking into her seat. It felt so good!
Wikimedia Commons,Women Deliver
8. Smell You Later
So, I worked for these three bros who were clueless at handling their inherited boutique. Randomly, they sacked me, even though I was the star salesperson. They didn't fancy my high earnings from experience and extra commissions. When they gave me the boot, I found work at a rival business.
Then, I sent them a "special delivery": 100 lbs of bagged cow poop dropped at all their doorways. Man, that felt awesome.
9. Just Plane Wrong
Back in the 80s, I was working for a little airline earning $800 a month, paid monthly. In the middle of a 14-hour shift, I got a call saying they were shutting down, and had to wrap up my out-of-state flight and get the plane back to the hangar in another city. That's where they'd stuck my paycheck on the hangar door.
After tax, it was $712. After picking it up, I got in a taxi, hit the bank, and tried to cash my check, but I was in for a rude surprise: Turns out, there wasn't enough in the account. But then the teller had an idea. She asked if I had $20. I gave it to her, put it in the account, then she overdrafted it to give me my $712 cash.
The next night, the boss John called me, furious about the paycheck. I just said, "C'mon John, you wouldn't stiff me with a bad check, would ya?"

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10. What Goes Around…
So, I got the boot from a tiny law firm. It wasn't pretty. They changed the locks and had security escort me out. I set up my own place and in no time, the head of legal affairs from the biggest client of my old firm called me, fuming. He'd had enough of their overcharges and lousy service. So he switched his business to mine.
Every time I bumped into my old boss in court or on the street, the look on his face was priceless. I gotta admit, payback feels kinda good.
11. So We Meet Again
I used to work as a Case Manager for a big online company with no actual offices in our state. Another local nurse wanted to steal my job and started spreading lies about me to the higher-ups. In short, she was causing a huge mess and blaming it on me, all behind my back. She ended up getting my job...but was fired in three months because she was caught causing the same mess she dumped on me.
This happened mostly because her lies triggered a state-level investigation and audit. In the end, I was innocent and she lost her job. Talk about karma. Fast forward two years, she applies for a job where I'm now the associate clinical director. She'd been stuck with a suspended license with conditions after reactivation, basically jobless for two years.
She came for the interview, saw me behind the desk, whispered, "Oh, no!" and booked right out of the building. I didn't even have to say a thing.
12. Fight For Your Rights
My cousin moved to Canada and got a job at a place that was paying him $8 per hour, even though the minimum wage was $14 per hour. The guy was grinding there for two years until they kicked him out for no real reason. By the time they let him go, they owed him nearly eight weeks of pay. The owner started messing around and was avoiding paying him.
When I heard all this, I came up with a plan. It was time to get even. I took matters to the Labour Board and got him his paycheck for the two years he worked, given at the lawful minimum wage. So, he basically bagged around $10 grand. Few months down the line, the joint shut its doors. I heard the co-owners had a real messy brawl over paying that money since nobody wanted to own up.
On top of that, two other workers also filed labor complaints against, and so they too got their back pay. I gotta say, that place totally had it coming.
13. The Uncrackable Code
So, my payback was just nailing my job better than anyone else could. I rocked at making spreadsheets that crunched monthly billing way quicker. After I peaced out, I heard they had to kick it old school, going manual for a week. Apparently, no one could handle my formula mojo!
14. There’s A New Sheriff In Town
My brother had maybe the most epic payback of all: He swooped in and bought the dang company. Then he rehired everyone, but with a pay cut, skimpier vacation deal, no more company ride, and he's now the big boss.
15. Turn The Other Cheek
So I got switched over to our franchise's sister company, stepping down from management to sales. My paycheck took a serious hit too. At the new place, we had a team-building weekend. Funny enough, my old boss from the franchise was now a big shot at the sister company and involved in all their projects.
The team event was paintball, where I got a chance to tag him right on the butt.
16. An Expensive Deworming
I used to work for this huge military supplier. There was this one coder who got a two-week heads up that he's toast. He was not happy—so he left them an evil "gift". He spent his last two weeks programming a worm into a project we'd been working on for two years. No one could access it after he left.
If my memory serves right, they had to cough up the dough and ask him to ditch the bug.
17. Nuclear Revenge
When I was about to be fired from my last gig, one of the final fun times I had was nuking my pricey IBM laptop in the microwave for a hot minute. Word on the street from my old coworkers is that it never booted up again. The gal from HR tried to 'pin it on me', but since she'd seen me working on it just five mins before I turned it over, her hands were tied. They never connected the dots that it took a quick spin in the microwave.
18. Took It To The Top Brass
A while back, I was contracted to work with a company, which I won't mention. The boss would often kind of guilt me into tasks that weren't really my job. But since I was one of the few guys there, she'd push these tasks on me and say, "You wanna keep your job, right?"
Once, my supervisor caught me in the middle of a task that was forced on me. After we talked about it, he had a sit-down with her. I thought that'd be the end, but she was just getting started. She kept trying to find reasons to fire me and even made up a story.
Fast forward a few months. Little did she know, I'd been taking notes of all the policy violations she and her team were up to. So, I sent all those details to their HQ by email. Them being a big, nationwide company, I didn't think they'd respond. But a few weeks later, I got a reply.
In around a month or so, they hit me up again, saying they'd checked out all my claims. Turns out I was right, and they thanked me for the heads up. The boss got demoted and transferred, and they gave her two supervisors the boot.
19. Success Is The Best Revenge
I left because of a terrible boss. A year onwards, my own little biz, which they mocked, was doing well. Funny enough, I bumped into that old boss at Mcdonald's after finishing a job. He smirked, "So, begging to get your old job back?" I had the best comeback up my sleeve. Meeting his gaze, I said, "Well, I just earned in three hours what you'd pay me for a whole week. So, what's your guess?"
20. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
I used to an industry lobbyist. During one legislative meet, I found out about a new rule that would hit my industry hard. But the next day, before I could tell anyone my boss gave me the boot. Turns out, he didn't like how I did things and convinced the Board to can me. The vote was close, but it went through.
Half a year later, I found out that top dog's own company took a $12 mil hit because they were out of the loop about the new rule. When they asked why I didn't tell him. I coolly said, once I was fired, they weren't my problem anymore. They went under.
21. You Messed With The Wrong Guy
After four years, a nursing home sacked me by mistake. They thought I was the substitute who neglected a resident. I argued my case but they didn't listen. But there was something they didn't realize: I had information on all the misconduct and neglect from the CNA's and the board. I quickly shared this info with the State and every advocacy group that would hear me out.
They did, and within a month, the whole staff either jumped ship or was fired. They messed with the wrong person.
22. Going Postal
So, my buddy got fired because the boss's dopey son decided to take another stab at the family biz. They kicked him to the curb with nothing - zilch for severance, no pay for unused sick days or leftover vacation. As his grand exit move, my pal sneaked one last letter through the old school postage meter, stamped it with over ten-grand of stamps, walked out like a boss. Now it's framed like fine art on his wall.
The irony? The boss's son embezzled a boatload of cash in the next couple of years, now all that's left is a fancy parking lot where the building once stood.
23. Cheaters Never Win
I used to work for at City Hall, and everyone there knew that this married dude was messing around with another colleague. On top of that, he was such a control freak and super annoying to boot. One time he actually shouted at me for chatting to a friend during our break. That was the last straw.
That very day, I dialled his wife's office number and left a voicemail with all the juicy details about when he was with his girlfriend. She divorced him almost immediately. Honestly, I don't feel bad about it at all. His wife and their kids are way happier without him – their feelings, not mine.
24. Ghost In The Machine?
I can still use my old job's social media accounts. I showed my boss how to change all the passwords—but I kept all the new ones. Every now and then, I decide to mess with them, like posting stuff that seems like accidental shares, switching their page links, or running doomed ads that just waste their ad money. It's been months and they still haven't caught on.
25. Not The Brightest Decision
I got axed from my web marketing gig, which was confusing because I was a major money-maker for them. Within a week, I nabbed a new job. Most of my clients - roughly two-thirds - ditched my old firm and followed me, costing them about six times my salary in profits. Today, each one of those clients is still with me.
26. Clock’s Ticking
The day after I quit, my old office was blowing up my phone non-stop. They had tons of questions, so I sent a heads-up email to the corporate and regional managers. Basically, I let them know I'll help out, but it won't be for free - my rate's $150 an hour, four hours minimum. And the moment I pick up the phone or open an email, that's when the timer starts.
Despite this, they called again the next day, I helped them out, then sent an invoice their way. They tried to argue that it was only a ten-minute chat and offered me twenty bucks. I reminded them of my email and if full payment ($600) didn't come in within a month, I'd get the credit agencies and legal teams involved.
Funny enough, three days later a check arrived with an express, sign-for delivery. And since then? Not a peep from them. Wonder why... haha.
27. Just Following Orders
I used to sell advertising spots at a small-town radio station. Before I got there, an ex-Army major was selling around $6,000 worth, but I managed to boost it to $8,000+. Then they gave me the boot (the only guy on the team), replacing me with a fresh out of college girl who didn't have a single day's experience.
The boss lady, aka the owner's wife, told me to "pack up my stuff." So, I did, tossing everything, including this month's invoices. She rubbed it in my face that they won't pay my commissions. I chilled at my desk, got my paycheck of $1,500, and went straight to the bank to cash it in.
A couple days later, I got an expected call. "Where are August's sales invoices?" "Dumped them," I said, "You told me to pack up." Then I hung up. I found out later that the new girl didn't last and the station tanked.
28. Justice Was Served
A smart and sharp lawyer I know was badly treated by a high-ranking partner at a big Austin law firm. This partner was a big-shot who attracted clients but didn't have any real court experience. The young lawyer ended up on the bad end of this partner's abuse daily.
After about a month, the lawyer was shown the door for highlighting some errors in the partner's court docs. He didn't even receive a severance package. However, in less than a week, the lawyer landed a gig with appeals court judges often dealing with cases from his old firm's litigation partner. Now, he can scrutinize any of his former boss's appeals and publicly call out their mistakes in court opinions.
29. Locked Out
I'd been temping at this place for a year, and they'd promised me the permanent gig once it opened up. What I did was mostly data entry work, mixed with some classified stuff that needed a password. I interviewed for the job but they chose an out-of-towner instead. My boss was livid when she found out.
When I offered my password, she didn't want it and I didn't bother to give it to anyone else. They had to hire a hacker to access their own computer, and then, plot twist, they froze hiring and couldn't onboard their preferred candidate. My boss told me they now had no one for the job and they'd blown a chunk of cash on the hacker.
Oddly never even called me to ask for the password. After all that drama, they asked me to step in. I said sure, but only with a pay bump and more hours.
30. A “Miner” Inconvenience
I was a security guard at a gold mine. Once, I got stuck in a ditch on the edge of the site and needed a tow truck to pull me out. The patrol car got a little bit banged up. My boss thought I was lying about it and canned me. The very next day, the County Sheriff's office had me chat with the FBI about a robbery at the mine from a few months back.
Since I was an old-timer at the mine (even over my boss), they wanted my help to untangle some knots and close the case. During the talk, it was pretty obvious that the accused thief had an inside guy. I pointed out that the thief was tight with my ex-boss and suggested they check him out. Turns out, the boss was in on it.
After they busted him, he made a deal to spill the beans to avoid a longer sentence. So in the end, I lost my job, and he lost five years of his life. I guess I got the better end of the stick.
31. Karma’s A Glitch
I worked for a biotech research company in a support lab. When my boss was let go, our lab was shifted under a different team. Turns out, the new "head honcho" favored his old crew. He sent them to work with us, even though they didn't know our tech. One woman, acting like a know-it-all, messed with a costly machine and broke it.
This little stunt shut down our lab and cost the company a cool quarter mil. They fired me and kept her. Guess which company tanked?
32. A Mass Exodus
I used to run the nuclear division at a big worldwide firm. We were a 100-strong team before a bunch of us got laid off, including me. Not long after, one of our previous clients hired me and I brought around a dozen of my old crew (mostly engineers and designers) along.
Fast-forward a year, and only about 15 folks were left at my old place. I was the main rainmaker there, and things hit a drought when I bailed. The big shot who decided to axe me was four ranks up and we had never crossed paths. Dude didn't even know what I did or how I did it.
Flickr, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
33. Safety First!
I used to fix cars for a while. The boss was the owner’s nephew. His common threat was "do this or you can pack up and leave.” He probably sensed the staff turning against him, 'cause one day we all got called into his office for a “chat about team spirit”. A mate and I were already considering opening our own little garage, bringing our loyal customers along.
Seemed like the nephew sniffed this out and got really peeved. The following morning, both of us got a call saying we're benched for two weeks ‘cause we supposedly reeked of booze (which we didn't). That ticked me off big time. I'd just been waiting for my chance to get back at them.
I called the EPA right away, reporting that the boss had us chucking oil, filters, antifreeze, and other fluids into the trash bin. Next day, I learned the EPA slapped him with a massive fine. Fast forward two months, every shop was sold.
34. Irreplaceable
I used to work for this doc who was all about saving a buck. My job was teaching folks about biofeedback and relaxation, stuff he figured anyone could handle. One day I came back from lunch and his wife was in the patient chair. His plan? Have me train her so he could give me the boot and get her to work for free.
"Sure thing," I shot back. “You just hook up this thingamajig to your main finger, yada, yada" (I gave her gibberish, really). She teared up, confessing, "I don't get it, and I can't do this!" In the end, she didn’t take my place. I got my certification and bailed when the time was right.
35. Don’t Know Her
My previous manager was a nightmare. Then, I switched teams where I worked under an awesome manager. We discovered all of my old manage's idiotic mistakes. Then, politics ensued: My awesome boss was paid to leave, and the department reverted to the old manager; the one who broke the law and company rules. I reported to HR and ended up with a solid payout.
A couple of years down the line, the old manager was job hunting and a recruitment agency reached out to me for a reference. I kept mum, and that silence said it all. She didn't land the job.
36. A Costly Mistake
The boss stormed in, fuming about something someone else messed up. Fired me on the spot. Don't worry though: I bounced back quick, scoring a new job right away. Two weeks in, he rings me up: "We need the office server password." I'm like, "Check the backup safe, it's there in an envelope." But guess what?
He chucked all my stuff, password included. Told him I felt I was canned unjustly and was planning an appeal. Said I was told to zip it till we sorted it out. Two years' worth of medical research on hold till we clear the air.
37. Dial Tone
I once got the boot from an environmental lab I worked at for seven years because I goofed, skipped a repeat test the EPA needed. Funny thing is, turns out no one else at the lab knew how to run the tests I did. Not long after, my lab manager, the same guy who ratted me out and dumped all the blame on me to save his own skin, rings me up at home.
He tries to play nice, saying I was treated badly, and then sweetly asks me to dig him out of the hole by explaining how to do the test. I've never hung up the phone so fast in my life.
38. A Snow-Brainer
My boss fired me to save some dough. While I was packing my gear, I hinted that she'd need to hire a snow removal service since I used to handle all the shoveling, scraping, and salting. She was like, "Oof, didn't think about that." Bad timing too since the snow was about to hit hard and these sorts of gigs need planning way ahead. Plus, it probably costs more to clear the walks than my monthly wage.
The rest of the people in the office? All super sharp-dressed ladies who can't break a sweat, and moving snow? Well, that's way below their pay grade and not really in their skill zone.
39. Double Or Nothing
I got hired to fix a town's electric system. A year in, I was almost done, and everyone else got a $1 raise except me. I asked for a raise at the next board meeting, but got laughed at and told "no." One board member said I was just temporary, so no raise. Not knowing I was temporary, I decided to look for another job. Landed one the next day that paid way better, starting the following Monday. Told the Mayor I quit over the phone. He asked me to come in at 2PM, where the member who called me "temporary" started nagging about a two-week notice.
Once she finished her rant, I reminded her I was temporary, so no notice was needed. Managed to negotiate working weekends at one-and-a-half times my new pay to wrap up the controls. Then, when they called me on the 4th of July because nobody else picked up, I charged double my rate - standard for a holiday. I never got a call after that!
40. Say It With Flowers
41. Not So Fast
Someone blamed me for something, and the boss said I had to go to a different city to grab my last pay. Legally speaking, they should've given me my money at the job site. They were about to relocate to the bigger place next door. So, I slapped a lien on them which straight-up blocked their move. That got me my pay super quick.
42. The Surgical Approach
I used to be with a company that sold surgical tools. I noticed that sales managers would never stick around for more than three months because they'd get fired on some weak pretext. Then, their leads would be taken over. Sure enough, they canned me at three months for not booking enough meetings. Something definitely felt fishy.
I did some digging and found out that the big boss wasn't even supposed to be in his position since he was still legally bankrupt. I took this info to the right people and he was forced to step down. But he just swapped places with his son and kept pulling the strings. So, I reported him again and he ended up getting hit with a huge fine and nearly served jail time.
43. A Wrench In The Works
So, my friend Bob was working on an oil rig, right? Some tool ends up in the well, and guess who gets the blame? Yup, Bob. He goes hauling the thing out and just as he's putting it back, the boss goes, "You're fired!" Bob was right at the toolbox then, so he got back at him on the spot.
Lifted the tool chest and whoosh! Half the tools took a dive into the well.
44. Slipped My Mind…
A buddy of mine, a truck driver, got the axe for dropping off a shipment at a New Jersey office because his big rig was too huge for NYC's tight roads. But the bigwigs didn't give him a heads up when he unloaded. Looks like they jumped the gun when the office sent invoices for re-delivery. The office loaded up his trailer and off he went, westward for multiple drop-offs. A day or two later, the higher-ups rang him up and gave him the boot. Not a peep about his freight though. The office didn't even know the top brass planned to fire him.
So he ditched the company trailer (his own truck though) in an any old truck stop. Probably somewhere between Ohio (where he did a drop-off) and, uh, let's guess, Oklahoma (where he's from). The company didn't catch on for a couple of days... Ignored their calls for a day... When he finally did chat with them, oh look, he "couldn't remember". Darn, all those truck stops kind of blend together...
45. We’ll Be In Touch
I got the boot when the boss's new son-in-law took my job. Couple years down the line, the guy gets busted strolling up the street, a desktop computer tucked under each arm. By then, I was running a new department in a different firm. Then, outta the blue, the infamous son-in-law rings, asking for a job. Boy, did I have plans for him. I just wanted to get security to kick him out of the building—but a buddy of mine had a better idea. He told me to just meet him, and then say, "We'll get in touch if we need you". And ya know, she was right.
46. Keeping It Classy
I once heard that the sweetest revenge is to live a good life. So, when I got fired from a job that I moved cross-country for just after seven months, it stung a bit. Especially since I was stuck in a new city, trying to sell my house a thousand miles away, all while my mom was dying. (They canned me because I rushed to be with her without giving "enough notice").
I spent about a month and a half sorting out my mom's stuff. After that, I found a better job at a place that really appreciates me. Life is pretty good now, thanks for asking. I hardly ever think about that old job anymore.
47. The Long Walk
I had a buddy who got sacked by his boss during an out-of-town job. But there was one thing he didn't consider: They'd carpooled. After he got fired, my buddy tossed all of his work stuff out of his truck and peeled off, leaving his boss there stranded. 30 miles from civilization, with no one in sight and zero bars on his cell.
But, he did at least swing by his ex-workplace to clean out his locker, pick up his last paycheck, and advise them to maybe send someone out to pick up their stranded boss.
48. The Domino Effect
I used to run a Dominos. Got canned 'cause I got held up and, apparently, I "gave the guy too much money." Anyways, I sued for discrimination. During the legal stuff, we discovered the big boss was pilfering supplies from the locations he managed. Dude was worried I'd catch him, so he fired me.
Just before the trial started, they hand me a fat check with six figures and even covered my lawyer bills. That felt good.
49. A Happy Coincidence
My buddy jumped from IT to a smaller marketing crew cuz it suited her strengths more. But things got ugly fast. Her only coworker didn't chip in enough and was pretty rude. And complaining to the manager was a dead end - he was sleeping with this coworker!
So, my friend started job hunting on the down low and soon snagged a better-paying gig. She penned her resignation and took it to work, but held off on giving it, maybe to avoid a showdown. Thank god she did! Outta the blue that same day, her boss told her she was getting fired! She cashed in her leftover vacation days and peaced out, pocketing a nice severance check, and rolled straight into her new job with some extra cash in her pocket.
50. Bye, Karen
After I recovered from cancer, I returned to work, and my boss called me in for a meeting. Instead of a proper greeting, she told me, "Considering your age and illness, you should retire." I still had six years left before my planned retirement. I persevered for about a year, and then I approached HR, seeking an offer to leave because of the terrible relationship with my boss, who had previously pushed out all the male employees in the department. HR, aware of the situation, made me a generous offer, with the condition that I wouldn't pursue legal action for harassment. I left with a substantial sum.
Sometime later, my boss was transferred to another department. She then moved to several different companies, lasting less than six months in each. It seems she's changed jobs five times in just four years. She appears to have difficulty maintaining employment without causing issues with her staff. Nonetheless, her connections, thanks to her influential father, ensure she always finds new opportunities. For me, it felt like a form of poetic justice for her inability to hold down a job.