Things From The Early 2000s We’ve Already Forgotten

January 24, 2025 | Penelope Singh

Things From The Early 2000s We’ve Already Forgotten

The Awesome Early-Aughts

Do remember the sound of dial-up internet? Or miss that Tamagotchi you used to be obsessed with? Let's take a walk down memory lane with these iconic things from the early 2000s.


Leveling Up From “Cadet” To “Ensign” In Full Tilt! Pinball

This little game had the funnest sound effects. And since it came free on Windows PCs, you could play it in typing class too! After class, we had our own little online water cooler: MSN Messenger.

hand on keyboard retroMART PRODUCTION, Pexels

Hanging Out On MSN Messenger After School

It was THE place after school where we creeped on everyone’s status updates and gossipped. Speaking of those statuses, we found creative ways to maximize that tiny space.

MSN MessengerALT1040, Flickr

Online Handles That Looked Like ~.:://this\\::.~

The more obscure the symbols, the better. Some of us even borrowed characters from other languages.

MSN MessengerHelen Penjam, Flickr

Real Buttons…And Blackberrys

We didn’t swipe or tap—we punched and pressed. The Blackberry was the ultimate button queen, giving you freedom to text like you’re on a mini computer. Then, touch wheels started becoming a thing…

Blackberry cell phonecoronado, Shutterstock

The Internet Dial-Up Sound

Beep beep beep whrrrrrrrr. Ah, the Noughties: when waiting for the Internet to wake up took long enough to make coffee. Thank goodness our attention spans were more than a few seconds. 

Internet Dial-UpChristiaan Colen, Flickr

Windows XP Profile Pictures

Maybe your brother was Skateboard Guy and you were Soccer Ball. Meanwhile, the boring chess pieces were always Guest.

Computer with Windows XPsnk789, Flickr

Mice With Trackballs On The Bottom

Remember poking at these? Early 2000s tech was a lot more tactile, including the wire attached to your mouse that was always stuck.

Mice With TrackballUnknown Author, Pxhere

DIY Geocities Websites

Marquees, guestbooks, Comic Sans, oh my… Anyone with basic HTML skills could make it big in their corner of the Internet. Fun fact: You can still visit preserved Geocities sites in the Geocities Gallery!

retro pcJuan Manuel Sánchez, Flickr

The Windows Media Player Visualizer

Syncing perfectly to whichever song was playing, these were enthralling to stare at. Honestly, they should introduce a version to Spotify.

Windows Media PlayerDos bits, Flickr

Bluetooth Headsets That Make You Look Like You’re Talking To Yourself

Hey, why is that guy in the suit talking to himself? Oh, he’s wearing a Bluetooth thing on his ear and having a Very Serious Business Meeting on the bus.

Bluetooth headsetzoovroo, Flickr

The Sleek Motorola Razr

Phones are getting big these days, but in the 2000s, tech companies were in an arms race to see who could build the thinnest phone. The Razr was an iconic flip phone, but it wasn’t alone…

The RazrAdrian Black, Flickr

Showing Off Your iPod Mini

That clicky touch wheel was the future in your pocket. And having four gigabytes of storage was too much space for our minds to wrap around. To fill up all the storage, 2000s kids with no money turned to P2P…

Apple Ipod Mini Blue, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Downloading Songs With Weird File Names On Limewire

Sure, sometimes downloads took forever or your parents got mad at you for accidentally downloading malware. But discerning music tastes were formed with Limewire.

LimewireJuan Manuel Sánchez, Flickr

The Teen Heartthrob That Was Jesse McCartney

Why does no one talk about this guy anymore? He rocked the Bieber cut before Bieber. But Jesse’s doing well: In fact, his “Quarantined Couple” comedy videos were very popular during the pandemic.

Jesse McCartney on stage for ABC Good Morning AmericaEverett Collection, Shutterstock

Catching Aly & AJ On The Disney Channel

“Rush” was a banger, honestly. Though, if wholesome blonde, guitar-playing sisters weren’t your jam, the pop punk era was in full swing.

AJ Michalka and Aly Michalka at the 2006 Children's Choice AwardsTinseltown, Shutterstock

Feeling Edgy For Liking Linkin Park

If there was an emo kid gateway, Linkin Park was it. Gems like Meteora and Hybrid Theory were the first time future rebels heard something darker and gnarlier than mainstream pop. And boy did it speak to us.

Chester Bennington of Linkin Parkmooinblack, Shutterstock

Tila Tequila: The First Mainstream Queer Representation?

When Tila Tequila came out as bi on her reality TV show, it was A Moment. And for kids in the closet, that may have been the first time they learned that hey, you can date both guys and girls!

Portrait of Tila Tequila - 2008Toglenn, CC-BY-SA-3.0, Wikimedia Commons

The Magical Anime That Was Cardcaptors

Before Naruto and BleachCardcaptors introduced English-speaking kids to the fantastical world of anime. Cardcaptors of the Clow, expect the unexpected now! 

Screenshot of CardCaptors animated seriesMadhouse, CardCaptors (TV Series 2000–2003)

“Having Fun Isn’t Hard When You’ve Got A Library Card!”

This catchy Arthur song was an anthem. Because when you’re a kid, having a card with your name on it is a rush!

Screenshot of animated tv series Arthur (1996–2022)PBS kids, Arthur (1996–2022)

That Secret Tower In The Neopets Map

You know the one. Hover your mouse on that tricky little spot in the Faerie City map and you can access a secret shop. While we’re at it, the early 2000s were strangely a golden age of virtual pets…

Neopets game screenshotNickelodeon Games, Neopets

Feeding Your Nintendog

Not all of our parents let us have dogs. But if you were lucky—and they got you the all-new Nintendo DS—they might buy you a virtual shiba inu you could train to weave poles!

person playing NintendogLonelyBob, Flickr

Collecting All Three Yu-Gi-Oh! Egyptian God Cards

Trading card games were all the rage among 2000s kids. After Pokémon, some of us got into Yu-Gi-Oh!. We’d watch the anime religiously after school then duel it out on the playground the next day.

pile of Yu-Gi-Oh! CardsGavinLi, Flickr

Pooping Pig Keychains

Who else’s parents were grossed out by these? But to school-age children, toilet humor was the height of comedy. That, and anatomically-incorrect dolls…

pork keychain on person's  handsunisa yanakit, Shutterstock

Time-Travelling With The Magic Tree House

Once we learned how to read chapter books, we time-traveled with Jack and Annie and met pirates, mummies, dinosaurs, and more.

Magic Tree House bookbusydesi, Flickr

Playing “Hidden Pictures” In Highlights For Children

Other favorites in the magazine were “Goofus and Gallant,” “The Timbertoes,” and “Ask Arizona”. Seriously…the 2000s had some hard-hitting literature.

“Hidden Pictures” In Highlightsbunnicula, Flickr

Touching Dragon Scales In Dragonology

Written as if they were a real field book of dragon specimens collected from a scientist, some of us really believed we were feeling dragon scales and wing membranes.

Dragonology bookmdesive, Flickr

Spending Money For The First Time At The Scholastic Book Fair

Remember shopping for colorful erasers, fancy pens, and posters with pocket change at the Scholastic Book Fair? Fun fact: Some schools still have them!

Scholastic Book FairBrownsburg Library, Flickr

Collecting Gel Pens

Speaking of fancy stationery, there was a time when metallic gel pens were a coveted addition to every pencil case. Dotting your i’s with glittery hearts was never so satisfying.

metallic gel pensNick Amoscato, Flickr

Drawing All Over Your Spacemaker Boxes

You could pretend your crayon was a car darting around all the little nubs. For some reason, every kid at school had one of these to store their pencil sharpeners and glue sticks.

retro pencil box with blue lidJudy J Peak, Shutterstock

Teachers Writing On Overhead Projectors

Because the teacher has to face the front of the class while using them, us kids were free to engage in our shenanigans (or nap) in the back.

Overhead projectormailer_diablo, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Fleece Gap Hoodies

Everyone was tucking their hands into these kangaroo pockets come spring or fall. The 2000s had some brief but quirky fashion trends for sure.

Woman in Purple HoodieDima Sh, Pexels

Dangling Your Belt Out From Its Belt Loops

It just looked so chill. The skater kids and their poser friends paired these with checkerboard Vans slip-ons and oversized snap-backs.

skater kids in  2000sKirsten Hartsoch, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Racking Up A Rainbow Of Gel Bracelets On Your Arm

Hey, some of them were for a good cause. Most kids just thought they were a cool cheap thing to collect, but a less wholesome urban legend led some schools to ban them.

pile of gel braceletsLMPark Photos, Shutterstock

Stripy Hand Warmers

Selena Gomez rocked these pretty hard in Wizards of Waverly Place. They were popular with the punk and emo crowd, but the thicker knit ones were just…really comfy.

knitted hand warmersElena Seiryk, Shutterstock

Flared Leg Jeans

In every era of fashion, people have very strong opinions on jeans. In the 2000s, yours had to be low-rise and flared-leg. And when that flared leg dragged around in puddles…well, too bad.

girl wearing flared jeansTinxi, Shutterstock

Skimpy Halter Tops

These were so popular come summer. They exuded excellent beach vibes—just watch out for sunburns. These Y2K fashion pieces are back—and now there’s even a hack to wear a bra with it.

Woman in a white halter topSimon Schlee, Pexels

Yummy Lip Smacker Lip Gloss

These little tubes of joy came in fun flavors, from Skittles to Coca-Cola. The brand is still around, but the logo is less doodly today. Was it just me, or were 2000s things campier and more colorful?

Lip Smacker lip glossbibichat, Flickr

Fruit Roll-Ups With Punch-Out Shapes

There were even some that let you tattoo your tongue! These snacks were the pride of playground exchanges…until our parents found out they were more candy than fruit.

Fruit Roll-Ups With  ShapesMike Mozart, Flickr


These little blue packs of sugary goodness were sadly discontinued in the US in 2012. They reappeared in 2020—perhaps the best thing to happen during Covid.

Dunkaroos:kirsch, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Bratz Dolls

Bratz was the edgier, trendier sister of Barbie. And they were a hit with kids. Sadly, their pouty lips and angled eyes were too spicy for some adults.

Bratz dolls in Black & WhiteJasmine, Flickr

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