Heartbreaking Facts About Rags to Riches Stories

"There are many boys, and men too, who, like Micky Maguire, have never had a fair chance in life. Let us remember that, when we judge them, and not be too hasty to condemn." —Horatio Alger, Jr. The Complete Ragged Dick Series

The idea of someone going from rags to riches has fueled people’s imaginations for untold centuries. Human history is filled with examples of people beginning at the bottom of society, only to somehow make their way to the very top of the world by the end of their lives. As you can expect, this concept has also bled into the world of fiction. Read these 27 facts about the "rags to riches" myth and the reality behind it. Who knows, maybe the good luck will rub off.

Rags to Riches Stories Facts

27. From Swineherd to Soldier

Over a century after the Roman Empire had been split between the Eastern half and the Western half, a young pig farmer descended from peasants named Istok was forced to flee, with some friends, to Constantinople.

With almost nothing but the clothes on his back, Istok joined the army, devoting most of his life to a military career, rising high enough that he actually commanded the palace guard. Amazing what an illiterate pig farmer managed to do with his life!

Rags to Riches Stories facts

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26. The Ultimate Riches

The crazy thing was Istok wasn’t even finished with climbing the ladder! At the ripe old age of 68, Istok earned great respect amongst the soldiers of the Empire.

Thus, when the Emperor Anastasius died without any heirs in 518 AD, Istok used his vast influence to take the throne for himself. He ruled for nine years as Justin I, dying at the age of 77.

Rags to Riches Stories facts

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25. I Can See Clearly Now

Leonardo Del Vecchio spent his childhood in an orphanage after his widowed mother proved unable to support her five children. From there, Del Vecchio worked in a factory that produced eyeglass frames. He would go on to open his own shop, Luxottica.

You might know this company as the producers of Ray-Ban and Oakley glasses. At one point, Del Vecchio was the second-richest man in Italy!

Rags to Riches Stories facts

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