a song of ice and fire

House Targaryen Facts

Scorching Facts About House Targaryen

For every great Targaryen king, there was a brutal one, and one of the worst was Aegon the Unworthy. His cruelty and lust were boundless, and his final act tore Westeros apart.
November 21, 2024 Kyle Climans
Facts about Game of Thrones Houses

Little Known Facts About Game of Thrones

HBO's game-changing series, Game of Thrones, takes place in one of the richest fantasy worlds ever put on screen. Westeros is a fully-realized fantasy realm, packed full of details that render it almost life-like. how can a humble fan keep track of a series that even the creator seems to find unwieldy? Add in an endless stream of novellas, companion books, and maps released each year, and reading through the entire canon can prove absolutely daunting.
April 9, 2020 Reid Kerr-Keller

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