Super-Duper Facts About Henry Cavill

"This character matters so much to so many people. I want to get that right. I want to do it justice. I want people to believe in the character and have faith in the character and kids to grow up wanting to be Superman.

Or, God forbid, there are people who are going through hardship and wishing that this character would turn up and save them."

Henry Cavill's acting career started back in 2001, and while he had some notable roles throughout the years, such as in 2007's Stardust and 2011's Immortals, let's be real here, he really hit it big when he got the nod to play our old pal Superman. But what do we really know about the man under the cape? Can he really run faster than a speeding bullet? Is he really more powerful than a locomotive? Probably not, but there's still a whole lot interesting about Henry Cavill. Read on for 26 super facts about the man who plays everyone's favorite superhero, Superman. We promise no mustaches were CGIed out in the making of this list.

Henry Cavill Facts

26. Unfortunate Title

Cavill surprisingly unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Superman... in 2006's Superman Returns, losing out to Brandon Routh (remember him?). On top of that, he also tried out for a role in Harry Potter to no avail. His lack of success with these roles and others, like James Bond, led Empire magazine to dub him the “unluckiest man in Hollywood.” But he wasn't one to get discouraged, and he's said that he drew motivation from the roles he almost got, realizing that coming so close to getting roles like James Bond and Superman meant that he “should keep on pluggin’." Well, it looks like his luck has turned around since then, so maybe he was on to something.

Henry Cavill facts

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23. Ladykiller

While Cavill has said that he's hesitant to give anyone advice unless it’s asked for, he has given young men at least one nugget of knowledge to take with them: “Stop looking to get laid, and look more for someone who can make you the better version of you in a good, happy way.” Spoken like Superman himself, though I've gotta say Henry, not all of us look like you.

Suicide Squad Cast Signing At San Diego Comic-Con 2016

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22. Canine Cavill

While in pre-production for Batman v Superman, Cavill decided that he'd get a dog—why not? He definitely had a pretty good payday coming. He ended up selecting an American Akita, and when it came to naming the pooch, he decided to honor the character he was about to play—his dog is named Kal-El, who quickly became an internet sensation. I maybe would have gone with Krypto the Superdog, but I guess Kal is pretty good too.

Henry Cavill facts

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