10 Amazing Places Life Has Been Found


"I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way."
- Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park

That there is any life at all on Earth is itself a miracle. Granted, it's the sort of miracle it's easy to under-appreciate. Of course there's life on our world... right? Getting too excited about it all can be a little hard.

But from what we can tell so far of planets nearby, life might be just rarer than you think. Though astronomers and astrophysicists from around the world have identified any number of theoretically habitable planets throughout space-time—so far, not one has shown any sign of life. If the aliens are out there, they're not exactly making their presence known. Maybe their just shy?

Or it might just mean that we're all alone in this big, expanding universe. But if that is the case, maybe we ought to be even more thankful for the mind-blowing diversity of our home world. We live on a planet that somehow supports hippos, lizards, and people... all at once. All those different needs and habitats, supported by an incredible Mother Earth. And then beyond that, there's the really crazy creatures, which somehow manage to survive where life might seem impossible—making lemons into lemonade on the edges of the Earth.

We hope you enjoyed watching this video. And remember: if a water-bear can make it through the day, so can you!