Scorned Facts About The Most Vengeful Lovers in History

Love hurts, as the cliché goes. For all the romantic imagery inspired by movies and songs, happily ever after just isn’t an option for every couple, and every lover has known heartbreak.

What happens for those people for whom love just doesn’t work out? The spurned suitors and abandoned spouses of the world, we imagine, held that love as a certainty at some point.

Well, if they lived in Victorian times, these lovelorn folks could file for damages.

Reading on, we’ll come to agree that a civil proceeding seems like the more humane alternative to deal with a break-up than, say, cohabitation with a feather doll remake of one’s ex…or calling in a bomb threat to their airline.

Jilted love is no excuse, but it sure can be entertaining. From medieval times to modern day, the dumped and rejected have uncovered outrageous ways to pour their broken hearts out. Blow a kiss to these 24 freaky facts about jilted lovers.

Vengeful Lovers in History Facts

24. Goldfinger

In 2013, a man erected a bronze statue in his ex-wife’s honor. It featured a large hand giving a middle finger. Oh, did we mention he lived next door to said ex-wife and her new husband?

Nightmare Neighbors Facts


23. Recycling Is Caring

Why let your break-up be a waste? A man named Kevin Cotter found 101 ways to repurpose his ex-wife’s wedding dress. After 12 years of marriage, he got dumped and then discovered her old dress in a box. His ex-wife told him he could do whatever he wanted with it, and, boy, did he. Some highlights of his recycling adventure: he made a fishing net, a coffee table (with the box), a hunting uniform, a superhero cap, two ropes, and a Darth Vader scarecrow. His blog, titled 101 Uses for MY Ex Wife’s Wedding Dress, has it all.

Acts of Kindness Facts

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22. Never Met Your Heroes

Art legend Frida Kahlo didn’t get jealous in her open relationship with Diego Rivera… that is, until Rivera made things personal by making her younger sister his lover.

In revenge, Kahlo met Rivera’s own political hero, Leon Trotsky, and promptly made “sweet art” with him, taking him as a lover.

Frida Kahlo Facts

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