Ferocious Facts About History's Utterly Brutal Warriors

The art of war is never easy, but these warriors and warrior clans sure make it seem that way.

From the Mongol Horde to the modern-day Navy SEALS, these honorable, skilled fighters have been mastering their weapons and tactics of choice for decades—if not centuries.

Here are valiant facts about the most brutal warriors in history.

1. This Is Sparta

Highly disciplined and trained to be warriors from a young age, Spartans were one of the most feared military forces in the Greek world. At the height of Sparta’s power, it was commonly accepted that “

one Spartan was worth several men of any other state.” Theirs is one of the most widely respected military cultures that has ever made its presence felt on Earth.

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2. Birth of a Nation

The iconic Spartan army was the brainchild of a legendary lawgiver named Lycurgus, who organized their culture and brought them to prominence. Lycurgus referred to Sparta as having “a wall of men, instead of bricks.”

Imagine the Great Wall of China, except instead of stones and mortar piled up in front of you, it's thousands of absolutely ripped Spartan warriors who have been trained since birth to specialize in murder.

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3. Early Enrolment

The Spartans had a ruthless reputation around the ancient world. And it says a lot that their absolute efficiency in warfare is still so widely remembered today. But a reputation like that doesn't come easily.

All Spartan citizens were expected to be professional soldiers, and children were removed from their homes at the age of seven to begin training.


4. Pumping Iron

Pursuit of material wealth was discouraged by Spartan law, so coins were made out of iron instead of gold or silver. This made stealing difficult, because iron is heavy. Also, good luck outrunning the Spartan you just robbed.

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