Entertaining Facts About Sitcoms

Love them or hate them, sitcoms will always be a significant staple of pop culture.

The golden days of the sitcom remind many people of a time when it was impossible to binge watch their favorite show, and they instead had to sit in anticipation for the next week’s offering.

Even though the medium of their delivery may change, their impact will always last. As new sitcoms seek to make their mark, let’s take a look at some of fascinating facts about some of the most iconic sitcoms to ever grace television.

1. Making “Progress” With This First Across the Pond

While most of us can think of our favorite sitcom, many of us probably have no idea how it all got started. The sitcom reaches all the way back to 1946 with the airing of Pinwright’s Progress, a show that aired on BBC in the UK. It told the story of J. Pinwright, the owner of a tiny shop.

BBC Facts


2. A New “Frontier” For American Television

The United States was not too far behind when it came to developing sitcoms. Mary Kay and Johnny, a show that told the story of a pair of New York-based newlyweds, premiered in 1947.

Howard Hughes Facts


3. A Monumental First

The first sitcom to feature an African American in a recurring role was The Laytons. Because of its premiere in 1948, not much is known about it today outside of this milestone.

Sitcoms Facts

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4. One of the First Sitcom Juggernauts

I Love Lucy is one of the most famous sitcoms of all times. However, what many don’t know is that episodes were filmed from start to finish non-stop. Because of this, episodes rarely ever needed to be re-taped. I Love Lucy is also the first show to end at number one.

John Mulaney Facts

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