41 Super Facts About The Justice League

Before The Avengers, The Justice League were saving the planet from the clutches of intergalactic conquerers.

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and many others became staples in the DC Universe both as stand alone heroes and as members of this super team.

Here are 41 super facts you might not have known about the The Justice League of America.

Justice League Facts

41: Dawn of Justice

There were seven original members of the Justice League: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter.


40: Batman

Batman is known today for his stance on no killing, however he was originally a gun wielding vigilante who wouldn’t only shoot his enemies but was also found throwing them in tubs of acid, breaking their necks with a swift kick and hanging them from his Batplane.

Batman Films Facts


39: Superman

Though he’s known as “The Man of Steel”, Superman was actually killed in a 1993 comic by the villain “Doomsday”. He was later brought back to life through means of the sun’s solar energy.

Superheroes Facts
