Magical Facts About The Harry Potter Universe

“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” – Albus Dumbledore

Quick, name a book series more popular than Harry Potter. ... MaybeGame of Thrones? Truth is, the popularity of the Potter-verse is pretty much unmatched. But who's surprised? The story has it all: lovable heroes, terrifying villains, frickin' magic... And to top it all off, enough twists, turns and itty-bitty details to rival Hogwarts itself. No wonder, then, that the series is as popular today as it was back when The Philosopher's Stone (that's Sorcerer's Stone for the Americans) first introduced us to mugwumps and muggles more than 20 years ago. We've been obsessed with the wizarding world of Harry P for two decades now, and counting. But how much do you know about Harry & Co? Do you know what inspired J.K. Rowling to make Quidditch? Or which hex Snape invented himself? Or how about the lifespan of a Basilisk? The answers to these questions and more are collected together here, in one handy, exhaustive guide. Look no further, Potter Pal. Here's everything you ever need to know about the Harry Potter Universe.

Harry Potter Universe  Facts

1. Try, Try, And Try Again

Why is it that all the greats are rejected at first? Between Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, even freaking Elvis... are we trying to not be entertained? Case in point: J.K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by 12 publishing houses, before being picked up by Bloomsbury. It got so bad for a while, she even tried submitting her magical magnum opus under a pen name:  Robert Galbraith. After that tactic failed, she almost gave up. She even complained to a friend, saying, "They don’t even want me in a beard!" But look at her now! Those publishers must be feeling more regret than the wizard who tried kissing a Blast-Ended Skrewt.

J.K. Rowling facts

2. Heyyyyyyyy Cousin

Rowling didn't just write a fantastic story... she crafted a whole magical world as well! Many of the characters in the series have family histories that go back decades, or even centuries. The wizarding version of is just absolutely packed. For example: in the distant past, Harry and Voldemort share a common bloodline. Following their surnames back through the years, the name "Ignotus Peverell" (you might know him from his Invisibility Cloak) comes up in both character’s family trees. Sing it with me: It's a small (magical) world after all.

3. Bye, Bye, Birdy

As Rowling’s fans grew up, so did the tone of her books. What was once light-hearted children's entertainment (if a little dark at times) became something all the more brooding. No moment reinforced this transition more thoroughly than Hedwig's death. Fans were stunned when Harry’s beloved owl died early in The Deathly Hollows. It was a sudden, unexpected jolt, after so many close calls over the course of preceding books. But Rowling says the moment was about more than shock value.: “The loss of Hedwig represented a loss of innocence and security. She has been almost like a cuddly toy to Harry at times. Voldemort killing her marked the end of childhood." She's got a point. Nothing says, "Yer an adult, Harry" like the brutal murder of a lifelong pet.

Harry James Potter facts
