Out-Of-This-Galaxy Facts About Star Wars

Oh, Star Wars: the epic space opera about how, a long time ago, one family’s squabbles nearly ruined a galaxy far, far away. The franchise has earned over $7.5 billion and made international superstars out Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and… we guess Mark Hamill.

Here are a few things you might not know about a film so popular that it spawned its own religion: Star Wars.

Star Wars Facts

60. Who’s Your Daddy?

The famous line in which Darth Vader reveals Luke’s parentage is often misquoted as, “Luke, I am your father.” The actual line is “No, I am your father,” but in order to contextualize it, people added Luke’s name.

Similar to how everyone misquotes it as “Beam me up, Scotty,” despite Kirk having never said that line.

Wikimedia Commons Bryan Ledgard

59. To his Credit

George Lucas paid a fine and resigned from the Directors’ Guild because they insisted on a traditional credit sequence for A New Hope and he wanted to start it with the now-iconic opening crawl.

58. Camera Tricks

Those opening credits were actually filmed by creating a six-foot long glossy printed plate of the text and then having the camera slowly pan down. While decidedly unsophisticated, it worked wonderfully.

Although not wonderfully enough to avoid getting a CGI makeover for the Special Edition rereleases.

20th Century Fox