Interesting Facts About Yoda These Are

“When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.” Yoda- Return of the Jedi

Yoda was the small, green Jedi master from the Star Wars movie franchise. He was revered within the Jedi Order for his wisdom, his powers with the Force and his skill with a lightsaber.

He made his first appearance in Empire Strikes Back, and played an integral role in training Luke in the ways of the Force. Below are 46 awesome facts about this iconic character.

Yoda Facts

45. A Great Mystery

Very little is known about Yoda, and George Lucas has admitted that it’s intentional. No one knows what planet he’s from, what species he is, or pretty much anything else.

Lucas felt that writing it down and making anything official would take away the mystery, and even he doesn’t want to find out.

Ancient Cities Facts


44. Superimposed for Art

Saudi artist Shaweesh superimposed Yoda’s image into a 1945 photograph of foreign minister King Faisal as part of a series in which symbols of American pop culture are inserted into archival photos of historical events.

The photograph showed Yoda sitting next to the King at the ceremony for the creation of the United Nations. Shaweesh said he used the U.N because Yoda is “wise, strong, and always calm.”

Yoda Facts

Flickr, H. Michael Karshis

43. The Force Needs No Cane

Later in life Yoda used a cane to help him walk, but he also had the ability to quickly throw it aside when he needed both hands to manipulate the Force. When you're 900 years old, that's pretty impressive.

Yoda Facts
