Amazing Facts About Historical Artifacts

“But that was the trouble with ancient artifacts - no one really knew what they did.”

― Patricia Briggs, Wolfsbane

The public is fascinated by the discovery of ancient artifacts and they love to imagine what those artifacts might have been used for. Once in a while, an artifact is uncovered that puzzles archaeologists and scientists alike.

There is no explanation of where it came from, what it’s for, or even what value it holds. Below are 45 amazing facts about historical artifacts.

Historical Artifacts Facts

 44. The Balls

Stone Spheres known as Las Bolas (The Balls) are scattered throughout the Diquis Delta of southern Costa Rica. They were the works of a pre-Columbian civilization, and are mostly made from a rock that forms from molten magma.

There has been some speculation that they were used for astronomical purposes or that they pointed the way to significant places. No one knows for sure however, as the people who once populated the area vanished during the Spanish conquest.

Historical Artifacts Facts


43. Aliens in China

In 1938, archaeologist Dr. Chi Pu Tu discovered an ancient cave in Baian-Kara-Ula, China. Buried in the cave were hundreds of ancient stone discs similar to records, with a spiral composed of tiny hieroglyphics.

and when the glyphs were translated, they told a story of a spaceship that crashed into the mountains, piloted by a race called the Dropa.

Russian researchers requested the discs for study, but as of today, nobody knows where the discs are stored or what final conclusions were drawn.

Historical Artifacts Facts


42. How is That Possible?

A fossil of a human handprint was found inside limestone that was estimated to be 110 million years old. This is way before modern humans were thought to have evolved on Earth.

A fossilized human finger found in the Canadian arctic also dates back about 100 million years. Both suggest that humanity is older than we think, but it has yet to be proven.

Historical Artifacts Facts
