43 Spontaneous Facts About Improvised Scenes

Not all film or television scenes happen as they are written in a screenplay. Sometimes things happen that nobody intended, yet become the parts that everyone in the audience remembers long after the show or movie is over.

Here are 43 incredible facts about improvised scenes.

Improvised Scenes Facts

43. How Gangsters Talk

When preparing the film Goodfellas Martin Scorsese would let his actors improvise during rehearsal, take the best bits they came up with, and put them into the final version of the screenplay. The script—along with Scorsese and actor Joe Pesci – was later Oscar-nominated.

Martin Scorsese Films Facts

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42. To Script or Not To Script

The lingo “to go off-script” is a term when an actor either forgets his lines and says something different, or deliberately improvises an action or a line which isn’t in the shooting script.

Alan Rickman Facts


41. Those Wacky Italians!

Improv as a form of art was first recognized in Europe as part of an art form known as commedia dell’arte. Popular in Europe in the 18th century, it featured comedic masks and stock characters put into classically comic scenarios.

Improvised Scenes Facts
