Bone-Chilling Facts About Death

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." -Norman Cousins

One thing that’s certain is that some day, we’re all going to die. While that may sound very morbid, that fundamental truth has fascinated and terrified people for as long as humans have been around.

Death Facts

43. On the Daily

An average of 153,000 people die every single day.

Death Facts

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42. The Search for Immortality

Ancient Chinese Alchemists experimented with different chemicals and substances to try to uncover the secret to eternal life.  Their experiments evolved over time into what is now called “Traditional Chinese Medicine”.

Many people who practice Chinese Medicine claim these practices help you live longer.

Death Facts

Flickr, Lau Svensson

41. Bless You!

As dead bodies decay, they “burp” or release gasses. For this reason, caskets and mausoleums need to be ventilated so that the gas can escape.

Death Facts
