Facts About Poisonous Plots Of History

“Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.” —Paracelsus

Poison comes in many forms. People didn’t always have to physically go to war to kill their enemies, and sometimes people take their life into their own hands through the use of poisons.

There is no question poison has shaped the world’s history, so let’s look a bunch of ways it altered our trajectory.

Plots Of History Facts

42. Sentenced Suicide

Plato tells the story that Socrates was forced to kill himself by drinking poisonous hemlock after being sentenced to death for impiety and corruption of the youth. Instead of fleeing, he accepted his sentence and therefore his death.

Plots Of History Facts


41. Persian King-Making I

Artaxerxes III and most of his family were poisoned by the powerful Persian Vizier (Chief Minister) Bagoas in an attempt to have Artaxerxes youngest son, Arses, rise to the throne so Bagoas could manipulate him as a puppet.

Plots Of History Facts


40. Persian King-Making II

This subsequently led to Bagoas ruling over Persia for two years before Arses grew disgruntled and decided to kill off Bagoas. Bad plan. Bagoas was just much better at this whole "poison and puppet"

thing: He poisoned Arses and raised Arses’ cousin Darius III to the throne.

Plots Of History Facts
