Rebellious Facts About The Russian Revolution

2017 marks the centennial anniversary of the Russian Revolution. 100 years ago, the unrest in Russia set in motion a series of events that would influence the world in ways we are still figuring out today.

Russian Revolution Facts

41. Two Revolutions In One

The Russian Revolution was comprised of two separate Revolutionary uprisings in the same year—1917. While actually two separate events, they are both used to describe the downfall of the tsarist Russian empire under the Romanov dynasty.

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40. Revolutionary Roots

The Russian revolution of 1917 had its roots in the 1905 Revolution. On Sunday, January 22, 1905, thousands of workers went on strike and marched towards the Tsar’s palace to present him with a petition.

To quell the workers, the Tsar had his imperial guard open fire on them, killing as many as 1,000 people.

This is known as the Bloody Sunday Massacre and led to a countrywide strike movement that would set the foundation for the future of the country.

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39. Stolypin’s Necktie

In the aftermath of 1905, Pyotr Stolypin, a conservative statesman, was appointed as Prime Minister to bring agrarian reform to Russia. During his time in charge, he went after and executed over 3,000 dissidents of the Tsar. This led to the term “

Stolypin’s necktie” being used for a noose.

Russian Revolution Facts

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