Fantastic Facts About Science Fiction That Became Reality

“It is difficult to say what is impossible; for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” —Robert H. Goddard

Science Fiction movies, books, and TV shows have long been predictors and inspirations for invention. From debit cards to cell phones to submarines, many of the inventions imagined in Science Fiction have become part of our reality. In many cases, Science Fiction didn't merely predict but also inspires real-life invention. Below are 40 fantastic facts about Science Fiction that has become reality.

Science Fiction That Became Reality Facts

1. 3D Printers

Fans of Star Trek will remember the replicator. Replicators were devices capable of instantly materializing almost any object with a simple command. While 3D printers can’t quite pull objects out of thin air, they do act similarly to replicators, reproducing jewelry, food, and even body parts. Many tech experts believe that as the technology improves, they will resemble replicators even more closely.

Facts About Science Fiction That Became Reality

Star Trek: The Next Generation(1987-1994), Paramount Domestic Television

2. Cyberspace

In his 1984 novel Neuromancer, novelist William Gibson predicted hacking, virtual reality, the world wide web, and cyberspace a decade before the internet took the form we know today. In a re-release of the novel for its 20th anniversary, Jack Womack suggested that Gibson’s creation of cyberspace may even have spurred the development of the web.

Facts About Science Fiction That Became Reality

Flickr, Ádám Szedlák

3. Universal Credit

In his 1888 novel Looking Backward, Edward Bellamy introduced the concept of universal credit: The citizens of his future utopia carried a card with them that allowed them to spend credit from a central bank, without a need for paper money.

Facts About Science Fiction That Became Reality
