Silly And Happy Facts For People That Like To Smile

The universe is confusing and complicated, right? My god there's a lot going on. If you're not careful, you might even get overwhelmed.

Fear not though. For those of us looking for more smiles and more laughter in our lives, there's a whole world of fascinating facts to keep us entertained. We're talking about the kind of tidbits that are guarantted to put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step. Because when you get down to it, the world is a pretty great to place to live. And remembering that is what it's all about.

Here are 23 feel-good facts that'll turn even the most pronounced frown upside down.

We hope you enjoy.

People Who Like to Smile Facts

23. You’re a Star

Turns out that humans are made of stardust: Our bodies are forged from the atoms that once made up long-dead stars and other celestial objects.


22. Director of Fun

A 6-year-old once applied for a job at a railroad museum and was hired as the "Director of Fun."



21. Big Babies

Baby elephants suck their trunks for comfort.



20. Parroting

Parrots and other pet birds that mimic human sounds will teach what they’ve learned to birds in the wild when given a chance.

 Max Pixel


19. Nuts

Each year, hundreds of new trees begin to grow because squirrels don't remember where they stashed their nuts.



18. Kind Chimps

Chimpanzees have a kind heart. They will help each other and even humans to get at hard-to-reach objects without being offered a reward.



17. Football Instead of Guns

German and British soldiers traded war games for football during Christmas of 1914. The World War 1 enemies laid down arms and came together for a game in no man’s land.



16. Girl Power

The first digital computer was programmed by six women. The female mathematicians were part of a World War II computer coding program.



15. Not Lazy, Just Smart

According to one 2016 study, people who laze around are brainier that those who are constantly moving; people who think more need to relax more.

Come on people! There's a whole internet out there, full of hilarious pictures for you to explore.




14. Chocolate Holidays

There are over 10 holidays that celebrate chocolate.



13. Holding hands

Stress, fear, and pain dissipate when you’re holding hands with someone you love.



12. In Love

Being in love improves your immune system and makes you feel stronger.



11. My Pebble is Your Pebble

Gentoo Penguins propose by giving their prospective mate a pebble. Oh, and they mate for life.



10. Memories

For a real pick-me-up, flip through old photo albums. Researchers have found that looking through these photos improves your mood more than if you had had a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate.

 Getty Images


9. Happily Aging

As we get older, we become happier.



8. Smartening Up

Humans are smarter than ever: Our intelligence has collectively gone up about 20 IQ points in the last 70 years.



7. Smile

Smiling is contagious, and it lowers your heart rate.



6. Feel the Music

Music jogs your memory and makes you a kinder, gentler person, say scientists in the UK.



5. Power Pose

Even at your lowest, straightening up and standing tall will make you feel more positive and powerful.



4. Fresh Air

You feel best when the temperature outside is 13.9°C, but spending even as little as 20 minutes outdoors in good weather is scientifically guaranteed to give you a boost.



3. Sad Movies

Spectacular failures, horrible tragedies, and onscreen despair may have you wailing away, but at least one study has found that sad movies often leave you feeling better about your own life.



2. Rum and Strawberries

Scientists who have run chemical analyses say the centre of the galaxy smells like strawberries and tastes like rum.



1. Photo of Your Love

You can ease physical pain simply by looking at a photo of your lover.



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