Oddball Facts About The Weirdest People In History

From acting like the Queen of Hearts and yelling “Off with their heads!” to buying entire cities on a whim, history is filled with characters so bizarre that it’s hard to believe they really existed.

Strap in and get ready: Here are the strangest people to ever go down in history.

Weird People In History Facts

1. Any Port in a Storm

John Mytton, AKA “Mad Jack,” inherited a large amount of money and a huge estate in 1798, when he was only two years old. This kind of gave him a license to go wild, or that’s how he saw it anyway.

Mytton drank six to eight bottles of port every single day!  And his, shall we say, eccentricities were not limited to staying inebriated.

Weird Rich People Facts

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2. (Forced) Favorite of the Masses

Following family tradition, Mytton chose to enter politics. And why bother to court the masses when you can just buy them? He gave each voter £10 to vote for him and won at the cost of £10,000.

It took a single half-hour session at the House of Commons for him to decide that politics were too boring for him. With that out of his system, he proceeded to take his weirdness to the hunting grounds...

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3. Hunting Shenanigans

Mytton was as passionate about hunting as he was for port. Naturally, he did that with a twist as well. He would get so caught up in the heat of the chase that he would strip down completely, even in the wind and snow.

He got injured and unseated several times during such hunts but even that didn't stop him from riding around in his birthday suit.

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