Clever Facts About Rosalie Duthé, The First “Dumb Blonde”

Catherine-Rosalie Gerard Duthé was the 18th-century French courtesan who became the world’s first “dumb blonde”. But that's not the real story. 

1. She Made Kings Bow

Catherine-Rosalie Gerard Duthé was the first ever recorded “dumb blonde,” but that wasn't her only claim to infamy. As the most exclusive courtesan of her time, Duthé used her golden locks and Venus-like body to bring Europe’s kings to their knees...and she got into quite the scandal along the way.

Portrait of Rosalie Duthé looking at back - 18th century

Claude Hoin, Wikimedia Commons

2. Her Parents Were Nobodies

Unlike the men whose bank accounts she would drain and whose marriages she would ruin, Duthé was not born into a particularly wealthy family. She was born on November 23, 1748 in Versailles to parents of not much importance. Her father was a servant of the king while her mother was a woman of no distinction.

The pair failed Duthé in other ways, too. 

Portrait of Mademoiselle Rosalie Duthé - 1792

Henri-Pierre Danloux, Wikimedia Commons

3. She Had Absent Family

The details of Duthé’s childhood are scarce, except that her parents didn’t seem particularly involved. Or even present. According to some sources, Duthé’s parents weren’t even there during the registration of her birth. Instead of her parents, her grandmother and her godfather signed the official paperwork.

But the family didn't even have Rosalie around for long. 

Portrait of Rosalie Duthé looking at back - 18th century

Lié Louis Périn-Salbreux, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

4. She Dropped Out Of A Convent

As many respectable young women did at the time, Duthé went to a convent, Saint Aure in Paris, to learn how to be a good little pious girl. This went awry quickly. Instead of finding a deeper love of God or even a decent husband, at age 15 Duthé left the convent to go live with her aunt, Madame Duval. 

Her aunt would be the one to introduce her to a life of luxury—and lewdness.

Portrait of Catherine Rosalie Gérard Duthé.

Lomita, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons