Bold Facts About Princess Louise, The Rebel Daughter Of Queen Victoria

Born on the eve of Europe’s first wave of Revolutions, Queen Victoria knew that her daughter Princess Louise was bound to be special. And special she was.

Princess Louise was a precocious child who matured into a controversial, mysterious revolutionary. Grab a cup of tea and prepare to learn about the scandalous woman that the British royals have tried to hide.

Princess Louise Facts

1. Her Mother Knew She Would Be Different

Princess Louise entered the world on March 18, 1848 and even from her first breaths, it was clear that she would be a troublemaker. You see, 1848 kicked off Europe's tumultuous "Age of Revolutions"—and it seemed that the year's rebelliousness would come through in little Princess Louise. When Queen Victoria gave birth to her daughter, she immediately knew that Louise would be “something peculiar.” She was right.

Queen Victoria Facts


2. Her Birth Was Scandalous

The revolutionary times weren’t the only strange aspect of Princess Louise's birth. After five painful labors, Queen Victoria understandably wanted some pain relief. She defied her royal advisers and tried a controversial new treatment: chloroform.

As the queen said, it made labor "delightful." In plainer language, when Louise was born, prim Queen Victoria was more than a little high.

Queen Victoria Facts

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3. She Was a Curious Cat

The royal family subscribed to the philosophy that children should be seen and not heard. But not Louise—she was a born rebel. From an early age, she was a firecracker who was almost too inquisitive for the royal family's tastes. Louise asked so many questions that the family nicknamed her “Little Miss Why.” As we'll see, the Princess's need to rebel only grew stronger as she matured.

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