Peculiar Facts About Kaspar Hauser, The Man With A Mysterious Past

For some reason, people just love a good sob story. In the case of the possibly royal Kaspar Hauser, he either fully took advantage of that with fantastical lies, or truly lived an unimaginably tragic life. 

1. He Had A Shocking Appearance

Kaspar Hauser made his “debut” in May 1828 in Nuremberg, Germany. Likely around sixteen years old at the time, he looked a complete mess, his clothes distressed and his demeanor just as disheveled. He only carried two handwritten letters on his person. When a shoemaker discovered the lost soul, all the drama began.

Kaspar Hauser

Carl Kreul, Wikimedia Commons

2. She Gave Him Up

The shoemaker discovered one of the letters to be sent from Hauser’s mother to an unidentified caretaker. In the note, she named the boy “Kaspar” and claimed that his father, once a member of the cavalry, had passed.

That alone, and the fact that his mother gave him up, created enough of a sad story. But that was only the first letter.

Kaspar Hauser In Nuremberg

Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

3. He Didn’t Have Anyone

The other letter came from the caretaker. According to this “anonymous” man, he raised Hauser and taught him the Bible. The boy wanted to be a cavalryman, so he sent him, letter in hand, to the cavalry Captain, saying he could “

take him in or hang him". Thankfully, luck was on Hauser's side.

Kaspar Hauser

British Museum, Wikimedia Commons

4. He Couldn’t Communicate

When the shoemaker brought Hauser to the Captain of the cavalry, he man neither took the child or hung him. When the authorities questioned Hauser, he responded inanely, only saying “I want to be a cavalryman, like my father was” and “Horse!” Of course, they kept pressing, but his responses only grew more concerning.

Kaspar Hauser

Gustav Nehrlich, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons