Turbulent Facts About Olga Alexandrovna, The Last Grand Duchess

Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna was one of the few Romanovs who survived the bloody Russian Revolution—but most of her life was anything but luxurious.

1. She Was Born With A Target On Her Back

Olga Alexandrovna, the last Grand Duchess of Russia, was born in a time of utter turmoil in her home country of Russia. Although she was daughter of the Tsar Alexander III of Russia, and sister to the future Tsar Nicholas IIvery little of her life was princess-like. 

The Russian imperial family had many enemies, after all, and Olga would be running for her life soon enough. 

Portrait of Olga Alexandrovna Romanova. Around 1910-1914.

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2. She Lived In Opulence

Olga was born in the Russian version of Versailles, but raised in another giant castle, Great Gatchina Palace. Indeed, her family's enormous palaces were dotted all over St Petersburg, and Gatchina was one of its crown jewels. But looks can be deceiving. Although Gatchina was swanky on the outside, inside it was anything but. 

Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna as young girl - circa 1889

Royal Collection, Wikimedia Commons

3. She Had A Surprising Childhood

Although Olga was born into unimaginable wealth, she and her siblings did not have a comfy cozy existence inside the walls of the extravagant Gatchina Palace. They slept on hard beds, bathed in freezing cold water, and ate basic porridge for breakfast. 

Yet the young Olga would quickly have her comforting, if rigid, routine interrupted by tragedy. 

Empress Maria Feodorovna and her daughter Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna - 1889

Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

4. Her First-Ever Outing Ended Horribly

When Olga was six years old, she left Great Gatchina Palace for the first time ever—only for the trip to end in literal disaster. While she was on the train home, eating lunch with her family in the dining car, the train suddenly and violently came off the rails

When the dust settled, Olga witnessed a chilling scene. 

Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna Romanova as a child - 1896

Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons