Scandalous Facts About Lady Elizabeth Chudleigh, The Duchess Of Drama

Greedy and cunning, Lady Elizabeth Chudleigh spent her entire life trying to bury the greatest secret of her youth: an illicit marriage gone terribly wrong. She lied her way to the very top, making dangerous enemies along the way.

Tainted by duplicity, Elizabeth set fire to her own life—and when the smoke finally cleared, she was a chilling shell of the beautiful woman she once was.

1. She Was Destined For More

Elizabeth experienced tragedy right out of the gates. When she was only five years old, her father, having squandered his money, met a sudden end. This left little Elizabeth in genteel limbo. She neither starved nor enjoyed the luxuries of the extremely wealthy. However, Elizabeth was destined to become embroiled in the British royal court—and it would only lead to notoriety and scandal.

Elizabeth Chudleigh Facts

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2. Her Beauty Survived The Worst

At the age of 15, a threat to Elizabeth’s blooming beauty darkened her doorstep. She survived a dangerous bout of smallpox, but in a stroke of luck, escaped the curse of any lasting scars. Of course, her flawless face wasn’t the only thing going for her. Elizabeth was exceedingly charming and witty—and before long, she caught the eye of a much older “gentleman”.

Elizabeth Chudleigh Facts


3. She Was A Victim

Elizabeth’s very first foray into romance was enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. Still a child in many ways, she became politician William Pulteney’s object of affection. He was a powerful man with a seat in the House of Commons, and even more unsettling—a wife. But despite all this, Pulteney couldn’t resist the temptation of a defenseless teenage girl.

And that’s when things got even more disturbing.

Elizabeth Chudleigh Facts


4. She Attracted An Older Man

For all his pomp and circumstance, William Pulteney was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. With his beady eyes on Elizabeth, he showed a disturbingly strong interest in her education and began spending long hours alone with her. According to her first biographer (and to nobody’s surprise), their “intimacy” wasn’t always platonic. But with a favorable eye cast upon her daughter, Elizabeth’s mother only encouraged their close connection—and it created a legendary ripple effect.

Elizabeth Chudleigh Facts
