Wild Facts About Dennis Hopper, The Hollywood Outlaw

Dennis Hopper didn’t just play a counterculture rebel in the iconic 1960s flick Easy Rider—he lived a shockingly rough and risky life. 

1. He Was An Enfant Terrible

Dennis Hopper skyrocketed to fame in the anything-goes era of free love, but he ended up taking the whole “no boundaries” thing way too far. With five failed marriages, raunchy, substance-fueled parties, and intense on-set showdowns, Hopper’s life was legendarily debauched...and all it came at a heartbreaking price.

Grayscale Portrait Photo of the actor Dennis Hopper

Film Star Vintage, Flickr

2. He Was Bad To The Bone

As the son of a post office manager, Hopper may have had humble beginnings, but they weren’t angelic. He was born on May 17, 1936, in Dodge City, Kansas—a former Old West town once known for its bordellos, saloons, and gambling dens. These outlaw vibes might have seeped into the young Hopper’s consciousness, because his troubles started at a disturbingly early age.

Screenshot from the movie Night Tide (1961)

Filmgroup, Night Tide (1961)

3. He Had Alarming Early Urges

Ah, the raging hormones of puberty can send anyone’s head spinning. That said, some reflections are best left in the therapist’s office. As an adult, Hopper once admitted a disgusting secret. On the record, he said that as he entered puberty, he started to notice his mother Marjorie’s “incredible body”. He went on to say that he developed a carnal “fascination for her”. 

Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of Hopper’s insatiable desires.

Screenshot from the movie Night Tide (1961)

Filmgroup, Night Tide (1961)

4. He Was Arrogant

By his late teens, Hopper knew that he wanted to be an actor—and he had the guts to go for it. In fact, his fearlessness and ingenuity helped him stand out from the crowd at an audition for a TV show called Medic. As soon as he set foot in the casting director’s office, he made an unforgettable move.

Dennis Hopper & Karen Sharpe - Conflict Tv Promotional Photograph (1957)

Warner Bros. Studio, Wikimedia Commons