Deadpan Facts About Buster Keaton, The Great Stone Face

Buster Keaton was the greatest talent in the movies—until Hollywood destroyed him. One moment, the Great Stone Face was on top of the world, the next, he was hitting rock bottom.

With a life as harrowing as his, is it any wonder that Buster Keaton never smiled?

1. He Was Born On The Road

Piqua, Kansas's greatest claim to fame is that it's the birthplace of Buster Keaton. It's true that Keaton was born in Piqua on October 4, 1895—but it wasn't his home.

It's just where his parents, two traveling vaudevillians, happened to be performing. Keaton grew up on the road, as his parents endlessly dragged him from one town to another.

Some days, Keaton's childhood seemed like a dream come true. On others, it was more like a horror story.

Buster Keaton Facts

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2. He Slept In A Suitcase

Keaton's parents were Joe and Myra Keaton. Joe owned a traveling show with none other than Harry Houdini. The troupe rambled across the United States, and little Buster Keaton came along with them, sleeping in a suitcase most nights. Keaton grew up surrounded by performers—though they all quickly realized this little kid was more than they could handle.

Buster Keaton facts

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3. He Got Himself Into Trouble

Buster Keaton got himself into no end of trouble when he was a boy. When a show started, it was all hands on deck, and no one could look after him. So of course, that's when he got himself up to no good.

One day, an exasperated Myra put her son in a costume trunk while she had to go on stage. She promised she'd come back for him when she was done—but she almost never saw her son again.

Buster Keaton facts

Hard Luck (1921), Metro Pictures Corporation

4. He Nearly Suffocated

Buster did as he was told and stayed in the trunk—but in the hustle and bustle of the show, a stagehand accidentally knocked the lid over. The trunk slammed shut over Keaton and locked in place. Myra eventually finished the show and went to get her son, but she was in for the shock of a lifetime. By the time she opened the trunk, Keaton had nearly suffocated.

Clearly, they needed a better way to make Buster behave...

Buster Keaton facts

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