Brutal Facts About Timur, The Scourge Of Asia

History has seen many conquerors and warlords rack up horrific body counts during their lives as they fought to subdue or slay as many people as possible. One of the most terrifying examples of these warlords was a man named Timur.

While you’ve probably heard of him through one of his other names, Timur’s impact upon world history is impossible to doubt.

If you’re a little behind on the history of Timur’s life and the many barbaric acts he committed, keep reading to find out more.

1. Call me Ishmael. Wait, I Mean…

While he is officially known as Timur (which meant “iron,” in case you were curious), he has been much more well-known by other versions of his name. His name has been spelled as Taimur in the past, while he was also called Amir Timur.

The most famous nickname that Western writers have used, however, is Tamerlane.

Timur facts


2. Traumatic Childhood

The name "Tamerlane" stems from what he'd been previously known as: Timur the Lame. Allegedly, when Timur was a young man, he participated in sheep-stealing.

The shepherd whom he was robbing happened to be a competent archer, and Timur was badly wounded by two arrows. One arrow pierced his right leg, the other his right hand.

Not only did he lose two fingers on his injured hand, but he also walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

Timur Facts

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3. Welcome to the World

It’s slightly disputed amongst historians when Timur was born, but most sources state that his date of birth was April 8, 1336. He was born in what is now known as Uzbekistan.

Timur facts


4. Mixed-Race Man

Timur had a rather diverse cultural background. His ethnic roots were a blend of Persian, Mongol, and Turkish descent. This stemmed from the fact that the Mongols in western Asia (particularly the Golden Horde) had blended with the Turkish peoples. Timur was also a devout Muslim throughout his life, calling himself “the Sword of Islam.”

Timur Facts
