41 Imaginative Facts About John Lennon

“When real music comes to me—the music of the spheres, the music that surpasseth understanding—that has nothing to do with me, 'cause I'm just the channel. The only joy for me is for it to be given to me, and to transcribe it like a medium...

those moments are what I live for.”

John Lennon was best known as a Beatle, but he also gained fame and notoriety for his promotion of peace and for his eccentricities. Murdered young, we’ll never know what more he could have offered the world.

Read on to find out more about the life and legacy of the legendary singer-songwriter.

John Lennon Facts

41. What a Way to Make an Entrance

John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool during a German air raid in World War II on October 9, 1940. Later in life, he would add “Ono” to his name to honor Yoko Ono.

John Lennon Facts

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40. Broken Home

Lennon went to live with his Aunt Mimi when he was four years old after his parents divorced. His father hadn’t really been around much, and he wasn’t even there for his son’s birth.

John Lennon Facts


39. A Mother’s Touch

Though his mother, Julia, remarried, she did visit Lennon and Mimi regularly. Julia would teach her son how to play the banjo and piano, and even bought him his first guitar.

Sadly, an off-duty police officer hit Julia with a car and killed her in 1958, which absolutely devastated and traumatized Lennon.

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