Furious Facts About The Legendary Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel Leroy Jackson has appeared in over a hundred films in his brilliant career. Although he didn’t gain international recognition until his early forties, Jackson has been acting for well over four decades. Having been a part of several major blockbuster franchises (Star Wars, Die Hard, Jurassic Park, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe), his films combined have earned more than any other actor in history, averaging nearly $70 million dollars per film.

Here are a few facts you might not know about one of the coolest actors on the planet.

Samuel L. Jackson Facts

1. Wigging out

When Jackson started losing his hair, he decided to simply go bald because he likes “ending up on those bald is beautiful lists. It’s cool.” No Sam, you’re cool.

Samuel L. Jackson facts

Getty Images

2. The Sea Was Angry That Day

Jackson attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia where his intent was to become a marine biologist which, obviously, he didn’t do. It’s just as well, because if the film Deep Blue Sea was any indication, he would likely have been eaten by a shark.

Samuel L. Jackson facts

Deep Blue Sea (1999), Warner Bros.

3. Art Vandelay

Actually, after quitting his pursuit of marine biology, he decided to try his hand at architecture instead. Samuel L. Jackson almost became all the professions that George Costanza pretended to be.

Samuel L. Jackson facts

Flickr, Gage Skidmore