People Share The Most Unfair Things Teachers Have Ever Done To Them

Yes, many teachers go above and beyond for their students, acting as role models and just exemplary pillars of the community in general.

These are the teachers who really care, who take their responsibilities seriously, and who usually don’t get the credit they deserve.

Others, however, go above and beyond in an entirely different direction; one seemingly dedicated to doling out gross injustices and scarring children for life with painful memories.

Some folk have no business being around children at all, let alone being paid to teach them during their most formative years.

Below are the distressing recollections of people who have decided to share their tales of the most blatantly unfair things teachers have ever done to them or their classmates.

1. The Spanish Inquisition

Spanish teacher gave me zeroes on a bunch of homework that I knew I'd done and turned in like everyone else. My father refused to believe me and punished me in accordance with the rules about my "bad grade".

I swore to him that I had turned in the work, so the next morning he went with me to the teacher's "office hours" or whatever you want to call it.

She showed up 30 minutes after the posted start time, so he was already mad because he was missing work. She unlocks the door and proceeds to tell my father that I'm a bad student, didn't do my work, and was disruptive in class.

I shove past her into the room, go to her desk, and pull the four missing papers from her "turn it in tray".

My father watches all this, looks at my teacher (who has turned bright red), and tells me to go to class without breaking eye contact with her.

She started failing all of my assignments from that point forward until my dad complained to the principal, superintendent, and school board. She retired the next year.



2. When You Gotta Go You Gotta Go

In eighth grade my literature teacher, Mrs. Kropp would let the girls use the restroom but would not let boys.

This policy ended when a boy asked her three times to go and on the third refusal he immediately walked to the corner of the room and urinated on the floor.


Unfair Things Teachers Have Dona Facts


3. Piece of Trash

In first grade, I didn't want to eat a brownie that a classmate had brought in for their birthday. My teacher decided that this was incredibly rude and that I wasn't allowed to go outside for recess until I ate the brownie.

When she wasn't looking, I wrapped it in a napkin and placed it carefully in the garbage can. She noticed, took it out of trash, unwrapped it, and still made me eat it.


Unfair Things Teachers Have Dona Facts
