These People's Lives Were Ruined In An Instant

Everyone makes thousands of decisions everyday. Most of them, like asking for extra foam on your latte, are pretty ordinary. Other decisions, as we’ll spoon see, can destroy your very existence.

Let’s listen to these dramatic, heartbreaking—and often bone-breaking—stories of people who made one bad decision that ruined their life forever.

1. She Was Defeated By A Bull

My ex-girlfriend used to dream of being a flight attendant. A few years later—long after we'd parted ways—she finally saw that dream come true and got herself an assignment based out of another city.

I hit her up to congratulate her and give her some advice for moving to that city cause I'd spent a fair amount of time there.

Included in my advice was a specific warning to stay out of a certain bar. Well, after a couple months of training she was a week into the job when she decided to go to the bar I had warned her about. It was the biggest mistake of her life. You see they have a mechanical bull there that is out of control. She hopped on the mechanical bull, made it for about a half of a second before she got tossed off.

Her neck hit a table, leaving her a quadriplegic. She did eventually regain limited use of her legs, and fairly good use of her arms, but she will never work again, and lives in her aging parents' spare bedroom.

It's really sad, but she had a pretty long history of impulsively making poor choices (which probably included dating me, lol).


lives ruined

2. He Took “Burning Man” A Little Too Literally

My friends took a coworker to Burning Man once. The coworker was like a 50-something blue-collar dude who thought it was just about chugging beers and looking at women. He got real intoxicated and got into some whippets and some molly and some research chemicals, and tried to do a party trick where he spat gas into a fire.

Long story short he wound up soaking his clothes in gas, catching on fire, and getting choppered out of there. They had to give him skin grafts from like a tilapia or something?

If you're gonna do substances, don't take a bunch of new stuff at once without telling anyone you're new to it. And don't worry, the irony of a man burning at Burning Man was not lost on anyone.


Lives destroyed


3. It’s A Slippery Slope

This happened to a buddy of mine a while back. We were both super into skiing, but sometimes we’d mix skiing with drinking. One day I watched my buddy drunkenly show off on the ski mountain. Hit a tree and broke his back.

He wasn’t paralyzed but the pain and complications stayed with him forever and to this day can’t participate in any hard physical activity.


Lives destroyed
