The Worst Patients Ever

Doctors see so many patients in a day that very few make the jump from forgettable to memorable—but all it takes is one rude, stupid, or dangerous encounter to make the list of "worst patients ever". These doctors made it through and walked away with a memory...but not all of the patients did. Sometimes, a terrible patient ends up sealing their own fate. Here are some chilling, frustrating, and occasionally even hilarious stories about the worst patients ever. 

1. And The Worst Parents Award Goes To…

This couple had a malnourished seven-month-old and decided their kid was gluten intolerant. So they never gave him anything besides junk like quinoa milk. They also owned a health food store and were health nuts. Things went bad FAST. Anyone who came in and saw the sickly child commented on it. But they brushed it off and didn't seek help.

They drove to a homeopath across the country who sent them to a hospital. They decided to drive back home first. The baby passed on before they got to the hospital.

The autopsy revealed the child was severely dehydrated and their stomach had been empty for days. The baby was about nine pounds, which is just slightly higher than a newborn.


unforgettable patients

2. Equal Division of Labor

This girl came to the pharmacy to return her birth control. I asked her why and she said she got pregnant. I asked if she took it every day. She said, "No. On the days I didn't feel like taking it, I made my boyfriend take it".

I couldn't believe the stupidity. I made them answer a bunch of questions until they realized how stupid they were.


True Medical Plot Twists

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3. Mother And Grandmother Of The Year

There was an eight-year-old boy whose lips were turning blue. He was hardly moving and babbling. His tests come back. The potassium levels are so low, this child's heart is about to fail. The kid also has other issues. The doctor calls for emergency medical transport to a children's hospital in Tampa. Both the mother and grandmother say, "Just give him the prescription we will pray to Jesus to save him it will be fine, we have bingo later and I'm not driving to no Tampa". I wanted to SCREAM.

They remove the child’s IV and head out the door. I inform them they are making a horrible choice. They must get the child treatment because he is near the end. They say “But we have a hair and nail appointment, Jesus will save him".

We call child protective services and with officers they are brought back.


Legendary Comebacks facts


4. Don’t Put The Blame On Me

A woman comes into the Emergency Room with a six-year-old girl. The mother is frantic and crying, "My baby's tooth fell out! It's my fault". I ask her, "How is it your fault? Did she fall or something"? She tells me, "No. It's my fault because I didn't give her the good juice with concentrate in it. Now all of her teeth are gonna fall out"!

Genuinely confused, I ask, "Concentrate"? She says, "If you don't give kids juice with Concentrate in know...the one with the big letter "C" on it, all their teeth will fall out"! "Ma'am,” I sighed, “your child is six years old. She is going to lose all her baby teeth now and get her adult teeth. She does not have scurvy”.


Pregnancy facts
