Spoiled Rich Kids Are The Worst

Obnoxious, filthy rich kids who feel entitled to flaunt their affluent lifestyles can truly leave one gobsmacked.  Redditors share their shocking encounters with the super-rich who erroneously thought that money could solve any problem.

1. What A Creation

A girl in my school was "surprised" by her parents in the school's parking lot with a new BMW—a freaking BMW. Everyone who was outside basically watched this go down, and she started crying. At first, we thought that it was because she was so happy to receive this gift—but we were SO wrong. She ran back into the school.

Apparently, her parents were supposed to show up earlier, when there would be more students to witness the surprise. I felt bad for her dad because he looked totally embarrassed and sad about it. In his head, he was probably thinking, "

I created this monster".


2. A Student To Remember…Or Forget

My first teaching job was at a private middle school in one of the wealthiest enclaves in the United States. I once taught a kid who told me he didn't finish his homework for the craziest reason. Apparently, his helicopter had stalled over the weekend, so he couldn't leave his family's island. He was telling the truth.

The same kid was also a huge pain in the behind who wanted to misbehave with the "cool" kids and then would lie through his teeth while crying when held accountable.

His parents knew he was a jerk and cared enough to bring me a case of vino from their vineyard as a gift at every parent-teacher conference or before the holidays, but they didn't care enough to discipline their kid.


Teacher and student having on line class

Julia M Cameron , Pexels

3. Talent Wins

I tried out for a soccer club and made the team. I was one of the players from a low-income family. A couple of parents whose kids didn't make the team offered thousands of dollars for their kids to replace us lower-income players.

They offered to buy all the gear and hire professional trainers.

It didn't work—so they started their own team. They had wicked gear and coaches. But karma came for them in the end. We still beat them 7-0. They wanted to sue the league by saying the league cheated them. They went 1 win, 16 losses. It felt good that rich people couldn't buy talent or get their way.


Coach and team having a conversation on the field.

Kampus Production , Pexels

4. Are You Kidding Me?

My college roommate's mom randomly gave him $1,400 "for the weekend". He squandered through the whole thing by Saturday, then asked his mom for more money. He actually screamed at her because "she promised $1,400 for the weekend"

and he spent most of what she gave him on Friday, which wasn't a part of the weekend.


Man screaming on the phone

nakaridore , Freepik