These Entitled Jerks Made Us Lose Faith In Humanity

Everyone has met people in their lives that they are unable to tolerate.

Their selfish intentions, bad behavior, and closed-mindedness make them so unpleasant to deal with that all one can really do is leave them alone and hope they will choose the moral path.  From horrible bosses to backstabbing friends, here are some of the worst humans to ever exist:

1. This is Downright Awful

My dad used to keep two bowls of candy on Halloween—an expensive bowl and a cheap bowl. The reason for this was downright disturbing. The good candy in the expensive bowl went to white kids in nice costumes and the candy in the cheap bowl went to everyone else. Since he told me, I've never been able to look at him the same way.


entitled jerks

2.  Finders Keepers

I was probably nine years old when this happened. I was riding my bike on the road and my chain broke, so I walked back to my house to get my dad to help me fix it. We went back to the spot I left my bike and we couldn't find it.

We walked up and down the road multiple times, but still no luck. Sometime later, we finally saw it—in the back of a guy's truck.

I walked up to the door to let him know I was taking it. His response made me clench my fist. Long story short, he played finders keepers, berated me for being so loose with my possessions, and then showed me his piece, in an attempt to scare me away. 

It worked. I bolted.
Eventually, my dad went and got it. I hate that guy.


Glitch In The Matrix Facts


3. Creep Alert

I went to school with this one guy who was a total creep. Almost every day, he would sneak into the girls' locker room and spy on the students while they changed. One day, we told a teacher what he was up to and instead of him admitting it, he blamed me and my friends. That's not even the worst part, either—the authorities were contacted, and every girl in the locker room had to testify against someone to the officers.

I don’t know how many years he got, but I hope he’s still rotting.


4.  Long Life Of Insulting

My current boss is an old, rich, divorcee who takes pleasure in insulting his employees. I, unfortunately, found myself in a situation where it appeared I was at fault for some error at work, yet I truly hadn't done anything wrong. I'll never forget what he said to me when he called me into his office that day: "You have a long life ahead of you...and it's going to be riddled with failures".

I can't wait for the day when karma gets back at him.
