Enlightened Facts About The Renaissance

“If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all". —Michelangelo

The innovations and developments of the Renaissance period formed the foundation for all modern art; the Renaissance was a fertile ground that bred artistic talent to an unprecedented degree, and its successes laid the foundation for the art that followed.

It wasn’t just art, though, as politics and science saw massive progression during this time as well. Take a look at 42 enlightened facts about the Renaissance.

42. Beginning to End

The Renaissance, beginning in Italy, is thought to have started as early as the late 14th century, and is argued to have ended as late as 1660, when Charles II restored the English monarchy in his ascension to the throne.

These dates can be (and are) debated, especially when you consider the slow spread of the Renaissance throughout different areas of Europe, but the movement was well underway by the time of Michelangelo and da Vinci, and had a massive influence on the western world.

the renaissance

41. Old School

Though the Renaissance flourished in the area of modern Italy, the word is actually of French origin, and means "rebirth".
It was seen as a rebirth because the artists and innovators of the period were attempting to revive Ancient Greek and Roman ideals. The word "Renaissance," however, wasn't first used in a widespread manner until the late 1800s.

Renaissance Facts


40. Cultural Rivals

Despite the fact that they now belong to the same country, during the Renaissance, the great cities of Florence and Rome were competitive rivals who grew into centers of culture.

Rome would eventually surpass Florence due to the Popes’ efforts to glorify their holy city.

Renaissance Facts


39. Bankrupt Papacy

Rome would actually almost reach bankruptcy due to the incredible amount of commissions that the church gave out.

Renaissance Facts

Flickr,Kamil Porembiński