23 Mind-Bending Facts About Anything And Everything

Welcome to our new regular feature here at Factinate. Have you ever heard the 1991 hit C+C Music Factory song "Things That Make You Go Hmmmm?" Well here are 23 facts that will make you go "hmmmm." And they’re totally random!

23. The Hotter the Water, the Faster the Freeze

It may seem counterintuitive or even mythical, but hot water freezes faster than cold water. The effect was first observed by Aristotle in the 4th century BC, but scientists weren’t able to figure out the cause until 2013!

Short answer: heat helps covalent bonds give up their energy faster, which is essentially the same process as cooling.

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22. Letterboxd

Uppercase and lowercase letters are so-called because of the storage cabinets that held pieces used for letterpress printing.

The smaller, more frequently used letters were kept closer at hand, in the lower case, while the less frequently used letters were stored in  a separate shallow tray above the lower-case letters.

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21. Not the Momma!

While in the popular imagination we may think of dinosaurs as living together as one large family, certain species were separated by huge chunks of time. In fact, less time separates us from the Tyrannosaurus rex than separated the T.

rex from the Stegosaurus!

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20. Sink or Swim

Brains and money aren’t the only things you’ll need to graduate from MIT. Since the 1940s, the prestigious school has required that all students pass a swim test.

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