Disgusted People Share Stories Of The Worst Spoiled Brats They've Ever Encountered

In an ideal world, people would be pragmatic and compassionate, untouched by the concerns of money, social status, or material belongings. Which is why it can be so startling when you meet someone who's just a downright spoiled brat—it really makes you question humanity. Whether it's a friend's kid screaming over an iPad, or a grown adult who seems to care more about money than their fellow man, coming across a spoiled brat in the wild can be a truly horrifying experience. Here, people have shared their absolute worst encounters with some of the world's nastiest spoiled brats. 

1. Role Model

Some kid at an extended family gathering got an iPhone 8 for Christmas and said: "I was expecting the iPhone X!”


Spoiled Brats Facts

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2. Bookworm

I gave my nephew some books as a gift. He said "Oh man, are you kidding me?" and threw them on the floor.


Spoiled Brats Facts


3. The Only Way to Travel

My friend’s kid was in a stroller until he was 5 years old because he couldn’t be trusted not to run off into traffic when they were out in public.

If only life for the rest of us was as simple as being chauffeured around wherever you want to go without even having to move a muscle.


Spoiled Brats Facts


4. Making Amends

A girl at my high school constantly whined and complained because her parents refused to move out of the master suite of their mansion. She felt that she deserved it, because the attached walk-in closet and bathroom were bigger than hers.

To reconcile this, she had her parents pay to redecorate her room every single year.


Spoiled Brats Facts
