These Mortifying Mistakes Make Us Want To Hit "Undo"

Sometimes, somebody makes a mistake that seems to push the human limits of stupidity. Sometimes, that person is us. From near-fatal miscalculations to simple bone-headed errors, these mortifying mistakes prove that everything really can go wrong—and there's no "undo" button to fix them. Want to feel good about your own screwups? Then read on.

1. Top o' the Morning

When I was 10 or so, I woke up before everyone in the house (it was like 7 am) and decided I would sneak into the pool. I was waist deep in the water before I saw the alligator on the other side of the pool.


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2. Petri Problem

Yesterday, my girlfriend and I were driving and I mentioned culturing bacteria in a petri dish. She said, "You mean, peach-tree dish." She was flabbergasted when I proved to her this wasn't correct. She's still upset. Even though last week we went through this same ordeal with windchill vs. “windshield” factor.


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Flickr, Umberto Salvagnin

3. A Large Oversight

A larger lady came into my ER for abdominal pain. She had a look on her face that I'd seen before, but I couldn't quite place it...until I put an ultrasound probe on her belly. "Congrats," I told her, "You're going to have a baby! Today!"

She was stunned She didn't believe me until I showed her the nine-month-old baby head trying to push its way out of her on the sonogram.


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4. Let’s Call a Square a Square

About a year into our marriage, my wife and I bought a dining table and chairs. It was our first “real” furniture! My wife was so happy, she posted pictures on Facebook and wanted her mom to look.

Well, her mom commented on the phone that it was a nice “oval table.” Wife is immediately upset. "You didn't look," she says. "Yes I did!" her mom insists.

"It's not oval, it's rectangular." "No, it's an oval, I looked." Wife finally gets her mom to actually go look for real. Her mom sees that she is incorrect. But it gets even worse. She creates this gem: "Well that's what I call it!" “Um, you call rectangles ovals?" This has become a running gag for us. Whenever we lose an argument, we always end it with, "Well, that's what I call it!"


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