Heartbroken People Share Their Very Worst Breakup Stories

Breakups. Whether it was a quick fling gone horribly wrong or a long-term relationship that fizzled, there's nothing quite like the mixture of heartbreak and regret that accompanies a breakup. Even worse than that?

When the breakup somehow goes horribly wrong. Whether it's a case of cheating, lies, awful fights, or overblown reactions to normal conflict, breakups can make up some of our most memorable and terrible experiences.

So, how can you mend a broken heart? Well, one surefire way is to vent about it on the internet. That's what these Redditors did when they shared their stories of the worst breakups they ever experienced with the most despicable partners this side of a TV soap opera. So get out the popcorn and enjoy these tales of when love when utterly, horrifically wrong.

1. You Should Have Dropped the Girl Instead of the Class

Left her dorm room to go get to a canceled class. Decided to go back to her room to hear her having sex with another guy (she was very loud). I knocked on the door and she answered thinking someone was going to ask them to keep it down.



2. The Joke’s On You

I once commented on a social media post and made a joke, saying that I went back to a girl's house to play Uno and talk about politics. Clearly just a harmless joke. Then one day, I get into an argument with my girlfriend and she screams out "

AND I KNOW YOU WENT BACK TO THAT GIRL’S HOUSE TO PLAY UNO AND TALK ABOUT POLITICS!!" That moment was so ridiculous that we could never recover.



3. Can’t Get Much Worse

The moment I knew we had to break up was when he made fun of me for a failed suicide attempt to the girl he had a "love child" with—during our marriage—after 10 years of being gaslighted and abused.

There's more, but I really don't care to relive any of it. I recently got remarried to my best friend.


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4. Road Trip of Regret

My ex-wife cheated on me, lit my house on fire, took my daughter to Puerto Rico without telling me, abandoned her daughter, ran away to Barcelona and shacked up with a guy, came back and expected me to forgive her...

That's only the tip of the iceberg.


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