Wildly Entitled Passengers

On flights, people are always crammed into a tiny space with no room to move their legs and way too many people close by. But a person being disgruntled or entitled can make things SO much worse. Buckle up, because these mid-flight debacles made the actual turbulence seem mild.

1. Non-Stop Tears

You know how babies sometimes cry on planes? Well, there was a full-grown woman who started crying three hours into the flight...really, really, loudly. But that wasn't the worst part. She then started screaming at people for not comforting her, and eventually attacked the guy who was sitting beside her. The plane had to turn around and land to kick her off, still crying.

Entitled flight passengers


2. The Most Terrible Family

About a year ago, A woman with a service dog came on a plane I was traveling on. She sat in the front row of seats on a Southwest flight. After preboarding, a man, his wife, and their baby came on the plane.

The man demanded that the woman with the service dog move elsewhere because he wanted the front seats for his family.

When she told him she would not move, his response was utterly disturbing. He began grabbing her bags and throwing them in the aisle. The attendants came and told him that he could not move a passenger’s seat. He then grabbed the service dog by the harness and began yanking it out into the aisle. The woman was crying at this time, begging for someone to help.

The man was told that if he continued, he and his family would have to deboard the plane. The man finally stopped but put his carry-on in the bin above where the woman was sitting even though he sat further back.

The entire flight, there were complaints that his wife was holding their baby on the tray table, pulling the passengers' hair in front of them, changing diapers in the seat, and disgustingly storing them in the seat pocket in front of them.

When the plane landed, the man and his wife pushed through the aisles yelling that they needed their carry-on, and, in the process, shoved a woman with a full leg brace and a cane back into her seat.

They were removed from the plane, though it was too late. The damage had already been done. This was by far the worst set of passengers I have ever encountered on a plane.

Entitled flight passengers


3. Let Me See Outside

I was in the window seat ahead of the fire row, so the lady and her grandson behind me didn't have a window view. Crazy grandma starts asking me to put my seat up so her grandkid can see out the window.

The thing is, I never even reclined my seat because I'm not very tall. I explained this to her multiple times, but she just kept getting more worked up, so I turned around and ignored her.

The girl next to me gave me a face of understanding, and we hadn't even talked the whole flight. The crazy lady was still ranting to no one that my seat wasn't up so I closed the window so nobody can see. She stopped her crazy ranting after that.

Entitled flight passengers


4. A Language Barrier

I was just on a flight from Dallas to Cancun and this woman kept making awful remarks behind us. She was irritated that so many people on the plane were speaking Spanish. She was annoyed at the two older ladies behind her speaking Spanish, so she turns around and said the most shocking thing: “This is why we all want to build a wall.” Jaws dropped.

The ladies just looked at her with this blank stare that I’ll never forget and were literally quiet the rest of the flight. I felt so bad. Looking back, did the woman not realize she was on a flight to Mexico...?

Entitled flight passengers
