When Dates Go Horribly Wrong

Dating is hard, we've all got to accept that sooner or later—but it's not supposed to be THIS hard.

1. Change Of Plans

I went on a date after talking with someone for a couple of weeks. The conversation online was pleasant and involved the usual small talk about hobbies, interests, etc., There were no red flags, or so I thought...

We arranged to meet in the city for a coffee. When I arrived and she was already there...and she looked nothing like her pictures.

I thought to myself, "Oh, well most people tend to embellish their photos. Let's see what she's like in person". That's when I messed up BIG time. We got to talking and at one point, she asked me what I'd be doing the following weekend. I love camping and exploring, so I just told her I had a camping trip with my mates.

She asked me if she could come along and I replied, "Um, no...We only just met". She then proceeded to lose her cool, throwing a tantrum as if we'd.been dating for years. "How dare you not take me along," she snapped at me.

Yet, even after she caused a scene, my idiot self decided to see the date through to the end. She continued to ask me more questions about the trip, asking which campsite I'd be going to.

I gave her a rough estimate of the location and she replied, "Oh, that's nice. I'll see you there..". I thought that was a weird response and reiterated that I was not comfortable with that. She replied, "No. I'm going there no matter what you say.

You won't see me coming". She then let out a maniacal laugh. That was the last straw for me. I stood up, placed my money on the table to pay for my coffee, and walked away.



2. Three’s Company

I met a girl on Craigslist. After a few messages, we set up a date at a bar downtown. I showed up and there was an unexpected surprise waiting for me at our table—she was already there with a guy friend. No biggie; I just assumed she was playing it safe. They were at a two-person table and the place was packed. They already had drinks, so I grabbed one for myself and put it on my tab.

My date and her friend proceeded to ignore me. I tried to join in on their conversation a few times but neither of them acknowledged me. Even when I directly spoke to them to get their attention, I got one-word answers with attitude.

So, I finished my drink, paid my bill, and left without saying a word. Later, I get a barrage of messages from her calling me mean and awful for sticking them with their own tab.

Nightmare Families


3. Small Town Woes

I was on a dating app in a smallish town and I had already gone on a few boring dates. But eventually, I matched with this one girl who agreed to meet with me. I was thrilled, but there was something very odd about her and the conversation we had. She was eager to meet; almost too eager. I got to the Starbucks and waited inside for about twenty minutes past our agreed meet time.

The girl texted me to tell me she was running late, and she asked me to stand outside so she could see me as she drove by. I looked over and there ws another dude standing on the sidewalk with his phone in his hand.

I recognized him from the gym, so I asked him if he was also meeting a girl. It turned out the girl was pulling a fast one on us both as revenge for her girlfriend who we both apparently dated.

Dealbreaker Dates


4. The Sound Of Silence

On our date, we went to Dave and Buster's. I could tell she was uncomfortable. I tried to bring up topics for us to talk about, but I was only getting one-word answers or literally, “I don’t know,” even when I asked her questions about herself.

We sat in silence for about five minutes before she finally showed signs of life.

She got up to go to the bathroom and when she came back, I just straight up said to her, “Hey, if you’re not having a good time, you’re more than welcome to leave. It’s perfectly fine". That's when things went completely south. She got insulted by what I said and picked up her purse to leave. I repeated myself and said, “If you’re having fun, I’m more than happy to stay, but like, we’re not even talking right now".

So she got up and left and I ordered another drink, waited a bit to watch the rest of the game on TV, then left. I got a text from her saying how insulted she was that I would ask her if she wanted to leave, etc. I just said, “

I tried talking to you for 15 minutes and got no responses". She then explained that sometimes she just doesn’t feel like talking and I was cruel for not being okay with that.

Worst Blind Date Facts
